Rate the avatar above yours.

Atomkilla said:
Initially, it reminded me of Halo's Cortana.
But I'm not really sure what it is.


It´s Sauron in his original elven form, Annatar.

Your avatar isn´t exactly how I imagine the vault dweller, but it looks nice. 6/10
White Knight said:
Nice, I didn't know there was artwork of Sauron during the Simarillion. (Don't know for sure, am I right?) 8/10

I don't know if there's any official art, but lots of fan art. My avatar is a fan piece as well. And this form was supposed to appear at the end of rotk originally, to turn into 'real' sauron and fight aragorn. They switched it to a troll eventually.

Your avatar is very nice too. I always liked that guy's expression.
There was also that time I did the same thing for Billy Corgan's face for a while. Nobody noticed :(

7/10 4toronto, kew but the color one was totes better
I can never impress you farmerk. Damnit to hell. Now I have to dig up the other one....here. You get a 7.1 out of 10 for hurting my sensitive feelers.