Russia attacks Ukraine

Hungary wants their stolen land back from the hohols. So does Poland and Romania. No matter how the war ends. Everyone gets a bite out of ukra one way or another.

Oh and uh.... Yeah congrats Sweden. You've just become a legit nuclear target now.

the one i got picture of. but when you got a total of just 31 of these "wunderwaffe" might as well be. the nazis also thought their tiger 2 was the shit and would turn the war around. they also got proved wrong.

Besides internet irredentists and the Hungarian Homeland movement, no EU nation wants to change the internationally recognised borders of Ukraine.

Russia has for several years violated Swedish airspace and conducted mock nuclear attacks. It has been like this since the Cold War, nothing new for us.
Losing one abrams changes nothing, but you can't say the same with Russia losing several naval vessels. Losing a tank is a tactical blunder, but losing dominance of the western Black Sea is a strategic catastrophe for Russia.
Nah that's what Putin wants comrade.
No. Putin has been quoted as saying he wants Biden to stay in. Reading between the lines, he's basically saying he wants to be able to continue doing whatever he wants while the U.S. economy destroys itself funding a war that is completely untenable. Doesn't take a strategy genius to see what he's doing.
No. Putin has been quoted as saying he wants Biden to stay in. Reading between the lines, he's basically saying he wants to be able to continue doing whatever he wants while the U.S. economy destroys itself funding a war that is completely untenable. Doesn't take a strategy genius to see what he's doing.
I've thought the same but again isn't the reverse psychology abit too obvious? You gotta remember the level this bs is on. But again you and me ain't strategic geniuses.
Besides internet irredentists and the Hungarian Homeland movement, no EU nation wants to change the internationally recognised borders of Ukraine.

Russia has for several years violated Swedish airspace and conducted mock nuclear attacks. It has been like this since the Cold War, nothing new for us.
Losing one abrams changes nothing, but you can't say the same with Russia losing several naval vessels. Losing a tank is a tactical blunder, but losing dominance of the western Black Sea is a strategic catastrophe for Russia.

in sweden not just the air gets violated... hehe...

neither giving 31 abrams and 28 f16's here and there won't change the outcome. and loosing dominance over the black sea is a little much to be said. only reason ukra managed to sink a few ships is because nato drones that are flown from nato countries in proximity to ukraine.
remember that whole deal with the drone that was supposedly made to crash by the russians in the black sea? ye the good ol' bois actually crashed it themselves in the sea to hide the evidence of them providing battle information to ukra. cause you know, that would constitute direct involvement into the conflict thus making it an act of war. also, you can't loose naval dominance of something when your opponent doesn't even have a navy to begin with. the american ships in there don't count because they can't officially get directly involved.
but again isn't the reverse psychology abit too obvious?
Bit too obvious? You severely underestimate how stupid the powers that be think all of us normies are. All? No. Most? Seems like it. Just look at the piss performance of our public education system right now in the United States.
I'm from Bornholm(The island where the Nord Stream pipeline got sabotaged.) we've had Russian fighter jets break Danish air space on the regular since atleast the 80s. Hell we couldn't even celebrate the end of ww2 til 46' cus the Ruskies liked it here so much lol. I can't really speak on the awareness of the average U.S citizen, as I'm a Dane. However I do know that our goverment is more upfront about the actual threat.

(Disclaimer I'm not claiming any of below text to be factual.)
Also a fun side note, my dad who's a former Danish Intelligence Officer has hinted at after talking to some old collegues of his that alledgely Trump is in kahootz with Putin and that they bascially have a "business deal" of sorts. Putin gets Ukraine and control over the majority of wheat and grain export. And the U.S somehow is gonna take Greenland, by either getting out of NATO or by throwing Denmark out somehow. - I'm not saying I belive this but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.
in sweden not just the air gets violated... hehe...

neither giving 31 abrams and 28 f16's here and there won't change the outcome. and loosing dominance over the black sea is a little much to be said. only reason ukra managed to sink a few ships is because nato drones that are flown from nato countries in proximity to ukraine.
remember that whole deal with the drone that was supposedly made to crash by the russians in the black sea? ye the good ol' bois actually crashed it themselves in the sea to hide the evidence of them providing battle information to ukra. cause you know, that would constitute direct involvement into the conflict thus making it an act of war. also, you can't loose naval dominance of something when your opponent doesn't even have a navy to begin with. the american ships in there don't count because they can't officially get directly involved.

