Scariest game

Probably a game almost none of you heard of; Ecco the Dolphin.
I found some segments of that game really creepy, and because you control a mammal swimming deep beneath the surface there is always the terror of drowning because you could get stuck somewhere.

Thing that scared me the first time? Those fucking underwater spiders, I really HATE spiders!
The Dutch Ghost said:
Probably a game almost none of you heard of; Ecco the Dolphin.
I found some segments of that game really creepy, and because you control a mammal swimming deep beneath the surface there is always the terror of drowning because you could get stuck somewhere.

Thing that scared me the first time? Those fucking underwater spiders, I really HATE spiders!

I'm amazed you said that and I remember it. I do remember being near the surface with the bright light and happy music then going deep down where it was very dark with very lonely music. The transition was unsettling and I do remember once being trapped and drowning. It was very scary.

The Vault Dweller
For me, definitely the Silent Hill 1&3 (haven't played 2) and Resident Evil 1.

Resident Evil 2 was pretty scary when I was younger. That big dude would always jump through a wall and scare the hell out of me. The moths creeped me out, too.
Resident Evil is the king of jumps. Not terribly frightening,but things like to pop out of the walls and windows when you least expect it. Not so much in the newer iterations,but up to Code Veronica that was the case. Fatal Frame did creep me out to the point where I didn't want to play it. I had to be on edge the entire time because you never know whats going to happen.
Walking down a long hallway just to see someone walk by at the end of the corridor, knowing you have to go over where you saw the ghost cross always got me. Then you get to where it walked by and its nowhere to be found just for it to pop out of nowhere minutes later.
AvP without a doubt, and it really gets funny when you play at a LAN with every light turned out. We managed to scare the living shit out of eachother. :D

I remember a game I played on the gamecube in a dark room with about 7-8 friends, Lovecraft inspired I think, can remember a sanity meter. There was a couple of places in the game that made everyone, yes - everyone, in the room jump and scream, oh the happy days gone by.

Never really got that tense feeling in SS2, I was just stressed most of the time.

Edit; Oh, and the first playthrough of RE1, I had to walk home from my friends house through the woods too, never been that fucking scared my entire life.
Nimrod said:
I remember my roommate playing a game about a girl with a camera hunting ghosts, but I can't remember the name of it for the life of me. What I saw of it wasn't half bad.

That's Fatal Frame. There were a few instances where the game scared the crap out of me. Nothing like hearing a weird noise in a complete darkness, looking through a camera and seeing a scary ass ghost taking a swing at you.

Silent Hill is my favorite kind of scary though. There was a sequence in a park in SH3, where if you die, the game goes into first person and after awhile some boogie-man grabs your leg and drags you away. That freaked me out!

If anyone played SH1, the cat in the locker part... You know what I'm talking about.
Most definitely Silent Hill, Resident evil was spooky but in my opinion SH is the king of sheer terror. Grotesquely deformed creatures with unpredictable distorted movement, a dark & decaying world massive ambient music...this game definitely strike a chord with my sense of terror. I also loved the movie & can't wait for the second instalment.
maximaz said:
If anyone played SH1, the cat in the locker part... You know what I'm talking about.

::laughs:: Yes, I do indeed. I really need to try the other Silent Hills.
maximaz said:
If anyone played SH1, the cat in the locker part... You know what I'm talking about.

I've never played SH1, but one day a friend showed my the game, so I started to walk around and WHAM!! freaking cat.
i didn't like system shock 2, i dont know what you guys are talking about, ss2 wasnt even that scary and i played it when i was 12... now silent hill 1 was really scary, and if any of you remember old monster party for the nes, now that was just wrong... also when i was growing up i was always scared of the first dungeon master on the snes.
The Vault Dweller said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
Probably a game almost none of you heard of; Ecco the Dolphin.
I found some segments of that game really creepy, and because you control a mammal swimming deep beneath the surface there is always the terror of drowning because you could get stuck somewhere.

Thing that scared me the first time? Those fucking underwater spiders, I really HATE spiders!

I'm amazed you said that and I remember it. I do remember being near the surface with the bright light and happy music then going deep down where it was very dark with very lonely music. The transition was unsettling and I do remember once being trapped and drowning. It was very scary.

