RPGCodex labels year an abismal failure and predicts doom

VDweller said:
Endless Void said:
Why skullfucking the names and licenses then?
What sells games? Hype and brand recognition. Would KOTOR have sold as much if it wasn't a Stars Wars game?

Scenario A: Beth makes a generic sci-fi game. The game gets generic reviews, good or bad.

Scenario B: Beth makes a Fallout game. Every (p)review mentions Fallout and explains what an awesome game that was (more often than not without actually having a clue why it was an awesome game), and then praises Bethesda for making an even better Fallout game and giving you a chance to experience the awesomeness without having to suffer through the horrible turn-based combat, isometric view, and words that some people claim used to form dialogues. The Fallout license magically turns an average game into something you absolutely must try.

Overall, Beth needed a second IP, an alternative to TES as obviously making two fantasy games is out of the question. The Fallout license was a good candidate.

Hell, why use an existing franchise if it's clear that it's fanbase won't buy it?
They have a lot of experience in this area. First, they fucked the Daggerfall fans with Morrowind. They dumbed the game down, attracted way more people, so it worked and then they fucked the Morrowind fans with Oblivion by following the same formula and completely fucking up the lore in the process. It worked again, because for every fan they lost they gained 10 new ones.

It's clearly stated on FO fansites that the aspects they're thinking of using is unwanted. Won't it detract the notorious "loyal fanbase estimated to be over 350.000 people" from that 2.000.000+ sales?
They are not targeting the Fallout fans at all. If they were, they would be here now, talking to you, would they not? They already have a playable build, yet they didn't show anything to you. Ask yourself why.

As depressing as this is, it's most probably absolutely true. With OB being such a massive financial success for Beth, there's really no reason not to make FO 3 into a OB-like game (levelled loot jay!!) targeted towards the mainstream gamer.
Which is why I left too, developers are too focused on putting some crap out there instead of trying to make quality games.

Just look at Fallout, 1 was great, 2 was ok, Tactics average, FPOS utterly crap.. And the trend was always more mainstream as they started a new game.
has there been a good fps / rpg? id say look at deus ex ok its not as good or isometic but it still is a great game to play

ok i admit the sequel was very dummed down but that was good too in its own right

id say that were going to have to accept certain changes to the gameplay we may get ap and the shooting options for head etc but personally as long as it feels and remains true to the original games (and from what i've heard it may not be)

isometic games are dead you and me have to face it

and i know i may get flamed for that but its true if you like that view they may put an option for that view in as classical or something or other

thats why allot of people don't like the mmorpg idear / concept cus it will be in real time in real time you can not pause... but i think that just makes you sharper
i just hope there will be nothing stupid like permadeath

i play wow and some of the people who are going to be working on the fallout mmorpg worked on wow

thing evolve to survive and if we wish fallout to survive it will have to evolve also

id say wait before passing total judgment
Oh, for fuck's sake. Where did this moron come from?

Isometric view, turn-based combat etc. are all integral parts of Fallout's design. They are. Mess with one of them and it *invariably* fucks up the rest of the design as well. And no, I'm not going to explain it because I assume you have reading skills.

And no, no one who worked on WoW is going to work on the Fallout MMORPG (or FOOL). So far, there is *no* team working on FOOL. None whatsoever. The only relation to WoW is that Herve Caen has worked with Vivendi as a publisher, and Vivendi published WoW. That's it.

Jesus Christ, do some goddamn research next time.
ghost21 said:
i play wow and some of the people who are going to be working on the fallout mmorpg worked on wow


ghost21 said:
i play wow and some of the people who are going to be working on the fallout mmorpg worked on wow
there is no Fallout MMO team, just Herve. and he lied about having worked on WoW, so grow a brain dude...

it's called lying to save your skin. he got his ass slammed with a bankrupcy thingy & now he's paddling shit and buzzwords in the hope that he'll stay afloat.
ghost21 said:
i just hope there will be nothing stupid like permadeath

Yeah, they cryogenically re-create you from a backup copy with less experience in the Vault.

There is no Fallout experience without fucking permadeath, moron. Your brain calls are dead, face it.
Have Their Cake And Eat It Too.

Have Their Cake And Eat It Too.

@Briosafreak , joke or not, it's the group speak of MMO propagandists. I wanna play too.

... thats why allot of people don't like the mmorpg idear / concept cus it will be in real time in real time you can not pause... but i think that just makes you sharper
i just hope there will be nothing stupid like permadeath ...

I would suppose that if real time were to make one ""sharper"', then '''permadeath'''' would strap and hone the player to a razor's edge.

...isometic games are dead ...
Rather then using a less lethal image for an out of fashion 'world view' in commercial game design, ...

In one sweeping gesture,
a whole genre of gaming is killed and in the grave:
...isometic games are dead ...
but a few lines down the advocate, for player skills over character skills, [action over choice and consequences] cries off if ''permadeath'' is to be a game feature.

In this MMO apologist's world view, failure at personal skills brings no personal consequence,
Hardly what one would expect from a 'trained killer''.
More like a kid with a hammer, smashing ants on the side walk, who whines when they miss and strike themselves.

Gotta PAY to PLAY baby! Three steps forward, two steps back, close enough to reality for some.

i guess such hand holding sells MMO's and sell's the often condemned or dunned down single player genre in the 'brave new' Nex Gen marketing opportunity biosphere.

Usually after the MMO propagandist kills the third person view, they murder the single player genre as a whole. Just one more intellectual holocaust on the march to total MMO hegemony. Oh, how sad, FO 1 and 2 were single player iso- dinosaurs..... buried beneath the geo strata, ..., soon to be drilled pumped and refined for the auto respawning ecstasy of a MMO pleasure planet near you!

