Russia vs. Georgia

A quick recap for anyone who cares, in chronological order:

August, 8. Putin chills in China.

Georgian heavy artillery started shelling Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali and neighboring villages. City is in ruins. 1400 people killed.

Georgians assault Tskhinvali with everything they have and seccessfully take most of the city (whats left of it anyway).

Commander of Georgian peacekeepers Mamuka Kurashvili says they are here to enforce constitutional order in the republic.

Georgia officially declares war on South Ossetia. Massive tank assault on southern Tskhinvali follows.

Georgian media says they've won.

Georgians started shooting Russian Peacekeepers.

United Nations Security Council doesn't, really, do anything.

Georgians say, they are being bombed by Russian air forces. Georgian "Reintegration Minister" says, that Russia should support Georgian reintegration efforts like a "true peacekeeper".

Georgians are rapidly mobilizing all rezerves they have. Reintegration Minister burns: "Resistance is furtile!"

Internet warfare with a bunch of both Georgian and Ossetian websites down, mostly media- and government-related.

Ossetian forces counterattacked Georgian positions with a little help of recently arrived 58th Army.

Georgians lost some tanks and are being constantly bombed; they are retreating from Tskhinvali.

Georgia says, they are going to declare war on Russia. (No actual war declaration followed).

Russian positions are reinforced with fresh troops.

Georgia says, Russians are bombing (Georgian) military bases where American Instructors are based.

At this point, most of Tskhinvali is occupied by Russian-Ossetian forces. City is annihilated. No food, no water, no medical supplies, no phones.

Georgian officials beg the World to save them from Russia. (No, seriously.)

Russian military officials report of 10 peacekeepers dead and 30 wounded.

Thosands of people dead in Tskhinvali.

Reports of Georgian troops shooting civilians and peacekeepers at poined blank on the territory that is still under Georgian control.

Russian Jet bombed an airstrip of the Georgian military airport.

58th Army flanked the Georgian positions on the outskirts of Tskhinvali and engaged in open battle. Still no declaration of war.

Saakashvili says, they are withdrawing whatever troops they have in Iraq, because of "Russian agression".

Russian jets successfully bomb Georgian military planes, stationed at Bosnisi airbase.

58th Army maneuver was a success.

At least 200 volunteers from Russia arrived to the combat zone. 12 of them died in fights and no less then 50 were wounded.

At least 200 troops are being moved from Batumi to reinforce Georgian positions.

August, 9. Day two.

Georgian Su-25 ground attack aircraft was shot down.

United States say, that Russian troops should leave the Georgian territory. (Note, that at this point no Russian troops are near Georgian territory).

Georgian government website hacked. Funny Hitler images are posted.

Russian airforce bombs Georgian seaport Poti and airbase at Senaki.

Saakashvili says he is this close to declaring a state of emergency in Georgia.

Georgian artillery shells peacekeeper positions again. Three of them died.

Pretty much the entire 58th Army have arrived; special ops, recon, armor, jets.

Georgians open fire at a convoy that carried wounded from Ossetia to Russia.

Russian forces launched the "operation to ensure peace".

Georgian Ministry of Defence officials say, that their advance in South Ossetia was successful.

Tskhinvali is being bombarded by Georgian artillery again.

30 thousand refugees from Ossetia flee to Russia. (Note, that the entire population of South Ossetia before the war was 70 thosand).

Russia brings airborne infantry to the conflict zone.

Georgians say, they shot down Russian jet. Russian officials confirm the loss of of two planes, a Su-25 and a Tu-22 bomber. One pilot died, one imprisoned.

Saakashvili declared the martial law in Georgia.

Georgian artillery are still shelling peacekeeper positions.

South Ossetia says, if Russia wants to recognize Ossetian independence, the most appropriate time is right now.

Russian peacekeepers engaged the last Georgian artillery point, high in the mountains.

Georgia blocks all internet access to .ru domain. Television was blocked long before that.

Medvedev talks to Bush about Southern Ossetia.

