Scariest game

Per said:
The House

This little gem can KILL you DEAD.

Pretty cheap repetitive shock effects.

The heartbeats give the shock bits away, there's no real "playing" involved -- you just have to click on random things until something happens -- and I've seen better horror in tv commercials and shock-flashs.

I didn't even fully comprehend what the badly written notes were meant to say. I got that the father killed himself, someone had a cancer treatment and the boy's head exploded for some reason or another (head tumor?) and the mother poisoned herself -- or others.

I also couldn't make much out -- even though my gamma setting is quite high and I'm on a CRT screen it was all a bit too dark to be scary beyond the "ZOMG fear of the dark" scariness, which is pretty lacking in a zero-atmosphere Flash game.


Anyway. SS2 was fun, although I've never played it through. It was definitely a good horror game.

I hate shock effects, tho, so most other games just don't do it for me.

And apparently "horror game" these days just means there'll be a small girl standing in front of you ringu-style for no logical reason at some point, which is then meant to scare you.
I just remembered Manhunt. Man, that game is unnerving and really, really freaky scary.

Also, good that you mentioned SS2, I can's believe I forgot that little gem of scariness.
There's obviously not much I can say in defence of the flash game; either it works on someone or it doesn't, you let it draw you in or you don't. For me it's reminiscent of the original Ring in its approach to horror which I find far superior to the usual screaming-and-gore variety.

As for games, I can't recall ever being scared by a "real" game, although that might just be my faulty memory or lack of playing lots of games. Alone in the Dark 3 was... well, um, not bloodcurdling? Haven't played SS2 myself, but I've seen it being played and was quite impressed with the background and atmosphere (plus SHODAN is the babe!).
I read that Silent Hill 3 is about ten times scarier than the second installment in the series. Having played the demom I have to agree. One thing I've never be able to stand in the silent hill series is the combat, though. It's really kind of broken, and isn't scary at all, like it was in Call of Cthulhu: Dark corners of the Earth, or SS2, or Condemned (damn it, that game alone nearly gives a reason to buy the 360. Think CSI meets Saw).

The problem with combat though is that most developers can't seem to make the difference between frustrating combat and scary combat.
Tetris. Definitely. Tetris scares the shit outta me. It had me hooked for about six months and my mother's addiction to it lasted even longer (about a year and a half, if I remember correctly, although I should add that this particular period of my life is kinda blurred). Everytime I see Tetris, I get sweaty and have a hard time breathing. And everytime I hear the jingles they used for the GameBoy version, I feel like stabbing someone with a blunt object.

I had similar experiences with Pong.

Don't ask. :roll:
alec said:
Tetris. Definitely. Tetris scares the shit outta me. It had me hooked for about six months and my mother's addiction to it lasted even longer (about a year and a half, if I remember correctly, although I should add that this particular period of my life is kinda blurred). Everytime I see Tetris, I get sweaty and have a hard time breathing. And everytime I hear the jingles they used for the GameBoy version, I feel like stabbing someone with a blunt object.

I had similar experiences with Pong.

Don't ask. :roll:

They should make alec: The Game, now that would be fucking scary...
The Overseer said:
One thing I've never be able to stand in the silent hill series is the combat, though. It's really kind of broken, and isn't scary at all, like it was in Call of Cthulhu: Dark corners of the Earth, or SS2, or Condemned (damn it, that game alone nearly gives a reason to buy the 360. Think CSI meets Saw).

That's why I'm playing it through so slowly; I love the atmosphere and the feel of the game, but the controls and the combat are on par with Resident Evil for shittiness. I don't think I've avoided getting sprayed in the face by those walking corpses once yet. Though I have to admit I'm pretty bad at action games in general, so I can't blame SH2 completely.

If I can make it through I'll probably pick up 3 and 4. The first one I'll skip - I watched a speed-run just so I'd have some backstory for 2, and it was just endless running, picking up keys, and backtracking and it looked boring as anything. That's something I've noticed about horror in general, whether games, movies, or books - I love the atmosphere and the story but the execution is almost always horrible. I know a lot of people don't have a problem with it, but personally I usually give up on horror/survival games pretty quickly because the gameplay just sucks.
I think I'm going to pick up Thief 3, and I downloaded SS2 from the underdogs. Last time I wasn't able to make it work, however, I'll give it another try. I also downloaded AvP 2. But I don't really like jumpy horror.

I's get Silent Hill 3, but the combat... Ugh..
Yes, definitely try everything TTLG recommends and if you still can't get it running let us know, I'm sure one of us can help you. SS2 can be a pain to get working but it's worth the trouble.
Fatal Frame 2

Silent Hill 3 and 4

Resident Evil Code Veronica(I dont know why, but that Music Box made me uneasy, and the music in the save room, and the song from the Piano when you put in the scroll)

Doom 3(Darkness)

Tomb Raider 1(Imagine, walking in a deserted tomb, then a hill billy comes around the corner and starts shooting at you)

Fallout 1(Necropolis in the dark)
Shit, I forgot about Tomb Raider... considering I was about 11 when it came out, it was scary at times.

What's funny is that SS2 actually took me a while to get into. I started it, got about a quarter into it, and got bored. I didn't start it again until this summer, and it still scared the shit out of me. The fact that the models have about 10 polygons didn't even bother me, because the lighting and textures were just that good. Plus the fact that ammo was so fucking rare for most of the game (remember Half-Life) that I felt like I couldn't shoot anything; everytime I HAD to unload I was uber-concerned that I wouldn't have enough shells for the next encounter.
Fatal frame 2 was hella-scary, I could barely play it on my own, but once again, the combat was meh. The whole taking pictures was sluggish, and mostly frustrating.

That's what I liked about F.E.A.R. While it might not have been as scary as other games, it was basically a very well-made action game. And for anyone who thinks F.E.A.R wasn't scary enough, check out Condemned. Monolith really pulled it off this time. This is what F.E.A.R should have been all along.

You're an FBI agent walking around in a well, condemned, building with crackheads all over the place, trying to track down a serial killer with forensic tools. Early on you lose your gun (which only had about seven bullets in it anyway), and you're forced to use lead pipes and anything you find to beat the crap out of all those attackers that outflank you in total darkness.

That was the problem with F.E.A.R. You had tons of ammo all the time, and the only real threat (scary threat at least) was the little girl. This has led me to believe that non-supernatural horror (e.g Condemned) can sometimes be far superior, in terms of creepyness.

First person is truly the optimal viewing point for jumpy horror.
I recently had the oppurtunity to try Condemned, with a projector and a killer sound system. It's easily one of the scariest games I've played. The department store is a superbly designed level and had me literarily jumping out of my seat at almost every turn. I even refused to play parts of that level. It's also one of the few levels in any game I've played that has a true cinematic feeling to it. Unfortunately the game becomes somewhat repetitive from what I've seen (what? you want me to go to ANOTHER dark and desolate building? right), and it's sometimes (but not always) quite easy to spot where the next (supposedly) scary moment will be.
System Shock 2.

Grab it, it's freeware. Try the Underdogs or something.

Nothing as claustrophobic and paranoia-inducing.

I don't find games set in the dark or forests particularly scary. Hell, I walk two kilometers almost daily in the dark, through a forest, to walk my girl home.
I played some Killing Floor. Scary as fuck. I think I'll try the multiplayer instead.
Resident evil series,Silent Hill,Doom,and Alone in the Dark. Wish more games could be scary, but it's usually cheap scares.