Single player games, targeted for *pk * by respawned MMO propagandists , corporate co-opted cozened subscribers.

And what's nex', some resurrection, possibly a passion play by Bethesda? Oh boy, another zombie post apocalypse!

Bethesda kills, then resurrects FO in it's own image, is that the wishful thinking brow beaten into the Nex Gen?
I doubt the dev's at BethSoft have such messianic delusions, that's for marketing to brew up. And, us to laugh or spit at, depending on our emotional detachment.

Bethesda has chosen to make THEIR FO 3. Bethesda's work will have to stand on it's own. No SPECIAL fig leaf will hide their FO 3's 'world view' , so why confuse their interpretation with FO1 and 2?
Why preach the death of FO out of one side of the mouth and then say FO will, by some act of faith, by some nonspecific miracle, ''evolve''? Why the pretense of warm and fuzzy appeasement? Afraid of permadeath?
Individual "things' DIE, families wither, and some where on the time line, SPECIES evolve....

Save the creationist leaps of faith for Sunday School.

I have no clear idea what FO 3 will be about, rumors say ""mud crabs akimbo"", so mouth stuffing that I have passed 'total judgement' is rather premature.
That premature assumption of judgement is for the self righteous.
That damnation is so very --Nex Gen-- when evoked by a MMO propagandist that has already passed judgement and buried the ""third person"". Buried FO.
That damnation is especially, endearingly, comic from a player killer in denial about of permadeath.

Judge not ....

You guys are attempting to reason with someone sporting a DOA XTREME BEACH VOLLEYBALL icon, and who thinks Herve Caen worked on WoW. Ban him right now.
Theoretical Verses Experimental Versus Experiential

Theoretical Verses Experimental Versus Experiential

You guys are attempting to reason with someone sporting a DOA XTREME BEACH VOLLEYBALL icon, ...

Actually, I am, I think, I propose, that I am stoking / stroking my own latent megalomaniacal imperative and am acting out among ... you .... and ..... you ... and ... you (sorry for pointing, just stand back as I include the more casual drive by-s over in THAT dark corner .... ) and YOU.

My performance is directed to those brave souls that will wade through the miasma, part the foliage, and see ... what ever remains of a secondary or tertiary experience.

Fellow travelers on the ''road less traveled''.

At this juncture, I stop and point at:

That's the X Box exclusive that has over indulged the leering at the latest experimental groping towards, BREAST PHYSICS!!!!!!!

'''' Gotta be jelly, 'cause jam don't shake that wayyyy ...""

Tell me brother HOW DO THEY HANG? How does the theoretical lift and separate the experimental ? How does the experimental settle into the experiential, sagging under the gravitational reality of our space ship Earth?

Are these dugs trained to new tricks? i recall an Irish radio show that had a clone with talented implants, ... she could make balloon toys ..... !


Most importantly HOW DO YOU HANG .... when under the swing and sway, the ounces that bounces, the juggles that giggles, when you covet a virtual android's teats?

Flag at half mast ? Or, is the Starz an' Stripes waving proud an' free at the tip top of your glory pole?

There are a whole lot of suburban and male delusional, protected consumers who equate 'gritty' with tits and ass ... sex for hire and drugs for sale, where violence is a ''sport'' and not a survival necessity.

Life experience can see gritty' as the limited economic opportunities of far too many in this American Century. The law only arrives after the ride to the emergency room, or the morgue. ''Help police'' is not a cry for rescue but a call of warning. Frontier justice.

Business administration majors coo about ''selling themselves'' , consider how that translates on the street.

Consider a vision of gangs and pimps, narcs, bad cops, and jail house snitches.
A wild animal living in the open, at thirty you are old, at forty you are dead.
Bad deals, bad drunks, TB, herpes, and worse ... and the only way out? A flying leap for Jesus and wage slavery at Walmart!

Well, at this Darwinian level of consciousness, a low horizon is bett'a then NO horizon ... gott'a give the ol' time line room to evolve the dominating species ...


The local Micro Center has sales associates that steer console shoppers to the XBOX. PS 2 product languishes in a diminishing shelf place in Columbus - Ohio. The Sony suits that are responsible for the PS 3, need to check their golden parachutes. As the game market shrinks to a monopoly of suppliers, so will the game media collapse into hedge hogs of confederates and sycophants. From where will the "Truth Squads"" appear to boldly go and correct the orchestrated confusion of marketing hysteria, the blitz of divide and conquer?

You guys are attempting to reason with someone sporting a DOA XTREME BEACH VOLLEYBALL icon, ...

Wholly genuflecting JELLO (c) !!


Where are the feminist "Truth Squads" if one were to ... - solicit - 'em?

And in that 'once and future', post apocalyptic morning after, .... FO 3,
where will the FO and RPG "Truth Squads' be ?
Fresh and frisky, from doing -- homework --- I suppose at NMA. DAC. the Codex, and RPG Watch, perhaps .... cavorting in FPS's -- for .... reasons of comparative research ....
Divining a clarity of / to what is a RPG, and delving into dissertations on Kharn's ' Fluke' (happy accident) Theory on FO .....
Communing over the radiation versus FEV paradox in the science fiction writers' dramatic exploitation of evolution , and of course, 'mooning' over treatises on ''Breast Physics''.
Laughing as you run (to or) from the lashing tongues of feminist avengers ....
(Later .. )
Ready to roll out and ... educate the 'Intraweb' about FO and RPG's, where these design concepts apply or are invalid, where the choices end and the hype begins.

Re: Theoretical Verses Experimental Versus Experiential

4too said:
Theoretical Verses Experimental Versus Experiential [. . .]

:shock: Vivian Stanshall... is that you?

I must say, you could write a book on the decline of western videogaming.