Russian military officials say, that documents, captured from Georgian troops, state that they planed to capture Tskhinvali within 24 hours.

Russian journalist was wounded in the warzone.

Saakashvili says, that Georgian Olympics team will leave the tournaments as a sign of protest [against "Russian Agression"]. (This was later denied by Georgian team coach, who was quoted to say that "Saakashvili is a nutjob").

Russian Black Sea Fleet is moving to Abhazian coast.

Ossetians say, they killed 10 tanks during Georgian offensive attempt.

Iranian officials say, that they are going to get involved with the whole diplomacy thing in the region.

Saakashvili says, he offered Medvedev a ceasefire. Meanwhile, multiple Georgian vehicles are advancing in the direction of Tskhinvali. Ossetians say, they killed another three tanks.

Russian officials say, that they didn't actually receave any offers of ceasefire.

Georgian tanks try to block the road, connecting South and North Ossetia.

Another three Russian journalists were wounded.

Azerbaijan halted all oil transit through Georgia. Russian oil lines are used as a temporary measure. Georgian officials say, that no, oil transit isn't actually haulted.

August, 10. Day three.

Russian planes bombed the Kodori Gorge. (This place is important. Read the wikipedia article about it).

South Ossetia shots down Georgian bomber. They also say, they shot 12 more tanks.

Georgians say, Russians bombed their oil pipe. Company, that runs it, says that as far as they are informed, the pipe is fine. (Note: it's unclear if the pipe was bombed or not).

The 58th Army commander Luetenant-General Anatolyi Hrulev was wounded; he was transported to hospital in Vladikavkaz.

United Nations observers left the Kodori Gorge. They say, Abkhazian officials voiced their concerns about the UN mission safety in upcoming days.

Putins says, we are gonna give Ossetia 10 billion R to assist with rebuilding.

Russia sends food and medical supplies to Southern Ossetia, 120 tons overall.

Russian jets bombed Georgian military airport and a manufacturing plant.

Georgians, once again, shelled what's left of the Tskhinvali.

Abkhazia joins the war.

Abkhazian army moved to Georgian-held part of Kodori Gorge and engaged, starting with massive artillery strikes on Georgian position.

Georgian officials say, they are removing their troops from Southern Ossetia. Secretary on National Defence of Georgia, Aleksander Lomaya says, that troops are being moved to new positions, because "Tskhinvali is erased from the face of the Earth".

Black Sea Fleet flagship "Moskva", escort and support ships arrived at Georgian sea border. They have three huge transport vessels with them. The HQ representative says their mission is to assist the refugees; he added, that they will suppress attempts of delivering military supplies to Georgia by sea.

What we are witnessing here (well, actually what we are witnessing, you guys will be reading another polish meat story, with guns and Georgians) is how a nation dies.

Ossetians lost a half of their population to Georgian blietzkrieg, the refugees will probably permanently settle down in various Russian cities and naturally assimilate. At this point nothig can help it. There is North Ossetia, but it's Tshinvali that was the only symbol of identity they had.

Still, I'm glad we did the right thing for once.

Also, black dead mercenaries.
Incognito said:
... Medvedev was like W.T.F?!...

I know its not really funny considering that there is a war going on, but just imagining Putin/Medvedev (Putmedev) thinking that and having that look on their face made me laugh :mrgreen: .
liberty rogue said:
What we are witnessing here (well, actually what we are witnessing, you guys will be reading another polish meat story, with guns and Georgians) is how a nation dies.

Ossetians lost a half of their population to Georgian blietzkrieg, the refugees will probably permanently settle down in various Russian cities and naturally assimilate.

The term is genocide.

And Ossetians lost half their population to the Georgian "blitzkrieg"?

I don't know what kind of meds you're on, but I'd like to get me some of those.

Get real. Seriously.

