May 24, 2010 #10,530 Relentless666 It Wandered In From the Wastes Signature stole your avatar's rating/10
May 24, 2010 #10,531 Stereotypical Villain First time out of the vault Serious face... but Location: East European Commonwealth could mean that it's a hitman who works for potatoes. 7/10
Serious face... but Location: East European Commonwealth could mean that it's a hitman who works for potatoes. 7/10
May 25, 2010 #10,532 P Public Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! your av doesn't belling here/ 10
May 25, 2010 #10,535 Stereotypical Villain First time out of the vault Public said: your av doesn't belling here/ 10 Click to expand... Furry/10
May 25, 2010 #10,536 UnidentifiedFlyingTard Vault Fossil because having a cat for an avatar makes him a furry 3/10
May 26, 2010 #10,539 P Public Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! Is that from Korn's Untitled album cover? 3/10
May 26, 2010 #10,540 R Redemption First time out of the vault I've seen that around google images a lot, not really original, but hey I can't talk. Reminds me of Lolcats too, which is a bad thing. 4/10
I've seen that around google images a lot, not really original, but hey I can't talk. Reminds me of Lolcats too, which is a bad thing. 4/10