Per said:
Pretty cheap repetitive shock effects.
The heartbeats give the shock bits away, there's no real "playing" involved -- you just have to click on random things until something happens -- and I've seen better horror in tv commercials and shock-flashs.
I didn't even fully comprehend what the badly written notes were meant to say. I got that the father killed himself, someone had a cancer treatment and the boy's head exploded for some reason or another (head tumor?) and the mother poisoned herself -- or others.
I also couldn't make much out -- even though my gamma setting is quite high and I'm on a CRT screen it was all a bit too dark to be scary beyond the "ZOMG fear of the dark" scariness, which is pretty lacking in a zero-atmosphere Flash game.
Anyway. SS2 was fun, although I've never played it through. It was definitely a good horror game.
I hate shock effects, tho, so most other games just don't do it for me.
And apparently "horror game" these days just means there'll be a small girl standing in front of you ringu-style for no logical reason at some point, which is then meant to scare you.