As a proud Redditor, I must inform you that this is objectively wrong. Reddit isn't where you go to reaffirm your opinion. Reddit is where you go to argue with other people about how your opinion is the most superior. It's kinda like a presidential debate that way.
In my opinion, NMA is like a really open-minded person surrounded by a wall of douchebags. All the douchebags on NMA leak out onto the rest of the web, while the NMA we know and love is forgotten by those who get scared off by the douchebags. It's a great community, but we've got some pretty retched PR.
You do realise that I'm also a Redditor and that I also spend a lot of time there, yet I can see it's no joke how close-minded a large number of subreddits can be? Why do you think the phrase "circlejerk" is in constant usage there? Because there is always one, all the time. An endless parade in the act of repeating the same ideals and going over the same patterns for no logical reason, again and again, because of the refusal to accept new opinions.
There are subreddits designed outright for the sharing of opinions and fair debates, that is true. Not to mention a huge number of advice subreddits that allow people to get all kinds of help. Reddit isn't completely bad, it wouldn't be the front page of the Internet nor a news source otherwise. The thing is, these subs are
far outnumbered by the subs that constantly feel the need to reaffirm their own opinions and fight others who think differently. Reddit is great, but there's no doubt that the place has a much larger share of people who defend their opinions without logic or reason, just actively trying to make their argument the only one that's right. It used to be the central location for the people
who genuinely believed that racism is included as part of freedom of speech, which speaks a lot on its own.
NMA does exaggerate about the Fallout subreddits, though. Most of the fans you'll find on those ones aren't fans of just Bethesda games, but all of the Fallout games (with the obvious exception of that which I will not name). They appreciate New Vegas for the writing and lore, and still enjoy the arcade-like action-packed nature of Fallout 4. That's fine. As I've said before, I don't dislike Fallout 4 for what it is, but for what it represents.
Admittedly, NMA and other similar forums are not without their flaws, but naturally by being smaller, more enclosed, better administrated, and having poorer reputations that ward off large groups of new members, they are undoubtedly less polarised and less heated than larger communities like Reddit.