The Vault Dweller

Ah I remember that ancient game to. Indeed the drowning part was nasty and I made many trips back and forth before I'd collected the nerve to enter a long tunnel... And those goddamn octopuss-kinda-spider things which would lash suddenly out at you when swimming to close. Some level bosses where freaky to, like that huge growling seaserpent.. :mrgreen:

And my king of scary moments is still Alien vs Predator 1. (very funny so many people mention this one). Like everyone mentioned the ominous beeping motion detector when something moved in the dark.. I waited sometimes minutes before entering a dark room if I expended my flares long ago. You'd simply knéw there would be aliens inside. My room clearing tactic was to run halfway inside the room, shoot a few rounds and run back trough the corridor like a girl. When the bleeping started I naded the entire room until they where gone.
Room to room fighting was doable because you could focus them in the doorway, but when you entered a big dark cave or room they could come from any fucking direction. And worse the motion detector only scans in front of you. Many times I desperately just ran like mad for the nearest corner or wall while randomly shooting grenades behind me at the dark hissing shapes who converged on my location, awesome. :mrgreen:

And I HATE those damn facehuggers!
I didn't experience avp1 but I remember the first marine mission in avp2 put me on the edge. Especially the first 20 min of all tension and no combat.
The marine campaign of AVP 1 was emotionally intense. I thought that it was really better than AVP 2 but both games are great anyway.
The Hotel in Vampire: Bloodlines..

By far the most scariest time I've had in a game, it was so...eerie, and ... seriously it was ...I can't find words for it!
Let's see....

Any of you played The Suffering? Not a scary game overall, but it has its moments. I heard the second part was even better, but I haven't played it.

Call of Cthulu - the best example how poorly made combat can fuck up the whole game, but until you get weapons, it's helluva scary.

Vampire: Bloodlines - Ocean Hotel (House?) was scary and the Tzimisce monsters scared the shit out of me, when they popped out of toilets and other weird places. Hollywood Sewers were great, first time I played it, I was a Toreador with little ammo or combat skills, so it was a "run for your no-life" experience.

I usually play shooters and horrors on an adrenaline rush, so I get jumpy and even the less scary games can freak me out.
Silent hill series does it for me.
Although res4 wasnt too scary some of those well animated death scenes were shocking. and my lungs allmost paralyzed when i was playing the game second time and tried shooting those fish by the lake where the giant lizard lived before getting in to the boat. damn.
well hello

minor spoiler following..

Lizard, mainly because i had played the game allready once through. didnt see it coming. (jumping to dock to catch me before the boss battle)
Bloodlust said:
Resident Evil 1 & Clive Barker's Undying.

citizenkhan said:
When resident evil first came out my friend Pat and I stayed up all night shaking in our jammys. I think that's probably number one for me, but I'm glad someone said System Shock 2, because that game was terrifiying. The sound design was so goddamn good; Shodan's voice just made me want to break down and cry - but at the same time it was strangely erotic/seductive.

TorontRayne said:
Resident evil series,Silent Hill,Doom,and Alone in the Dark. Wish more games could be scary, but it's usually cheap scares.

frissy said:
Resident evil 1. I remember once playing it with my friend in a dark room. We had already killed the zombie in the corridor, so we were running. Well suprise suprise. The hunters had appeared into the other parts of the mansion so we ran straight into a hunter and camera angle changed like inte last possible second. YAIKS!

M92FS said:
Resident Evil

SkynetV4 said:
Resident Evil 1: I like the series but the first was the scariest of them all. It then turned into a Heroic Bloodshed game from a Survival Horror game after the first.

Nimrod said:
As for jumps, I'd say the first Resident Evil

firebOrn said:
For me, definitely the Silent Hill 1&3 (haven't played 2) and Resident Evil 1.

TorontRayne said:
Resident Evil is the king of jumps.



... Yeah, I think that the first Resident Evil would definitely gets its place on the podium. I got an anecdote with my brother playing at it. My brother played in the dark and wore headphones. In Resident Evil, at a certain point, there's a zombie who climbs the stairs to open a door (it's the kitchen door if I remember rightly)... and exactly when the zombie opened the door, my mother did the same... just imagine my brother's face => :mrgreen:
Haha McRae :clap:

I once did someting likethat to my brother, but hís face looked like he was going to kill me.. That was the last time I scared him like that :wink: