RL Weapon stats mod + Armor chnages

Ravager said:
AK-112 assault rifle. An old military model, out of use around the time of the war. Can fire single-shot or burst, using the high velocity 5.56mm rounds.


This AK-112 Assault Rifle has an extended, military sized, ammunition magazine. The expanded magazine capacity makes it more fun than ever to Spray-and-Pray.


This AK-112 Assault Rifle has an extended, military sized, ammunition magazine and a scope for more accuracy. The expanded magazine capacity makes it more fun than ever to Spray-and-Pray.

I wanted to ask, from where you got these images. Did you made them or did Lich created them long time ago? They look somehow familiar, but I don't know. Just wondering. I remember that Lich made shitload of weapon mockups back in the days.
Lexx said:
I wanted to ask, from where you got these images. Did you made them or did Lich created them long time ago? They look somehow familiar, but I don't know. Just wondering. I remember that Lich made shitload of weapon mockups back in the days.
(Images made by NovaRain - drum taken from Oblivion Lost mod by Rainman and Gumych)
I edited the AK-112 to make it look more like a real-life AK rifle (after this thread, I'm still tweaking them here and there.). It's my personal sprite hacking project until I saw Ravager said he's trying to make some new AK, so I pm'ed him to ask if he's interested in my hacks. The drum magazine is taken from Oblivion Lost mod (when the original Russian version got released), and the scope is from Light Support Weapon obviously.
I don't know who's Lich though. Is there any archive of his artwork I could take a look?
Ah, from there is it. I got some very few memories about it, but nothing more. The rifle stuff looks pretty good, so I simply added some stuff to my mod. I asked now, because I wanted to know who gets credits for it. :D (And now I saw that I wanted to do it even back in 2008... heh.)

I know that Lich made some threads about his work, but in some searching-tries today, I couldn't find any. Also I know that Lich made a blog about his stuff, but I don't know the url as well...

... and just right now I found it. But it's not everything, just a bit.


He made shitload of this stuff. Some good, many bad. :D
I've been back now for a few days and I just wanted to say this mod is still alive. I'm finishing work on some new images, still balancing this and that + getting in contact with some gun smiths.

I also have to say that I sadly have very little time to reply on some past messages, but the good news is that I managed to take a look at some full auto pistols with burst (like the Glock with full auto). It turns out it's possible to even make a Desert Eagle shoot it's entire mag in a few moments as long as your strong enough to handle that kind of weapon. "Could a 223. pistol shoot in full auto?" I asked them and I got a lot of arguments saying that it would be very impractical and would require a strong hand, but it's doable.
Ravager said:
I managed to take a look at some full auto pistols with burst (like the Glock with full auto).
Like this? :shock:


SkuLL said:
Ravager said:
I managed to take a look at some full auto pistols with burst (like the Glock with full auto).
Like this? :shock:


The one I took a look at had a exp. mag innstead of a barrel one, but it's pretty close.

Anyway I guess my work shall be delayed again. My brand new PC had a problem with a stick of ram. So I'm currently on a laptop.

I was even about to release a new M-14 image that would replace the old one. Here's the prototype:


(I changed the image in GIMP by moing it a little bit, but I didn't get to upload it in my flash drive)

Sadly I had problems making the wooden part and then my RAM died. When I get back with the more complete version I'd like someone to help me with that wood (if you have the spare time ofc.) to make it look more like the one on the AK-108.

When that's done all of the work on the images will be 100% complete.

I'm also thinking of re-doing the APoints.

Problem is I'd need to remove Fast Shot and replace it with something else like Night Person and I have no idea how to do it.

Could anyone tell me if it's possible?

