So, I've been playing for 95 hours, got fully upgraded gear on me, tons of unique's, 200+ stimpaks, 100+ radaways, 25K caps and guess who I stumble upon! The Pillars Of The Community. What a fine group of people they were, their leader was kind enough to take me to the back of his office and offer to take everything I had. Well, I decided to give him a real treat, so I reloaded the game, went back to my home, console commanded player.forceav carry weight 99999 and grabbed every bit of stuff I had lying around from junk items to other collectibles and then I went back and accepted his offer. And I must say what a load off my back, both figuratively and literally, to be free of all of those material possessions. And you should've seen how happy he was to accept it all, so eager was he that he stripped me down to my underwear. What a nice man. Well, I walked away from there with a smile on my face that such a visionary is now 25K richer, not to mention all of the great unique long lost gear he's gotten. It just filled my heart with warmth. The only sad thing is that after 5 hours I returned and I couldn't give him all of the new possessions that I had but hopefully someone will mod it so that I can return to him time and time again to give him all of my stuff whenever I accumulate too much!
I went back out into the wasteland feeling green again, having lost everything that made me superior to everyone around me and by god was it refreshing. I finally had to conserve stimpaks and avoid radiation again and having lost all of my bobby pins I couldn't even open a safe I stumbled upon! I say, we need more events like Pillars Of The Community in RPG's. God bless that man and I gotta say he was quite the looker too. When I switched to third person to see that he stripped me down to my underwear I couldn't help but feel a tingle in my womanhood.