S.T.A.L.K.E.R. goes...gold...for reals?

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
I didn't think I'd be saying this, but after 5 years (and, sadly, the cutting of some features), there's this:<blockquote>We are pleased to announce that the game has gone to print! The project developed by GSC Game World over 5 long years has finally crossed the finish line.

We are sure that many of those, who discover the world of the Zone will "come down" with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for a long time. Soon anyone will be able to explore the world of the technological catastrophe and the unsolved mystery. Mutants, monsters and anomalies, enemies and comrades, dangerous fights and exciting missions await you!</blockquote>Link: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. website.
Link: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. G.O.L.D. on Gamespot, with an audio from THQ exec Kelly Flock about the event and game.

Thanks Morpheus and Kein.
Yeah! Ive been waiting for this for years! So..anybody interested in making a "Fallout Mini Mod"? For example adding Fallout Power Armor and the Fallout Gauss Rifle(The game already contains a GaussRifle, but I'm not satisfied with its look^^)? Or adding a russion vault jumpsuit! Damm this would be so great. Im sad that my modelling skills arent good enough for doing this in a adequate way.
Oh, I'm pretty sure there are Russian Modders out there, that will be doing this the moment they can :)
Well... I'll see if I'm interested in even buying the game... Otherwise I'll rent it for one wekk, probably...
I've been interested in it for some years now...so I'll check it out when I can...(since I'm not much into online gaming nowadays I really hope they've made a solid single player game)

The latest decent SP FPS I played was F.E.A.R....though I wish they hade a bit more fear and less "Kingpin" in it.(the few ghost/ghastly scenes were well made...but I still keep the haunted house and the abandoned hospital in VtM:Bloodlines as the most terrifying moments I've had in front of a screen...and that includes a whole lot of horrorflicks,being the horrorfan and gorehound I am)
radnan said:
wait .. waht ?

Not sure what the question was...or if it was aimed at me....but in case you're wondering about me,I am a FPS'er first and foremost.(even if I still haven't found any FPS that is in the same league as FO/2 gamewise,it's a genre where I've found more games that appeal to me than any other genre...)
I'm waiting for some user made reviews.
Stalker's theme is very interesting - but I'm not a great fan of first person shooters in real time.
During the long years of developement some of the role playing parts have been replaced by action elements, and the "RPG" Stalker has turned more and more into a postapocalyptic action shooter.
What features were removed from the game? Ive searched online and i only find people saying features were removed but nothing specific.
taxacaria said:
I'm waiting for some user made reviews.
Stalker's theme is very interesting - but I'm not a great fan of first person shooters in real time.
During the long years of developement some of the role playing parts have been replaced by action elements, and the "RPG" Stalker has turned more and more into a postapocalyptic action shooter.
You people are confusing something, GSC never said that it was an RPG. It was always a First Person Shooter. Though I forget if it was a firingsquad.com preview but there seemed to be more ways to do things then Oblivion (which was claimed to be an RPG) you were able to either fight through, sneak through, or even talk to the enemy and bribe someone.

I can't recall which preview that originally was but the recent shacknews.com preview mentions it as well:

STALKER used to be a simulationist FPS along the same lines of persistant world that Space Rangers and its sequel have done for space games.

The features removed were essentially a lot of the simulationist nitty gritty. I could've lived without NPCs accomplishing the main mission, but the other features removed like sleep, food, and diversified ammo were just unnecessary efforts at making the game more "streamlined."

It's still apparently a "real world" with the old naturally functioning ecosystem. At this point I'm just hoping that the homogenized ammo means that certain calibre rounds work for certain guns without constraints for magazines like in the Silent Storm games, but that's a longshot. If anything it'll be unified ammo for rifles, pistols and whatnot.
The Dutch Ghost said:
3D Realms "We are pleased to announce that the Duke Nukem Forever release date is in development."

Hahaha,now that is funny,pure humour...I've been waiting for that game since around -96...and that phrase is one that 3D Realms should use,it'd work perfectly for them. :D
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is the first FPS that has interested me in a long time. I'll probably buy it. I've been waiting for quite a while for it.
id advise anyone to wait a week or two after the release as from what i've seen so far its really not clear what the whole thing is about ... even the playtested details in the reviews seem abigous ... and i also think like someone before me that almost all the simulated world thingies have been removed in favour of scripted bubbles.. also the long production cycle wasnt blessed with huge funds and had a lotta slumps ... i'm wondering how art direction and design came out at the end .