Jeesh, you know I love you Russians and all, but the way you swallow nationalist propaganda hook, line and sinker is a bit creepy.
It's creepy how the local media here in Estonia is covering the conflict. Pretty much everyone seems to be in favour of Georgia, having swallowed the "propaganda hook". One site even has a special section dedicated to covering the war, which has a large banner with the Georgian flag, saying "Russia's attack on Georgia". Not surprising, of course.
- saakashvili and all his family is from U.S.
- Yushenko is sponsored by U.S. too
- Condoleezza Rice: "Russia has got too many lands.."

think about that
Posted by an Osetian in the forum (general discussion section). Probably he's not posting from Ossetia, I think:

230 years ago Osetia, which is now divaded into Nort Osetia and South Osetia, send an embassy to the imperior(tsar) of Russia, Ekaterina II. The embassy asked if Ossetia could be part of Russia and saved from hilinder raders. Ekaterina II agreed to protect that land as a part of own.

80 years ago the communist took control over old Russia Empire. The communist, follow the idea "how more efficiently control peolpe" (do you remember Cesar: divide and rule?), divided
Osetia in two regions. Two, becose there is a mountain ridge in the middle of Osetia.
South Part was given to Georgia.

17 years ago Geogria dicided to wipe of Osetians in south region and start war.
The Osetians were fighting well, but Georgia was bigger.
As 230 years ago Osetians came to Russians and asked for a help. After that the peacekeepers has came.

The history is repeating.

Yesterday the Osetians were fighting wery well, but Georgia was bigger, also it had an instructors and support from the USA. All together, they, once again, dicided to wipe not only Osetians, but peacekeepers too, becose they put obstacles in the way.
Now peacekeepers asked for help.

Russia is not attaking Georgia, Russia is trying to keep peace

Judging by this and BN's posts here I can't say I support Georgia... besides, I love Russia, comrades :mrgreen:

@Brother None: you're history teacher/specialist or something history related, right? Can you confirm this history related info?
fedaykin said:
It's creepy how the local media here in Estonia is covering the conflict. Pretty much everyone seems to be in favour of Georgia, having swallowed the "propaganda hook". One site even has a special section dedicated to covering the war, which has a large banner with the Georgian flag, saying "Russia's attack on Georgia". Not surprising, of course.

The same can be said about Russian local media.
fedaykin said:
It's creepy how the local media here in Estonia is covering the conflict. Pretty much everyone seems to be in favour of Georgia, having swallowed the "propaganda hook". One site even has a special section dedicated to covering the war, which has a large banner with the Georgian flag, saying "Russia's attack on Georgia". Not surprising, of course.
Well guess its due the fact that some people see russia as this country antagonist and after Georgia they might be next. :? Personally I don't buy it, but there are lot of people who do. Then again Bush showed that with internal problems brewing at home, a little war can divert attention from problems within.

I do have question what possessed Georgian to start shelling Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali? I mean wasn't it obvious russia would go for its throat and it would end up with annexation of Georgia? Before this whole mess started few days back I recall south ossetian leader giving out call for any volunteer " merc" to come fight on ossetian side. So that pegs a question did they know shit was going to hit the fand or were they behind this?
What did they do to stir up this hornets nest, wipe out few villages on border or on georgia side?
Umbrella said:
The same can be said about Russian local media.
GreyViper said:
Well guess its due the fact that some people see russia as this country antagonist and after Georgia they might be next. :? Personally I don't buy it, but there are lot of people who do.
The media is doing a good job at spreading this kind of paranoia. A professional journalist's job is to present the subject neutrally, though, instead of merely echoing public sentiment.
Makenshi said:
@Brother None: you're history teacher/specialist or something history related, right? Can you confirm this history related info?

I'm still studying so I'm no licensed specialist, but yeah it's my subject.

It's fairly correct, except that it overstates how the Ossetians came to the Russians for help (Russians pretty much offered it without the need to be asked to both times) and it overstates how artificial the North-South divide of Ossetia is (both regions are 2/3rd Ossetian, note, with the South having about a quarter Georgians and the north a quarter Russians), the divide was based on an actual mountain ridge that can only quickly be passed by a single tunnel. It is a geographical boundary, in other words.

