May 14, 2010 #10,482 O Oerjeke Still Mildly Glowing Just having Todd Howard as a avatar is a crime against humanity. 3/10
May 14, 2010 #10,487 L Lynette It Wandered In From the Wastes You dont look like you could pass the citizen test. 1/10
May 14, 2010 #10,488 Hoxie King Queer oTO Orderite Your glasses aren't in the correct position to see through! 1/10
May 15, 2010 #10,491 C Creep First time out of the vault cogar66 said: Vault Boy +10 internet. Click to expand... red/black rectangle.. .. .. 10/10
May 16, 2010 #10,492 D Dario ff Where'd That 6th Toe Come From? Weird, what do you intend by modifying a screen of NV that way? 8/10 I got bored of the last one and decided to go with Mad Max style. What do you think?
Weird, what do you intend by modifying a screen of NV that way? 8/10 I got bored of the last one and decided to go with Mad Max style. What do you think?
May 16, 2010 #10,497 CloudlessDruid Not a Soviet Droid Orderite Crni has a great taste for avatars / 10
May 17, 2010 #10,498 M Mirr First time out of the vault Is it my imagination or your avatar get shaved?9,5/10 for before and hmm 8/10 for now because have no beard.
Is it my imagination or your avatar get shaved?9,5/10 for before and hmm 8/10 for now because have no beard.
May 17, 2010 #10,499 .Pixote. Antediluvian as Feck Modder The overseer seems to be packing on the weight these days…8/10…animate it for a 10/10
May 17, 2010 #10,500 CloudlessDruid Not a Soviet Droid Orderite hahaha he turned from brazilian too french too. 8/10 for the mainframe