Russia attacks Ukraine

Lol, Lmao even, source the Kremlin.:clap:
I decided to try and verify how many Swedes have died in Ukraine, and from what I found, that number is four. Two were in combat, Johan Fredriksson and Edvard Selander, a medic in a car accident, and Daniel Nyström was found dead in Kyiv.
Even the Kremlin showed imagery of two dead Swedes in an exhibition outside the Swedish embassy in Russia a couple of months ago. If more had been killed, they would've showed it. So four vs 25, a difference of 6.25.

Also worth mentioning is that "eliminated" is a ubiquitous term; it's not precise enough to differentiate between killed or wounded in action. Use "casualties" if you want to cover both terms. Be precise! Classic Russian moment.:revolution:

The Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs has confirmed the aforementioned deaths.
Vladimir Stuffin'.
Edit: you know for gupsi auf Roumeinia, you really do wanna suck on that soviet meat pickle. With that in mind heres my question.. Why?

First, I'm not a gypsie. I'm straight, I'm white, not mixed, not shitskin not a nigger. And I don't associate with the shitskins with Romanian documents going all over EU causing problems and giving hardworking people like myself a bad reputation. Because the "civilized" countries are too ignorant or stupid to distinguish.
Second, maybe lets ask who YOU want to suck off? The very democrat St.Jewlensky who suspended elections? Maybe the granny lover Macron? Empress Ursula and her dead pony? Or you like the leberwurst Scholtz in words of Andrij Melnyk who essentially is bankrupting Gernoney.

btw stop at 0:30 there's your future GF. he/she/whatever will give you something to suck on for sure. but make sure you're vaxed and got 7 boosters first so you don't get the monkey pox.

Lol, Lmao even, source the Kremlin.:clap:

Yeah, and?
Thats just the ones you were shown. And I ask again, where do sources you cite get the information from? Because there are 2 options here. You get info from Ukra and Russians side. Since they are the ones actively involved there so far.
And regarding this term "eliminated". I think its clear enough for anyone with half a working neuron left. Or maybe you prefer the ukrainian "liquidated" like they put on the faces of children on Myrotvorets. :clap:

They're itching for a special operation ;)
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First, I'm a proud gypsie. I'm straight on mondays I'm off white, stirred not mixed, not cumskinned not a wigger. And I don't associate with the pissskins with Russoloninian documents going all over ze EURO dance competion is causing problems and giving hardworking people like yourselves a mediocre reputation. Because the "über civilized" country folks are too ignorant or stoopid to distinguish a fire.
Seconds? Anyone, maybe lets ask who YOU want to have sexual intercourse with? The very sexy Lauren Hill who blew the charts? Maybe the main lover? Empress Cleopatra? Or you like the.

btw stop at 0:30 there's the love of my life. he/she/whatever they identify as, aslong as it gives me something to suck on for sure. but make sure you're vaxed and got 7 boosters first so you don't get the monkey pox haha I'll never make that mistake twice my friend. 8-)

Oh qhit you're right!
And thats just the ones you were shown! And I ask myself again, where do sources I cite get the information from? Because there are 2(I can't count lolz) options here. I get info from the Russians side. Since they are the ones actively involved there so far.
And regarding this term "masturbated". I think its clear enough for anyone with half a working testicle left. Or maybe you prefer the ukrainian "liquidated" like they put on the faces of sex dolls I bought in China. :clap:

They're itching for a special operation rrrauw ;)

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Yeah, and?
Thats just the ones you were shown. And I ask again, where do sources you cite get the information from? Because there are 2 options here. You get info from Ukra and Russians side. Since they are the ones actively involved there so far.
And regarding this term "eliminated". I think its clear enough for anyone with half a working neuron left. Or maybe you prefer the ukrainian "liquidated" like they put on the faces of children on Myrotvorets. :clap:
If you'd read my post properly, you'd see that my information is from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has been confirmed by several independent sources. Not Ukranian or Russian ones. Even the relatives of the dead soldiers had been interviewed.
If eliminated is the same as KIA, that would mean that the rest of the foreign volunteers would be wonded. As the ratio between killed and wounded is 1:3. 100% casualty rate is not realistic for any unit, neither Ukranian or Russian.

First, I'm not a gypsie. I'm straight, I'm white, not mixed, not shitskin not a nigger. And I don't associate with the shitskins with Romanian documents going all over EU causing problems and giving hardworking people like myself a bad reputation. Because the "civilized" countries are too ignorant or stupid to distinguish.
Lol the neckbeards are mad now haha. Its what happens when you live a sheltered life, can't see reality even when it hits you in the face.

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I work as a substitute teacher wdym? My boss would laugh her ass off if I showed up with a neckbeard.
Also why do your punchlines reek of 2010? lol
We will win the war and denazify Ukraine. No more statues and monuments for nаzi collaborators, no more nаzi divisions and youths, no more applaudings to the veteran nаzis in Canadian Parliament.
Well Putin’s Russia rose like Hitler’s Germany, and could very well end the same way. Both regimes both were the product of imperial collapse and its destabilizing aftermath and the emergence of a strong charismatic leader promising to make the country great again. After all those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
This outcome was prophecised 20 years ago

"Having failed to anchor Atlanticism in a new security system for Europe, the US will be faced with the daunting task of re-generating the will for collective defense, when the venue has shifted to a region that many West European states see as beyond the limits of their interests and influence. In that case it will particularly difficult to generate broad domestic support for a pro-active policy toward the region in response to imperial reconstitution. While it is relatively easy to address responses to scenarios involving forced re-integration with Russia in a new union or empire, it much more difficult to articulate a US policy to deal with the most likely outcome: a domestic crisis within Ukraine over a policy of economic cooperation and political cooperation with Russia, which would break on regional lines and pit Ukrainian nationalists in the west against the large, pro-Russian elements in the east and south. Such a situation will have a high risk of civil war and will raise fears in Central and Eastern Europe to a fever pitch"

Yeah there are no nationalists in ukraine.

But dont let that stop you from farming social credits by blaming everything on one man
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опытный бот-попугай!
Every country has über nationalists lol they're not that uncommon. Blah, it's allways the most "inferior" individuals or the loosers who don't belong anywhere getting swayed by the charismatic ones. "Oy vey Anglo-Balkanites-Slavs-Scandos-Asian-ect we wuz kaangz..!!"
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Every country has them but not every country is arming them and openly inviting them to fight for their ideology