First time out of the vault

Hit there!
After a long long time I got my self a machine that can can run newer games. Any suggestions witch to try?
I have MSI GT 683 DXR with i7-2670qm and GTX 570M. I got it some time ago and so far I have bought and played:
DOW2 + Chaos rising (Dow 2 was good at first but the same maps over and over again + the grinding at the end made it a bit boring. I did like DOW back in it´s time alot)
Starcraft 2 (I have been a Starcaft fan since the original one so will see this through)
Deus Ex: human revolution (I liked this one for the new sneaking aspect, but after some time I ended up gunning down the bad guys)
Duke nukem forever (This was a big dissapointment...did not finish it. Duke 3D was awesome in it´s time)
Mainly I am looking for games that have a good single player content. Online gaming is fun too, but due to RL stuff I am unable to spend hours after hours perfecting my build orders in strategy games and honing my reflexes in FPS games. Also hours long gaming sessions are quite rare for me.
So what to pick next?
Fallout 3 + addons? I know it got a bashing from F2 fans, but if you forget the legacy is it a good game in it self?
Skyrim? Lots of stuff to explore I hear.
Masseffect 3?
Syndicate? I really liked to original one, but this one was converted to FPS. How was it story/sp content wise?
WH 40K Space Marine? I am a fan of WH 40K universe, but is this any good?
Any good x-com remakes out there or similar?
Thanks for your help!
After a long long time I got my self a machine that can can run newer games. Any suggestions witch to try?
I have MSI GT 683 DXR with i7-2670qm and GTX 570M. I got it some time ago and so far I have bought and played:
DOW2 + Chaos rising (Dow 2 was good at first but the same maps over and over again + the grinding at the end made it a bit boring. I did like DOW back in it´s time alot)
Starcraft 2 (I have been a Starcaft fan since the original one so will see this through)
Deus Ex: human revolution (I liked this one for the new sneaking aspect, but after some time I ended up gunning down the bad guys)
Duke nukem forever (This was a big dissapointment...did not finish it. Duke 3D was awesome in it´s time)
Mainly I am looking for games that have a good single player content. Online gaming is fun too, but due to RL stuff I am unable to spend hours after hours perfecting my build orders in strategy games and honing my reflexes in FPS games. Also hours long gaming sessions are quite rare for me.
So what to pick next?
Fallout 3 + addons? I know it got a bashing from F2 fans, but if you forget the legacy is it a good game in it self?
Skyrim? Lots of stuff to explore I hear.
Masseffect 3?
Syndicate? I really liked to original one, but this one was converted to FPS. How was it story/sp content wise?
WH 40K Space Marine? I am a fan of WH 40K universe, but is this any good?
Any good x-com remakes out there or similar?
Thanks for your help!