You see if I lower the need for AP's to shoot things then the game should get a lot more realistic. You'll only need 3AP's to fire a gun and 4AP's to fire every rifle and big gun (Why only 4 for big guns? It's because you need a lot of strength, the more strength you have the easier it is to pick such large guns up and fire them.).
OK I just finished the ranged weapons (all of them). can anyone comment or rate things so far or something? I'll gonna finish the close wepoans tomorrow then I only can.
Not to sound like a presumptuous cock here, being all up in rival threads and etc, but don't you think you've gone a little overboard with the ranges? I quote you as saying you count 1 hex as 10 meters, meaning a character is approx. 15 meters tall and can run 100 meters in the time it takes to fire two gunshots. I know you want realism and all, but I say up the damage instead of the range. Realistically, guns should be high-damaging and inaccurate.
Magnus said:
Not to sound like a presumptuous cock here, being all up in rival threads and etc, but don't you think you've gone a little overboard with the ranges? I quote you as saying you count 1 hex as 10 meters, meaning a character is approx. 15 meters tall and can run 100 meters in the time it takes to fire two gunshots. I know you want realism and all, but I say up the damage instead of the range. Realistically, guns should be high-damaging and inaccurate.

Rival threads? I don't know what you mean. Mine's totally different - it's for people who want realism most of all instead of balance.

Ofc. 1 hex = 10 meters. It dosen't mean the character is 10 meters tall he's only somewhere in that specific hex. Also he runs 30 meeters or fires a single shot (I need to remove Fast Shot first before I implement this, but dunno how yet) - 90 to fire 3 (not aimed), a fast person needs 1-1,5 seconds to run threw a distance of 10 meeters. Rifles are lager and harder to handle so for them it's 4AP's (3 if you add the bonus rate of fire perk). Soldziers with little experience are after all less effective then veterans who have lived threw their share of fighting. Guns are also accurate in the right hands. That's what you got skill points for. The better you get at it the more accurate you are - this is still a RPG game.

As for the ranges - realism. Sure no one is going to be able to fully use the ranges on those weapons (like the M60 or Bozar), but hey. That's how things are. And it's not like you can use the M60 as a sniper rifle. At least not effectively, but in real life that weapon does have some hella nice range. So it needs to reflect the real thing after all.

There's no uber weapon. Sure weapons get better when you advance in the game, but there's no 1 supreme Bozar that owns everyone and every other weapon.
I think Lich has done a better more realistic version of the 233. Pistol, try to contact him.

About the m14, i prefer the old image, personally, it fit better if you want realism, and by the way, the M14 is a long range rifle, not a "Assult rifle" thingy.
Ultravox said:
I think Lich has done a better more realistic version of the 233. Pistol, try to contact him.

About the m14, i prefer the old image, personally, it fit better if you want realism, and by the way, the M14 is a long range rifle, not a "Assult rifle" thingy.

It's unrealistic in what way? You can get a Glock to sower someone with bullets. If you have a good gunsmith he can mod your Desert Eagle or other gun to do the same. These guys can simply do wonders with guns. A few posts back I already mentioned it's possible and doable. Why do people see the 223 pistol with a burst option as unrealistic?

As for the M-14


It's still a assault rifle. Yes it does have good ammo and good range, but it's also capable of burst fire. It's an alternative for the FN FAL.

I wanted to make a more futuristic version of it that you would find in Sierra - on the corpse of that soldzier who was kept in the tank for too long. Since the BB guns will be turned in to toys. What do you think?
I have listened to a few people who have suggested a few changes and here’s what I’ve decided:

Ravager69: I’m keeping the old Energy Cell at least for now, but I’m planning on giving the player the opportunity to choose if he wants to use the old weapon graphics or not.

TwoEyedYum: Your right. I can’t give the M-14 at the start of the game to the player (I was planning on placing it In Vic’s place).
I have decided to make a much better M-14 called the M-14 EC that will have some good firepower and it will be found in the Sierra Base on the corpse of the guy who spent too much time in the suspension tank (can’t remember the name)

Blackened: Good suggestion on the less AP’s to fire a gun. It will be reduced a lot.

(I’ll be back to finish the rest later.)
I have a lot of work done regarding the ammunition chnages yet I can't update the section without my falsh drive that I don't have with me.

The main change is going to affect the ammout of ammo your gonna get from 1 mag.

Now I know a lot of you are concearned about the damage of the 14,0 mm weapons. That's why I wanted to say that their ammo will be very affected by the changes. Only 6 shots per 1 mag. This means the ammunition will be rare and powerful.

Also don't worry about the balance. Small guns are't as powerful as big guns, but their damage and range can get pretty close (em... I hope I will actually).

