Antediluvian as Feck

Goat Boy any chance next time you update your mod you could fix Cassidy's talking head background - away from the adobe background to the tin shed (something similar), background! This might just require a script change. As is it looks wrong, he's bar is a crappy tin shed.
Edit: I just realised it might be impossible because the adobe background might be the standard BC for the entire map.
Latest update on the mod is, we now have six completed characters, we are waiting on lines from our VA's for an additional 18 characters or so. We are up to 97 different NPC's that we are targeting to add VA to with almost 4500 lines of new voiced dialog. Goat Boy is still adding more, hopefully we can cover most of the interactable NPC's in the game if it doesn't end up taking up too much of your time goat, haha.
Goat boy is still working on polishing up the look of some of the new characters, and said he is going to work on adding the missing frames so the speech doesn't look as stiff, but the talking animation still looks great all things considered.
I am slowly starting to work on an interface for my lip-sync program so it is more user friendly for other mod authors, but it will take some time to put together. Probably won't be available until after we are done with this mod.
Below is a demo video of the two latest additions, McClure and Doc Henry:
Aside from them we have Stark in Vault City, Obidiah in Redding, Klint in Arroyo and Typhon in Broken HillsNice! Who are the six besides Doc Henry and McClure?
We've also got Dragon and Cameron waiting to be processed right now.
Is the image size different? Frame Animator by default cuts images as small as possible and sets an offset. Maybe that doesn't work well with talking heads.
Just export the frm back to bmp and look at the file dimension.
View attachment 23689
I don't know if this is the reason, but it's worth checking.
Goat, can you check Dragon as well? He has a frame or two that should have a much more noticeable offset. If the image size is different there, it should be more than a pixel.So I exported Cameron's speech FRM to BMPs (9 in total), all of them are 276x 194 aside from one (6th frame) which is 275x 194.
Do you know what may be the cause of that, since originally all the images were the same size?
Thank you for the autocutting tip, I've been doing that since the start of this project
Goat, can you check Dragon as well? He has a frame or two that should have a much more noticeable offset. If the image size is different there, it should be more than a pixel.
So I just exported all his talking BMPs for each mood and there is not size difference surprisingly.
Although if you notice from the video there are only few instances where he shifts but works fine for the rest of his dialogue lines where he has likely gone through all his frames.
The shifts seem to happen as soon as he changes mood, Typhon seemed to have the same issue.
I'll have to look into it a bit on my end as well. Not sure that the .lip or modified script files would cause it but I will give it a look. There is deffinetely some shift though mid speech which is why I originally thought it was a FRM issue.
You might be onto something though having re-watched dragon and Typhon, it seems to happen more severly during mood changes.
Looks like we have the root cause for Cameron, now just need to understand why changing moods causes the exagerated stutter.