Oh, I understand that they were fed up, and that Yanukovich was a piece of shir, but that does not justify siding with fascists to achieve that.
It's quite impossible to avoid. In my country, when the corrupt prime minister Sanader (currently on trial) just ran for it one day, there were huge public protests (well for our standards). It started as a staged protest of right wing war veterans, which only right wingers wanted to get involved with. The main square was full, but it was staged by the temporary goverment and it seemed to be utterly harmless when a big bunch of young football hooligans with no ties to the organization of that protest tried to take the protest to the actual political centre (in front of the parlament). This was banned by law by the Sanader administration (which ment you could only protest where it was not bothering anyone important, by law), and they got their assess kicked by the police. But the police were so vicious, and what the football hooligans did seemed so naive that people were outraged. Noone wanted to get behind the original protest, but when they saw dumb and hopeless kids being clubbed by the police, lots of folks got out on the streets.
When the huge column was going by my place, I just stepped outside and joined up. There was litterally all sorts. Even some football hooligans on their best behaivior, I remember one telling a grandma who was marching beside him (about the police chief) "Who's he calling a hooligan? I'm Mr. Hooligan compared to that secret service piece of ****, and I sure as hell never hit no decent folks with a police club". So, there I am, helping hold up a banner and marching around town, when I notice that my friends were getting progressively more annoyed by an Ustasha fashist (and were talking properly brainwashed "Hitler shoulda won" WWII collaborator throwback here) who was singing Faschist songs through a megaphone. We were all disgusted, but then it hit me - it's a public protest, and he, as retarded as he was, was out on the street doing what he thinks you do in a public protest. He was trying to boost morale! Those were the only war songs he knew! If anyone was taping that, you could say that it was a faschist uprising, when it really was one guy who's grandparents were on the wrong side of the war, except he was loud.
So I walk up to the guy and tell him "Dude, I get you're singing the only stuff you know, but most people here don't like that any better then they like the police, you know? People will leave just so they don't get assosicated with that crap, and look - " and I pointed towards my friends, harmless looking colledge students carrying a large banner on poles which said "Factories back to the workers". He was very confused at first but then he realized that eveyone was looking at us and either frowning at him or looking relieved, so he stopped. And then he went red in the face and tried to appologize and tried to explain that he doesn't want any harm to anyone but the goverment and that he just wants to help and be a part of it, and I told him to help carry a banner. So he did. Five minutes ago anyone "decent" would've seen the column, herd him shouting nonsense and walked away, as soon as he got something non-stupid to do - the scene looked totaly different.
Now, I know Ukrainian faschists are more organized and that there's people elbowing their way into political positions, but you really can't choose who you're gonna get out on the street with you when you go up against a corrupt regime. And about this Putin is right, whatever he does or doesn't do - if the goverment turns out to not reflect the will of the people, if their faschist come out on top, they'll lose the country even without Putin. There was surely decent folks out on the Maidan, and they weren't there for fashizm.
EDIT: Oh, and I got free beers from non-politically alligned football hooligans at that riot. I was scared to death when they asked me where I was from. I was from their rival city, and from a VERY notroious neighbourhood. They were thrilled because they've been in a bunch of fights with guys from my hood (on opposing sides) and considered them the nastiest pieces of work in the country. One even said "See, that's a corrupt goverment for you, when you have guys like this and guys like us on the same side, you can immagine how godawful the other side is". And I was glad they were there too, they're the only people with any street fighting experience. Was one time I was grateful they even existed. ^^
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