Rumors on the Game Informer article

Level Cap ! wow, that open the door for extensions !!

"Battle system is called the Vault-tec Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S.). "
Is VATS some kind of play on words ?

Make me think that G.U.T.S. , for Gurpslike Ultimate Thirdperson Shooter sounds good ...
Nim82 said:
What I don't get is why they seemingly have AP's for the combat, then let you hack away at real-time when they run out? Sounds like it's a power up mode (like bullet time) rather than a concession to the turn based heritage...

I think that's simply a poor worded part of the article, or poorly transcribed. You can't attack without Action Points. Just like in Fallout, any action taken lowers your AP. When you are out of AP, combat resumes while you AP charges, but you can't do anything during that time. The only thing happening in real time is the charging of your action points. Not that you can actually take actions without any Action points.

That's the way I understand it.

As for stats (unless I've read it wrong) it sounds like it will be oblivion/mw but you get to tag 3 to grow faster? Wonderful :/

They say its an XP based, not use based skill system, so that won't be like Morrowind
Autoduel76 said:
Nim82 said:
What I don't get is why they seemingly have AP's for the combat, then let you hack away at real-time when they run out? Sounds like it's a power up mode (like bullet time) rather than a concession to the turn based heritage...

I think that's simply a poor worded part of the article, or poorly transcribed. You can't attack without Action Points. Just like in Fallout, any action taken lowers your AP. When you are out of AP, combat resumes while you AP charges, but you can't do anything during that time. The only thing happening in real time is the charging of your action points. Not that you can actually take actions without any Action points.

That's the way I understand it.
That would honestly be completely pointless. Actions take action points, but once you've run out of AP, you can't do anything? That doesn't work in Real-time, games have tried it in the past.
You end up with everyone staring at each other, unable to move while they wait until they can attack again. Terrible, Major Fail.

Not to mention it's already been said you can attack/perform actions even without Action Points.

Hey, try mine.
Kan-Kerai said:
The rather interesting idea of normal attacks+Action Points.

You can attack normally at any time, but Action points allow you to pause and initiate larger, more dramatic actions (basically critical hits). This at least adds SOME strategy to the combat, though not much. It's better than Oblivion, at least. And probably KotOR as well.

The key thing is that enemies can do this to you as well. However, I doubt your average, run-of-the-mill enemy will. It'll probably be the type of thing you mostly see against "major/epic" NPCs, like the Lieutenant, the Master, Horrigan, Mother Deathclaw, etc.

If the "Action Points!" moves were executed well, it could actually have a very "comic-bookish" vibe to it. Sort of like in Freedom Force. Or Max Payne, to echo what someone else said.
Or the comics in Fallout 1's loading screens, for that matter.
Level cap... i don't like this. I know, the original Fallout used it, but it was, perhaps, the worst point in the game.

The real time combat system sounds like the one in Fallout Tactics. Not good.
Kan-Kerai said:

You can attack normally at any time, but Action points allow you to pause and initiate larger, more dramatic actions (basically critical hits). This at least adds SOME strategy to the combat, though not much. It's better than Oblivion, at least. And probably KotOR as well.

If the "Action Points!" moves were executed well, it could actually have a very "comic-bookish" vibe to it. Sort of like in Freedom Force. Or Max Payne, to echo what someone else said.

I don't think that's it either. It will be nice to get some clarification, but from the way that the statement is worded in the article I think its just like Action points from Fallout 1, in the sense that you use them to take any action. I think the only thing happening in real time, in that case, is waiting for your AP to recharge, not any additional attacking, or moving. I think its continuous turn based, like in tactics.

The Game Informer previewer very well could have a limited understanding of the differences of turn based systems himself and is in the business of explaining it to people less educated than himself. Its poorly worded, but I believe its a form of Continuous TB combat
Speculation. Speculation. We need some scans fuck'n ASAP.
Like right fuck'n now! I need to confirm this.
Guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that one. It's more than possible, though. The problem is that I simply can't see the "twitch-kiddies" being willing to wait for anything.

At least having the kind of system I described means there'd be almost no down-time, plus the "OMG SO SLOW" turn-based segments would still have some of that "motherfuckin' chocolate milk" in there for them so the poor dears don't get bored.

I honestly don't care what they think, but the guys that are still trapped at Beth really do have to take them into consideration. It's most of their audience, after all, and their jobs depend on how well they cater to that fanbase- on the whole.

And it would DEFINITELY fit considering the Superhero Talk good old Todd's been slipping into the conversation recently. That might require more cunning than he's capable of, though :roll:
There isn't really any waiting in continuous turn based, if you are playing it in real time.

