Russia attacks Ukraine

My angle is 180 degrees, strait, white, male.

My point is… i have seen how the slavs go about the process of ethnic cleansing and its not pretty with all the blood and stench everywhere and i couldn’t really recommend that experience to anyone
I've heard firsthand stories from Sarajevo and Dubrovnik ect, as my dad was stationed there as a UN observer during Balkan. May Zeljko Raznatovic soul never find rest.
Wrong. We already have a leveled playing field, kept leveled by various state subsidies, it allows consumers to have affordable, regulated, locally produced food and allows the producers to remain competitive within the union. Allowing imports from third countries drives down the prices, forcing those who cannot compete out of the business.

Good, farmers shouldn't be cuddled; a decrease in the cost of food is great for consumers. It will allow us to spend money on more productive things and force innovation in the agricultural sector. 23.5% of the EU budget is spent on farming subsidies, and the industry only makes up 1.4% of the union's GDP.
The same issue of low-cost grains worried Western European farmers when Poland, Hungary and Romania joined the single market during the 2000s. It's not unique to Ukraine. Now it's their turn.

The war is over, the objective has been achieved. Russian diaspora regions have been annexed in to a federation and granted autonomy, something they asked for since the dissolution of the soviet union. There is no going back, those regions will never be part of ukraine again, not without ethnic cleansing

A war is only over when both parties agree to end it; neither side has achieved their objectives. Ukraine wants to regain control of their internationally recognised borders, pre-2014 invasion. Russia has not changed its maximalist goals to denazify the whole of Ukraine. Just a couple of days ago, Medvedev showed a map of Ukraine as a rump state. As long as these objectives remain unchanged, war will continue to be waged.

A common misconception is that speaking Russian makes you Russian, but that is not the case. Yes, Russians are living in eastern Ukraine, but the majority of the population consists of Russian-speaking Ukrainians.
Good, farmers shouldn't be cuddled; a decrease in the cost of food is great for consumers. It will allow us to spend money on more productive things and force innovation in the agricultural sector. 23.5% of the EU budget is spent on farming subsidies, and the industry only makes up 1.4% of the union's GDP.
The same issue of low-cost grains worried Western European farmers when Poland, Hungary and Romania joined the single market during the 2000s.
Once in the union the cost of production increased in all those countries due to adoption of various eu regulations and policies. To prevent production cost increase from reflecting on consumer prices the eu grants broad subsidies to alleviate production cost. On top off that individual states grant subsidies to target specific sectors of strategic importance. Without subsidies and strict import policies there would be no eu agro production, apart from few branches in specific regions like wine or olive oil, simply because the cost of production is too high
Once in the union the cost of production increased in all those countries due to adoption of various eu regulations and policies. To prevent production cost increase from reflecting on consumer prices the eu grants broad subsidies to alleviate production cost. On top off that individual states grant subsidies to target specific sectors of strategic importance. Without subsidies and strict import policies there would be no eu agro production, apart from few branches in specific regions like wine or olive oil, simply because the cost of production is too high

That's why Ukraine should join the common market. The Chernozem is extremely fertile, if not the most fertile soil in the world, and can outproduce all other farmers in the EU. The difference is staggering; it would be our Midwest, our bread basket. If we do not remove subsidies, it will impoverish the Ukrainian people and forever create resentment. Just like when the US killed the Haitian rice industry with subsidies to its domestic producers.
That's why Ukraine should join the common market.
The red parts on the map are the people who dont want to join, they have repeatedly voted to join the other market
it would be our Midwest, our bread basket
It will be our bread basket, for the next 30-50 years depending on how many loans we give them. The farmers can see the writing on the wall, thats why they are pissed
The red parts on the map are the people who dont want to join, they have repeatedly voted to join the other market
That was before the 2014 Russian invasion of Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk. Increased cooperation want to be invaded.

It will be our bread basket, for the next 30-50 years depending on how many loans we give them. The farmers can see the writing on the wall, thats why they are pissed
Ukraine has been a breadbasket for thousands of years, it won't change as long as nothing major happens
The EU really is a meme, the UK leaves and dedicates more money and manpower to defending Ukraine than France and Germany
Vladimir Stuffin'.
Edit: you know for gupsi auf Roumeinia, you really do wanna suck on that soviet meat pickle. With that in mind heres my question.. Why?
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