Rate the avatar above yours.

Uhm I dont know, personal logo/10?

(no idea what its supposed to be)
It's nothing. I had kind of a little personal crisis and just replaced my avatar in a lot of places with a blot of vectors. Then I forgot to change it here. Maybe I'll darw a new one later.
8/10 altho the mouth looks like an inflatable doll's.
Dunno, kinda boring. Liked your previous avatars more. This one is confusing because of size and white background doesn't help.

Because that's what it is, basically.
Looks like a weird-ass anime/monster version of Lela from Futurama. Gotta give it a zero due to animu.
I'm sure Moby is a gentleman, don't be despective.

Is that from WoW or Dota?

Alright, let's play. Is it supposed to be a mountain lion or derivated?
8/10 because it's both cute and a pretty good drawing. Curious as to whether or not it's dangerous though...
Classic meme, definitely remember it like from 6 years ago
Meme back then was just so simple and fun