As long as the time it takes, in real time, to perform an action is matched up with the amount of AP it uses there wouldn't be any more waiting than you have to wait in between bowshots or sword swings in Morrowind.
What would be the point, then? Why not make it completely real-time, and not bother with such a farce.

There really would be no point in having action points in a system like that, since it would be directly tied to the animation time. Just like pure real-time is.

Not to mention you have the problem of people with varying levels of Agility. Sure, you could have someone with 10 Agility be able to attack as fast as the animations can go. But what about someone lower? There's going to start to be downtime, the lower the AG goes. You can't match it up perfectly for everyone, that would defy the point of an AP-based system in the first place.

Autoduel76 said:
They say its an XP based, not use based skill system, so that won't be like Morrowind

XP and skill points are just terms. It's how they use them that matters, and nowhere do I see it stated you assign them manually. Yet they talk about tagging some to grow faster - to me that implies automation of some sort. If it were using FO's system, why bother adding that?

As for them saying ''most XP comes from quests" that could simply mean that doing quests throws a big chunk of XP into your level-up pool, doesn't mean the quest XP gets to be spread around the stats.

Anyway I hope your right, I've just been sorely disappointed by them too many times now to see the glass as being half full :)
FFS, GI gets a world exclusive on the gameplay details of one of the most anticipated games and they still manage to fuck things up by being so confusing.
Autoduel76 said:
There isn't really any waiting in continuous turn based, if you are playing it in real time.

As long as the time it takes, in real time, to perform an action is matched up with the amount of AP it uses there wouldn't be any more waiting than you have to wait in between bowshots or sword swings in Morrowind.

I'd be inclined to agree, it sounds just like tictacs. It reads continuous TB. Someone put up the scans already.
I'd really like some clarification on the combat - as was said above, it sounds very Max Payne-ish, with TB taking the place of bullet time - i.e., something to be used sporadically and/or as a means to deal with stronger enemies, rather than being an actual playable alternative to RT. Still, any TB element is more than I was expecting.
I'm probably overanalyzing it. The VATS/Real time thing might just be some cumbersome way of saying that you can choose between Real-time and Turn-based.
Something seems off about that, though. The "not going to move away from what we do best" quote comes to mind, or whatever it was the Todd/Pete/Lackeys Hydra growled.

I'd really LIKE to think I've hit on something, with the layering "VATS" on top of real-time combat bit as a sort of "superpower" system bit. It seems to fit.

Well, at the very least I've hammered out the basics of it, and if I'm wrong I can always see if it's feasible to get it into another game in the future. 8)

And I can stop typing so goddamn much.

Montez said:
Still, any TB element is more than I was expecting.
Nim82 said:
XP and skill points are just terms. It's how they use them that matters, and nowhere do I see it stated you assign them manually. Yet they talk about tagging some to grow faster - to me that implies automation of some sort. If it were using FO's system, why bother adding that?

What do you mean "adding that"? I think that's pretty much exactly what it says in Fallout about what Tag skills are. That they advance faster than non-tagged skills.


What would be the point, then? Why not make it completely real-time, and not bother with such a farce.

There really would be no point in having action points in a system like that, since it would be directly tied to the animation time. Just like pure real-time is.

There would be no point in real time. The point in having AP is only for turn based.

And that is always the case with real time/turn based games. Why bother with both ever, except for the fact that some people want to play in real time and some in turn based. The same could be said about Arcanum, which I am replaying through right now.
Autoduel76 said:
What do you mean "adding that"? I think that's pretty much exactly what it says in Fallout about what Tag skills are. That they advance faster than non-tagged skills.

Doh, forgot it made them advance faster in FO - thought it just gave you a boost in them three areas at the start. Been a while since I played them properly - apologies
Stg Granite said:
Level cap... i don't like this. I know, the original Fallout used it, but it was, perhaps, the worst point in the game.

Alas, it was not an issue, since you hardly had a chance to hit that cap, unless you took your time combat-exping on the Deathclaws.

Stg Granite said:
The real time combat system sounds like the one in Fallout Tactics. Not good.

It sounds like it put even less emphasis on APs and, by extension character's capabilities. If Tactics, once you used up APs, you had to wait for their regeneration, but it seems like here, you can go on bar any planning.

I'd like to see anyone balance this.
Silencer said:
I'd like to see anyone balance this.
Haha. Don't think it's possible, actually.

Putting it that way makes it sound too much like a glorified FPS, to be honest.