You're just talking out of your ass, and you know it. If Russia had total naval supremacy, they would be able to stop the flow of goods and grains from Ukranian harbors, but they can't. From february to july 2022 Russia had this capacity, and prevented all exports from Ukranian harbors, but since the the collapse of the grain deal last summer, Russia hasn't been able to do it again. Exports are almost at pre-fullscale invasion levels. As Ukraine has shown, you don't need a conventional navy to change the balance of power at sea.

Nato is already involved in the war and has been since the start as a non-belligerent. Saying aid won't help is usually the last empty threat from the Kremlin after Nato breaks another red line by sending verboten equipment. Thank God we've sent more than 31 abrams and two dozen F16s.

No. Putin has been quoted as saying he wants Biden to stay in. Reading between the lines, he's basically saying he wants to be able to continue doing whatever he wants while the U.S. economy destroys itself funding a war that is completely untenable. Doesn't take a strategy genius to see what he's doing.
In what world is the US economy weaker than the Russian?
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You're just talking out of your ass, and you know it. If Russia had total naval supremacy, they would be able to stop the flow of goods and grains from Ukranian harbors, but they can't. From february to july 2022 Russia had this capacity, and prevented all exports from Ukranian harbors, but since the the collapse of the grain deal last summer, Russia hasn't been able to do it again. Exports are almost at pre-fullscale invasion levels. As Ukraine has shown, you don't need a conventional navy to change the balance of power at sea.

Nato is already involved in the war and has been since the start as a non-belligerent. Saying aid won't help is usually the last empty threat from the Kremlin after Nato breaks another red line by sending verboten equipment. Thank God we've sent more than 31 abrams and two dozen F16s.

First, the grains are being shipped in trucks through Romania. Because the Romanians are the only morons that still allow it. And then they make their way over into the rest of Europe. Its why all the farmers were protesting for a few weeks ago. Because the cheap, gmo and pesticide ridden shit from ukraine is being sold at dumping prices and its putting EU farmers who have to abide strict EU regulations to sell their grains, out of business. Second, maybe you misunderstood or I should;ve been more clear. What I ment was, essentially the little drops in the bucket in terms of equipment, like a few old tanks, apc's and planes that nato is giving them are not enough to make a difference in battle. Their effect is for propaganda mostly. And they are all being destroyed soon after entering battle. All this "aid" is doing nothing more than prolonging bloodshed and bankrupting ukra for the next 1000 yrs. Because all that equipment they got it certainly was not free. When this is over someone will have to pay the bills for that. And again, WW2, when america was giving aid to the allies figthing in europe, some countries paid for that many years after that conflict has ended.

bonus: zelensky's kidnapping squads

Putin gets Ukraine and control over the majority of wheat and grain export. And the U.S somehow is gonna take Greenland, by either getting out of NATO or by throwing Denmark out somehow. - I'm not saying I belive this but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.

what the fuck? why is the US interested in greenland?
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First, the grains are being shipped in trucks through Romania. Because the Romanians are the only morons that still allow it. And then they make their way over into the rest of Europe. Its why all the farmers were protesting for a few weeks ago. Because the cheap, gmo and pesticide ridden shit from ukraine is being sold at dumping prices and its putting EU farmers who have to abide strict EU regulations to sell their grains, out of business. Second, maybe you misunderstood or I should;ve been more clear. What I ment was, essentially the little drops in the bucket in terms of equipment, like a few old tanks, apc's and planes that nato is giving them are not enough to make a difference in battle. Their effect is for propaganda mostly. And they are all being destroyed soon after entering battle. All this "aid" is doing nothing more than prolonging bloodshed and bankrupting ukra for the next 1000 yrs. Because all that equipment they got it certainly was not free. When this is over someone will have to pay the bills for that. And again, WW2, when america was giving aid to the allies figthing in europe, some countries paid for that many years after that conflict has ended.

bonus: zelensky's kidnapping squads

what the fuck? why is the US interested in greenland?

The majority of Ukranian grain is exported by barge and rail. The grain shipments hug the coast and enter Romanian territorial waters via canals and other harbours. Of that grain, 65% of wheat and 50% of maize is exported to developing countries in Asia and Africa.
EU agriculture policy is a mess that needs reforming, especially when Ukraine gains access to the single market, as her fertile black soil is the best in the world. GMOs are banned in Ukraine, and the government is cracking down on their illegal use. Also, if Ukrainian grain is so shit, why did Russia seize 400.000 tonnes of it and sell it themselves?

