Scariest Fallout critter

Centaurs since its just so grotesque and revolting, but what adds up to my fright is my arachnophobia. When i actually think about if i was to see face to face probably most of the critters would get me shit scared, but centaurs are the ones I feel scared when encountering. :D
Centaurs in Fallout 1/2 or Centaurs in Fallout 3 and NV.

Centaurs in Fallout 1 creeped me the fuck out. Then again I was only 13 when I first saw one. Even still though now, every time I see a FO 1 centaur chills run down my spin (kinda).

When I see a Fallout 3 or NV centaur I am just kinda like "what the fuck is that"?
The Cazador. Though their poisons are annoying enough, there's something unsettling about them. You know, the way they move sporadically, and their near silent wings. Seriously, one of my creepiest moments in New Vegas was when I was just walking along, I heard a flutter, and wham, a Cazador stung me.
one of my creepiest moments in New Vegas was when I was just walking along, I heard a flutter, and wham, a Cazador stung me.

That's why...

Walpknut said:
Everytime I saw a red dot moving from left to right erratically in the compass I started running the other direction.
Cazador, has to be the Cazador. First play through of NV I saw a red icon flash up on the compass and BANG I was toast.
Lexx said:

Everybody with a sense of quality hates Moira.
She's annoying but I still love her dialog.

"Try not to die!"

Oh shit I managed a duplicate double post above. I never do that :(
Radscorpions hands down. They were the first enemy i found in Fallout 1 (cave rats aside), they were hard (at that level) and god, they were big. Just imagine finding one of those irl...
Rats, plain mutated rats. I sadly admit that they were both my first kill and the first thing to kill me. Wasn't really my fault, my character just kept missing :/
Wow, nobody's said it yet...

Spore Carriers!

I don't want to give anything away so I'll just say that they're found in New Vegas and they're very hard to spot until they're pouncing toward your face.

Master from Fallout 1 is the scariest looking character, second being Master's Pets/Centaurs but Spore Carriers are both scary looking and uncomfortable to fight. Quarters tend to be pretty close so...ugh. Perfect habitat as well, so eerily quiet until [guuaaarrr!!]
Centaurs from all the games have a major John Carpenter's "The Thing" vibe to them and that I find both awesome and horrifying.

The Wanamingos from FO2 are pretty scary as well, mostly because, well... what the hell ARE they?
mevernore said:
Centaurs from all the games have a major John Carpenter's "The Thing" vibe to them and that I find both awesome and horrifying.

The Wanamingos from FO2 are pretty scary as well, mostly because, well... what the hell ARE they?

Aggreed, and that... scratching/cracking noise when they attack you... I hate it :I
Also the "kissing" noise when centaurs attack you