Rome: Total War

You know, if you guys keep taking me so seriously I won't be ablite to tantilize you with incestuous, homoerotic situations anymore.
Oh well, i guess since basically all the romans were pederasts and sodomites, all of this doesn't classify as derailing the thread...
To get things back on track here's a link to the Rome Total Realism mod

Its currently at version 2.2 and the list of changes they've made boggles the mind. I was 95% happy with the pre modded game but these realism changes offer vast improvements which I didn't think were possible. Basicly every aspect of the game has been improved with new units, new skins for old units, new buildings, new territories, new everything. They even improved the naval combat (which, they admit, is still crappy).

I didn't think my RTW experience could be improved, but these guys proved me wrong, so check it out.
You cannot steal something that rightfully belongs to you! The workers of the world have been repressed enough without the greedy bourgeois bosses taking what belongs to them!

Actually someone else who lives in this house and also shares my last name got it for his birthday (which was last week). If he thinks hes getting to play it anytime soon, he is sadly mistaken.
You know, I am finding this game to be strangely erotic.

There's just something tantalising about those hordes of Scythian mercenairies pouring in through that smashed gate, those big phalanxes, those giant towers used to conquer those huge walls,...


I think that's why this game pleased you so much, Lauren. You need to get yourself a penis and have some fun with it.

With the man attached to it, of course.
Commissar Lauren said:
Actually someone else who lives in this house and also shares my last name got it for his birthday (which was last week). If he thinks hes getting to play it anytime soon, he is sadly mistaken.

LOL! Pwnd.
Of course, it would be you Jebus that would notice all this phallic imagery. Not to mention you have admitted to finding it erotic.

Sounds like you need to follow the advice you gave Lauren there.
My family has some serious problems. There are at least 8 people with the "catamite" trait, and half of them also have the deviant sexual acts trait thing as well. Most of them have a drinking problem (or are on there way). What the hell is wrong with these people?
It's not that their having sex with other men that annoys me, it's the fact that they're apparently the bitch. I've got a 7 star general guy who likes to "succumb to the amourous advancements of other men" or something. Where do these damn traits come from?
Did you think maybe its genetic? In Sarmatia the only petookh I had I sent off alone to invade the Greek City States. Havn't had one since.
How can it be genetic?

I mean, gay men don't get children, right?
Or am I missing something here?
Oh they still have wives and children, at least in Rome Total War. But when your general gets raped by Barbarians... and likes it. Well, something must be done.

Which is why the defective seed must be purged, before it can spread to the rest of the family line.