There are no "good guys" and "bad guys" here, just geopolitics between the west and the east, and this mess was started by NATO when they got greedy and wanted to take Ukraine for themselves.
Gonzalez, I thought you were better than buying into Russia's propaganda. Ukraine is a sovereign nation and decides its own fate. If it wants to go towards the West and NATO, it's their sovereign right to do so. Funny how people who claim the Euromaidan was orchestrated by the West (booo, evil Western countries coming for the East with their high quality of life, non-collapsed economies, and politics that aren't servicing oligarchs in every possible way) cannot provide evidence that it was, at all. Given the sheer size of the revolution, there should be a smoking gun in there, somewhere. Compare and contrast Russia's
actual interference, for which there is a fuckton of evidence from day one. It's also funny how Janukovych suddenly becomes an annoited patron saint of peaceful Ukraine, even though he was a despot trying to emulate Putin's politics (though more overtly, for example, using Berkut as his personal stormtroopers).
This mess wasn't started by NATO. It was started by Russia and its treatment of Ukraine as a vassal state, not a sovereign country in its own right. By its continued propping up of pro-Russian polticians, support for separatists, supplying weapons to them (including the one that downed MH-17), annexing Crimea...
I mean, seriously. If NATO is interfering so much, where are the NATO divisions on Ukrainian soil, annexing it as part of the Great Satanstate of Europamerica? You know, if they're equally as bad as RusFed, they had to annex a part of the country on flimsy pretenses, right?