Reality Glitches


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Today I saw a video (it's in spanish and I couldn't find an english counterpart) where I found out about "Reality Glitches". It talked about Deja Vu's and various other glitches, like not being able to fins something that was in your hands a second ago.

The most curious case (if true) is a brazilian man who was drinking a can of cola, finished it, got up to do something else and when he picked the empty can up to trhow it away it was suddenly full again. The only explanation would have been a complete stranger entering his house and in those few moments refill the can with actual coca cola once again.

Another one was a woman who called home to let her husband know she was going to be late because of traffic. After two hous of putting up with the traffic she finally arrives home, only to find her husband tell her why did she called him home five minutes ago to tell him she would be late. To him the entire conversation happened only five minutes before and it was even in the caller ID of the phone.

So, has anything like that ever happened to you? Things that seem impossible or strange and can't be explained by any logical means? I would be really curious to know.
Haha, those stories are always cool.

Unfortunately, the boring explanation is that it's just faulty human memory being faulty. Lame.
Oh an interesting topic for once.

Too bad it's an intelligent one and this place is too full of ego to be curious about something that the poster doesn't know about.

Nice try.

Try The Order
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Haha, those stories are always cool.

Unfortunately, the boring explanation is that it's just faulty human memory being faulty. Lame.
I don't even know how you managed to make delusion sound fun, nor critical thinking sound boring. That just bewilders me.
I´ve never heard of such stories, but there's this the first entry on this list, which is relevant I guess.:

I did read an amusing time travel story once. About a guy who goes out for groceries or, presumably a carton of milk, and never comes back. Then they find a dead man in the middle of the street somewhere decades later. When his wife is informed she said he had gone missing a certain amount of years before when he went out to get milk, and he had a shopping list with milk on it in his pocket or something.
How about inter-dimensional fairies that have taken people into their world only to return them years later without them ever aging a day? Strange ships seen shooting each other in the sky hundreds of years ago...the UFO phenomenon and lost time? Visions of the "Virgin Mary" at Fatima where the sun appeared to dart in the sky. Mass hallucination? Doubtful. How about the theory that we are living in a virtual reality simulation controlled by a Reptilian species from another dimension? UFO's could very well be time travelers, or visitors from other dimensions. I highly doubt they would fly halfway across the universe to visit us, more likely they slip through one dimension to the next. Many of their encounters mimic the ones reported about fairies or the fair folk hundreds of years ago. Their appearance has varied, but the stories are much the same. Dreams are the main culprit of Deja Vu imo.
The weirdest thing I've ever encountered in my life is:
I was maybe 8 years old, sitting in the tub, with my mom at the sink putting on some makeup. I suddenly blurt out the (uncommon) name of a person we haven't talked to in two years, with no reason to do so. 30 seconds later, phone rings. And you guessed it, the person in question is calling when mom picks up the phone.

Afterwards, I'm like wut? :wtf:
I could tell you stories that would make you shat yourself.
Ah, Le Champignon Vierge,

almost sexual in its naivety.
Nothing cool and supernatural ever happens to me.

It's both relieving and disappointing.

Right there with you. More disappointed than relieved. Sometimes I hear stories about real unexplainable things that happen to others, and they seem honest about what they are saying, so at least they believe they experienced what they experienced. A guy I know once told be he saw a UFO real close flying above him, as he was telling his story to me I was looking for hints that would give him away if he was trying to pull my leg, I know the guy well enough to know if he was lying to me, so then I got scared that maybe he was crazy, but one thing is for sure, he is convinced that what he saw was real.
I don't believe in anything supernatural save for the possibility of a God. Of course no matter how easily phenomena can be explained by rational means I do like the rare times when something cannot be proven entirely impossible thus letting a persons imagination enjoy itself.

The Vault Dweller
I've seen a UFO before. So has my friend who is in the military.
I've seen a UFO before. So has my friend who is in the military.

I don't believe in anything supernatural save for the possibility of a God. Of course no matter how easily phenomena can be explained by rational means I do like the rare times when something cannot be proven entirely impossible thus letting a persons imagination enjoy itself.

The Vault Dweller

Hahaha. I used to think that.
Nothing fun has ever happened to me either.

We aren't calling aliens supernatural are we? Cause not believing in life outside of Earth may be among the most narrow minded things possible.
If nothing fun ever happens to you it's because you are boring.

Glad I could help.

I'm a healer.