Rate the avatar above yours.

Is that the Sandmännchen?
If so, 10/10.
If not, 8/10 because puppets are still cool.
It looks like that, but I am not sure. :/ Found it on some old russian postcard.

9/10 for the avatar, if I would know what or who exactly this figure falling down is then it would be 10/10. ;)
Surf Solar said:
It looks like that, but I am not sure. :/ Found it on some old russian postcard.

9/10 for the avatar, if I would know what or who exactly this figure falling down is then it would be 10/10. ;)


8/10 for being a creepy little thing

If it's Russian, I only know him from Norwegian tv as "Jon Blund", he flies around um helping kids or something. Kinda like santa claus. It's long ago. We'd all make fun of the intro tune, re-wording it and stuff...
2/10 Unique but unappealing to the eyes. Needs more color. Bottom corners of the mouth look kinda weird. Avatar fail. ;)
verevoof said:
It's Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.

8/10 for alec.

I'm supriced that more people on these forums knows about Codreanu than the people on my politic forum..

Walpknut said:
9/10 Galactus si the onley being that can rock a hat that dorky and look badass.

I hate and love your avatar at the same time.. Damn that snake :P

No idea who he is, but he has a classy picture.


(Also nah this ain't Afroman, it's comedian/occasional singer Reggie Watts)
Interesting Avatar, but have NO clue who it is. Also, there's nothing really *eye* catching....soooo.....hmmmm. 6.5 out of 10.

Can't wait to see what *my* avatar gets LOL
His avatar is Albert, one of the premade player characters from Fallout 1.
Your avatar is invisible Obama.
6/10, invisible Obama. You didn't fulfill my expectations.
8/10 I just love the color and the sillouette of the cowboy--reminds me of Roland Dechaine from the Dark Tower.