But it isn't just a few drops of vehicles. Ukraine has received almost 600 tanks, ~900 infantry fighting vehicles, >1250 APCs and more in several other categories. Your claim that most Western equipment has been destroyed is false. Russia always makes sure to show off when they destroy Western systems like Leopard 2, Bradley, and CV90, and this would be evident on sites like Oryx. But it's not. Saying aid isn't making a difference is just copeium, and you know it. Yeah, the bloodshed of Russia that has lost almost three times the amount of vehicles than Ukraine. It isn't bankrupting Ukraine; several countries, the EU, IMF, etc, are providing the Ukrainian state with interest-free loans and bonds.

Britain actually paid back its lend-lease debt in 2006 to the Americans, which can't be said about the USSR, which had its debt written off in the 70s.

Greenland is more important for its strategic location than oil. Greenland is key to controlling the artic, which is why American bases have been present there since WW2.
European Agriculture Commissioner, Janusz Wojciechowski said:

"Due to costs for transit and transport via the two countries, grain from Ukraine is more expensive than from Russia. Only 2.3% of Ukrainian grain goes to ports as there are “no buyers”, he said."
"It is not economically viable to send those cereals to Africa. It is Ukraine that needs to find buyers."
"Before the war, EU agri-food imports from Ukraine stood at €7 billion. In 2022 they reached €13 billion. Of this increase, almost €5 billion worth of exports went to the five countries."
The grains are not even Ukra's. They belong to Blackrock and Vanguard owned farming subsidiaries which are grown now in Ukra. They are of very low quality and unsafe for consumption due to the pesticides used on them.

If the majority of grains wouldn't end up in the EU then there would be no need for countries to currently receive any subsidies to help their respective farming sectors or for farmers to dump brahmin shit in front of their governments as sign of protest, because they are going out of business. There were no farmers protests before the grains from Ukra started flooding in.
And Russia is actually giving the seized Ukra grains away now to African countries for free
And why wouldn't they take those grains lol? Who said they are using it themselves?

The age of the equipment that Ukra received the majority of time is ranging from 1960 to 1980
According to mainstream sources. You said Russia's lost 3 times more? What sources? Ukra sources? You actually trust that lmao when both sides are spewing out propaganda en masse? There is no telling yet what side has lost how much. But what we do know is that Russia has the production capacity to sustain the war. Meanwhile according to your media, it takes about a year to fulfill an "order" for Ukra by the NATO coalition. Which begs the next question: how much of what was received now is left?
And why would the Russians gloat about destroying old crap anyway? Everyone is interested in seeing new tanks being destroyed anyway. And it helps their propaganda apparatus too.

which can't be said about the USSR, which had its debt written off in the 70s.

good on them lol
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ahaha check this Retardiv dude out.
Pack your gear and go to the front. Report back what it's like if you manage to live long enough to share your experience. All the weapons in the world won't make a difference if there are no fingers left to pull triggers.

"There are no nazis in Ukraine"

Literally has the Wolfsangel plastered in the middle of the video. Symbol of several nazi SS divisions from WW2.

Hey look, they even have preschool nazis


Think who you are supporting.
European Agriculture Commissioner, Janusz Wojciechowski said:

"Due to costs for transit and transport via the two countries, grain from Ukraine is more expensive than from Russia. Only 2.3% of Ukrainian grain goes to ports as there are “no buyers”, he said."
"It is not economically viable to send those cereals to Africa. It is Ukraine that needs to find buyers."
"Before the war, EU agri-food imports from Ukraine stood at €7 billion. In 2022 they reached €13 billion. Of this increase, almost €5 billion worth of exports went to the five countries."
The grains are not even Ukra's. They belong to Blackrock and Vanguard owned farming subsidiaries which are grown now in Ukra. They are of very low quality and unsafe for consumption due to the pesticides used on them.

If the majority of grains wouldn't end up in the EU then there would be no need for countries to currently receive any subsidies to help their respective farming sectors or for farmers to dump brahmin shit in front of their governments as sign of protest, because they are going out of business. There were no farmers protests before the grains from Ukra started flooding in.
And Russia is actually giving the seized Ukra grains away now to African countries for free
And why wouldn't they take those grains lol? Who said they are using it themselves?

The age of the equipment that Ukra received the majority of time is ranging from 1960 to 1980
According to mainstream sources. You said Russia's lost 3 times more? What sources? Ukra sources? You actually trust that lmao when both sides are spewing out propaganda en masse? There is no telling yet what side has lost how much. But what we do know is that Russia has the production capacity to sustain the war. Meanwhile according to your media, it takes about a year to fulfill an "order" for Ukra by the NATO coalition. Which begs the next question: how much of what was received now is left?
And why would the Russians gloat about destroying old crap anyway? Everyone is interested in seeing new tanks being destroyed anyway. And it helps their propaganda apparatus too.

good on them lol

You don't need to convince me that EU agricultural policy is a disaster; I'm all for removing subsidies, regulations, and other protectionist measures. A Ukranian entry into the single market would create a level playing field among farmers and enable fair competition. EU farmers have an almost yearly tradition of protesting— this isn't something new. When I visited Brussels in 2015, the city reeked as dairy farmers threw milk and eggs at riot police.
It also doesn't make sense that Ukrainian grain would be so toxic to make it unsafe for consumption because no one would buy it then.
According to articles 11 and 12 of the Land Code of Ukraine, foreign citizens and entities are only allowed to own non-agricultural land within settled areas. Agricultural land is limited to citizens and domestic entities.