Though indeed South-Ossetia should never have been a part of post-Soviet Georgia.

I also don't recall Ossetians ever "fighting well", they're just rag-tag militia. What he fails to note is how ugly the 1992 war was. If Georgia hadn't been checked by Russia that could've ended as genocide, pure and simple.

PS: ok, seriously, anyone actually believe that Russia intervening in a conflict in which they have been involved for two decades now is a sign that they might attack Estonia next? ARE YOU GUYS COMPLETELY FUCKING INSANE?!

Also: "annexation of Georgia"? wtf? Russia has very little interest in changing the layout of the lands in the Caucasus, that's already a hornet's nest as it is. Remember the Ossetian referendum in 2006 that asked for splitting with Georgia/reuniting with Russia? One of the countries that protested its validity was Russia.
it's pretty obvious that someone everyone knows, needs to involve Russia directly in this...
Saakashvili just needs to make everything right untill Bush is gone...

Sorry for my english... i'm just a Russian, who doesn't need that bullshit conflict...
Brother None said:
PS: ok, seriously, anyone actually believe that Russia intervening in a conflict in which they have been involved for two decades now is a sign that they might attack Estonia next? ARE YOU GUYS COMPLETELY FUCKING INSANE?!
Apparently yes, to some. And the events in Georgia just prove their theories they say. I think their argument was whats to stop russia i"peacekeeping" estonia similar events to Bronze night. The paranoid think EU wont do anything, just talk since going against russia would lose them a lot of money and cheap gas and would US relay go war over a small insignificant country?
Thats the reasons i have read, but personally I doubt it. I think they will stick to indirect measures, they are currently using.

Brother None said:
Also: "annexation of Georgia"? wtf? Russia has very little interest in changing the layout of the lands in the Caucasus, that's already a hornet's nest as it is. Remember the Ossetian referendum in 2006 that asked for splitting with Georgia/reuniting with Russia? One of the countries that protested its validity was Russia.
Hmm annexation might be strong term, is installing puppet goverment that pays lip service to russia better? Personally I think its all about the oil pipeline.

PS. romi4k what do people near you think all about this. It makes me just sad about soldier boys who are thrown into this conflict and are the ones who pay with their lives. :cry:
GreyViper said:
Apparently yes, to some. And the events in Georgia just prove their theories they say. I think their argument was whats to stop russia i"peacekeeping" estonia similar events to Bronze night. The paranoid think EU wont do anything, just talk since going against russia would lose them a lot of money and cheap gas and would US relay go war over a small insignificant country?

Wow, are these people uninformed.

1) Paranoid fucks.

2) Estonia is a NATO member. That means other NATO members have no choice if Estonia is attacked, they have to assist the country in its defense. This pact of NATO may not have been tested much, but it has also never been broken.

3) Maybe if you start treating your Russian citizens decently Russia won't feel inclined to bug you.

4) Seriously, you think you're important enough to Russia to bother with in the face of international pressure? Jees luis guys, get with it.

Paul_cz said:
Hmm annexation might be strong term, is installing puppet goverment that pays lip service to russia better?

Hello, has the Georgian government fallen? I don't see it. Has Russia invaded Georgian lands outside the independent provinces? No. Has Russia even pressured the Georgian government for anything other than peace so far? No.

Jumping to conclusions a bit, maybe?
Oh good, more paranoid conspiracy theorists.

We've got Russian nationalists shouting Georgian evil, Georgian nationalists shouting Russian evil, insane Baltics with their normal anti-Russian drivel, and now anti-Semitic/anti-American conspiracy theorists looking for the Judo-American syndicate involvement?

Good fucking Lord.
liberty rogue said:
Ossetians lost a half of their population to Georgian blietzkrieg, the refugees will probably permanently settle down in various Russian cities and naturally assimilate.
Really? And what Russians did/are doing in Chechnya? And Putin is talking something about genocide in Ossetia? What a fucking irony.