Rome: Total War

South Ossetia?

*masterbates furiously*

What was the language like? What was the ratio between Muslims and Christians? FEED ME WITH INFORMATION WIKIPEDIA IS INSUFFICIENT ON! FEEED MEEE!!

*masterbates furiously*

What did you think of the Caucases?
Interesting thing is that, according to Gamespy's review, History Channel has based a show around the game. I've got strong suspicions that that's the same show I saw a couple of months back on the BBC, where they had a team replay historical battles from the classical period using a game engine that looked awfully similar to what I'm hearing and seeing from this game.

Hmm...can't wait to play it. Some 2-3 hours before it lands on my hard disk....
Sander said:
Interesting thing is that, according to Gamespy's review, History Channel has based a show around the game. I've got strong suspicions that that's the same show I saw a couple of months back on the BBC, where they had a team replay historical battles from the classical period using a game engine that looked awfully similar to what I'm hearing and seeing from this game.

Hmm...can't wait to play it. Some 2-3 hours before it lands on my hard disk....

I've seen the show, specifically the episode where they replay the battle of Marathon. Problem is that the douchebag host spent half the show droning on, without addressing the battle itself, only describing the motivations of both sides. This wouldn't be bad in an hour long show, but its only a half hour.
The history channel show simply recreates the battle and is different then the one on the BBC where contestants actually refight it. Both use the same engine however.

Damn, must buy R:TW
I eventually got the demo to work on my crappy laptop, but at least it does. It only has the battle of Trebia and the useless tutorial, but the basic changes seem to be more detailed stats, additional left-right-drag RTS mechanics and unit highlighting (which I find a tiny bit unrealistic even though it is useful).
*laughs at CCR*

Always, ALWAYS use multiple saves.

PS: Rome: Total War abso-bloody-lutely rules. Seeing hordes of Praetorians march determined at the enemy is one of the coolest things ever.
I have it... its mine now.

You wont be seeing me for a few weeks.

If I do not return, know I died happy, and pleasured in ways no man can even begin hoping to duplicate.
Muahahaha!!! Maybe it's a message from God. Maybe he's trying to tell you to stop wasting your time playing those crappy Armenians.
Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
... uber tactical skills!


Ashmo said:
FFS, can't you get it right ONCE? The Ü is not a U with accent, it's an umlaut (yes that is an English word):

Umlaut \Um"laut\, n. [G., from um about + laut sound.] (Philol.)
The euphonic modification of a root vowel sound by the
influence of a, u, or especially i, in the syllable which
formerly followed.

That means Ü is written out as Ue. Therefore it's Ueber... if you can't print umlauts. Umlauts are entirely different letters. Like Mücke and Mucke. The first is a mosquito, the latter is 80's-ish slang for "music". Geez.

So there