According to Oryx, Russia has lost 14700 vehicles compared to Ukrainian losses of 5300. These are just the visually confirmed losses; it's not unreasonable to believe that actual losses are 20 - 30% higher, as not all losses have been identified. Still, the difference is significant enough to conclude that Russian losses greatly exceeded Ukrainian. 80% of Russian production involves refurbishing old Soviet stockpiles, enabling them to support the war effort despite the lower capacity to produce brand-new vehicles.

Currently, the Russian industry produces enough to cover its visually confirmed losses, which Rusi estimates is around 125 tanks and 250 AFVs per month. That doesn't take into account non-combat losses and general wear and tear.
The issue is that stockpiles don't last forever; not even the Russian ones are infinite. As reactivation and refurbishment persist, the quality will decline as increasingly older equipment is retrieved from storage. While these issues may not be evident immediately, as the war continues, an increasing proportion of Russian equipment will consist of diminishing old Soviet stock, with smaller numbers of modern systems. This arrangement is effective at the moment and is fueling the Russian war machine. However, if the armed forces cannot secure a decisive victory in a couple of years, Russia may find itself in a tough spot, particularly if current trends persist.

If you don't mind me asking, why do you write "ukra" instead of Ukrainian and Ukraine?

ahaha check this Retardiv dude out.
Pack your gear and go to the front. Report back what it's like if you manage to live long enough to share your experience. All the weapons in the world won't make a difference if there are no fingers left to pull triggers.

There's more one can do to help Ukraine besides serving in their armed forces; I already serve my own. Moreover, Ukraine still has plenty of manpower to call upon. Even if you take the Kremlin's word on the number of Ukrainian casualties, which they claim is 444,000 (though likely exaggerated), Ukraine would still be in the fight. For context, during World War I, France suffered almost 6 million casualties, including 1.4 million killed in action, with a population of 40 million—similar to Ukraine's current population.
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If you don't mind me asking, why do you write "ukra" instead of Ukrainian and Ukraine?
Too lazy to write the entire thing and more importantly I don't respect them enough. It's not racism or xenophobia. I have other reasons that resulted from interacting with many of them in the past year or so.

And I don't agree with those numbers. Simply because they are all cited from ukra sources. Or do we still believe in the famous ghost pilot who never existed decorated by Biden?
These numbers are obvious propaganda and fake news. And if ukra still had manpower there would be no need for Zdrele to send out kidnapping squads to poach people off the streets. See video I posted before. OR do we also think that Macarons latest speech calling for nato troops to go into ukra is conincidence? The ukra cannon fodder is about to finish.
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Too lazy to write the entire thing and more importantly I don't respect them enough. It's not racism or xenophobia. I have other reasons that resulted from interacting with many of them in the past year or so.
I Zee...

I mean, Oryx is just visually confirmed losses. If you see something incorrect, you can contact them about it; they appreciate feedback.

Oli London is notoriously unreliable. To support that claim, a more reliable source is needed. However, even if that man is a draft dodger, it doesn't change the fact that Ukraine still has ample manpower reserves. There are still hundreds of thousands of available men and women for service. Losses haven't been that high; not even the Kremlin is that delusional.
Ukranian entry into the single market would create a level playing field among farmers and enable fair competition.
Wrong. We already have a leveled playing field, kept leveled by various state subsidies, it allows consumers to have affordable, regulated, locally produced food and allows the producers to remain competitive within the union. Allowing imports from third countries drives down the prices, forcing those who cannot compete out of the business.

However, if the armed forces cannot secure a decisive victory in a couple of years, Russia may find itself in a tough spot, particularly if current trends persist.
The war is over, the objective has been achieved. Russian diaspora regions have been annexed in to a federation and granted autonomy, something they asked for since the dissolution of the soviet union. There is no going back, those regions will never be part of ukraine again, not without ethnic cleansing
Let ze cleansing begin then?
Make Vladivostok Chinese Again #2024
Sarcasm and terrible jokes aside. Perkan what is your angle?
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