Full Auto shotguns wll be like miniguns on close range and the M72 will be nearly like the new Bozar. Lower base damage yet a lot more Armor Penetration.

I hope it all sounds good, because I'm gonna start updating the ammo section pretty soon.
14mm having as much damage as a rocket...


technically, it's supposed to be an armor piercing weapon. instead of mega damage, it should have better ammo. so that when you shoot someone their armor becomes meaningless.

that damage would better fit the shotgun weapons since in spite of 12 gauge not penetrating armor too well, the impact itself delivers a LOT of energy. blunt trauma and all. but 80-90ish damage is still insane for a hand-held weapon.

as for the .223 pistol, if we wanted to be realistic, it wouldn't have any kind of accuracy. why? no barrel at all on that gun. you only have the receiver to work with so the bullet is only supported by the brass casing.

the closest RL counterparts i know of, the Kel-Tec PLR-16, Carbon 15 and an AK pistol, are all as big as an MP5k. the barrels themselves are as long as the game's entire weapon.

and even using .44 magnum will be a bit of a stretch because the revolver part of the movie prop uses smaller bullets. the closest in-game equivalent we can make would have to use .45 ammo.

and finally, the little knob on the side of the .223 pistol is the rifle's bolt lever. so no burst.
The 14.0mm round is now a lot larger sniper like round - similar to the 50. cal yet a bit larger. Which is why you see the high single shot damage on the weapons that use this ammo. In a way 14.0mm Pistol is supposed to compete with the Alien Blaster, yet it needs more AP's to fire.

The shotguns already do have a lot of damage. I've actually been gone for a long time to find the perfect Shotgun AP round.



The Frag 12 AP

It will make shotguns "extremely powerful" lethal even to Power Armor wearing enemies - the perfect balance tool. Giving small gun users a weapon which has such high damage that it can compete with a minigun at close range. So once you get a good shotgun you can be sure that you'll massacre some Enclave troopers at close range.

As for the .223 I can only say that I'm pretty much left without a choice here. I'm aware that a lot of these weapons would be very inaccurate especially the 14.0mm pistol. Which is why I raised some strength requirements -> I can only say that the .223 in my version works somewhat like a Full Auto Glock/Tec 9 hybrid which uses larger rounds, but also has a small mag.

Of course since the damage has been changed the armors will change even more. You can expect seeing Power Armors being immune to none AP ammunition - thus forcing you to use AP. Also your enemies will be using AP ammunition more often.

Now that I'm back I can finally resume my work, sadly I'm also doing some modding in Red Alert 2 (since I lost my self made mod) so it might take more time.
Since I got back to continuing this mod some time ago I've been trying to create a better M-14.

In the end I looked back on the more classic models of the M-14 and I decided to combine them thus creating the M-14A2 variant which is based on the A1 variant and the log range Sniper Rifle (EBR) variant of the M-14. Like the A1 it has full auto, but thanks to the scope and single fire mode you can use it as a very effective sniper rifle.



Weapon description:

The M-14A2 was produced shortly before the great war. The large 7.62mm ammunition it uses and it's full auto capability made it one of the most deadly and versatile rifles in the U.S. arsenal.


Weapon stats:

Damage: 33 - 38
Damage type: Normal

Attack modes:
Single (AP: 4, R: 100)
Burst (AP: 5, R: 80)

Burst rounds: 10
Ammo type: 7.62mm
Ammo capacity: 20
Strength: 6
Hands req.: 2
Weight: 12

Weapon Perk: Accurate
Another weapon I just finished making is the:

Japanese Sword

It replaces "Little Jesus" and is meant to compete with the Super Sledge.

Weapon description:

This wicked looking katana once belonged to Lil' Jesus Mordino. It has a few nicks and cuts along its surface, but its edge is razor sharp. On its handle is carved "Little Jesus". It's good condition and lack of rust indicate that it must have been once owned by one of the Yakuza leaders.


Weapon stats:

Damage: 31 - 37
Damage type: Normal

attack modes:
Swing (AP: 3, R: 1)
Thrust (AP: 3, R: 1)

Strength: 7
Hands req.: 1
Weight: 4 lbs
Value: $6500