Chancellor Kremlin said:
To look at it that way is to ignore the last couple of decades in that region completely. I really don't see how you can unconditionally support Israel. I mean, im no Hamas fan myself, but to support one side blindly is just a bit... deluded maybe?
I support the side that is most* in line with my beliefs. I do have a couple of gripes with Israel but they are mostly old history at this point.
I do agree with your statement that neither side wants peace.
Still waiting on the death counts myself, It is approaching 300 I believe.
The hard part is figuring out the truth in all of it. Everyone has an agenda and everyone loves to twist numbers.
Its annoying as hell.
Chancellor Kremlin said:
Still, I love Bal-Sagoth's interest in modern politics. Its only a shame the two of us see things from completely different perspectives. Still, I have learned to ignore that
I am glad you enjoy it as much as I do.
Things are much more enjoyable when you just accept the fact there are all kinds of different people with different opinions. It is a bit silly to get upset when someone else has different views.
It does me good to see there are still many people who can talk about events in a civil manner even tho they are on different sides of the political spectrum.
Blakut said:
225 for 1 dead is actually pretty even in my books. I support the philosophy of "If they hit you with a stick, hit them back with a sledge hammer".
Then the 9/11 attacks on the us were perfectly justifiable. They should be a daily occurence.
Fair enough!
I feel any group should do what they feel is right to achieve the goals they set out.
However at the same time they should not cry foul when we go in and bomb them back into the stone age.
Ravager69 said:
You from USA or something? That's a pretty narrow point of view. I don't think that civilians that died really "deserved" it.
How many civilians have actually died in this operation? Unless ZOG is controlling the internet it appears the majority of the deaths are Hamas security forces.
I am still waiting on more unbiased sources to get an accurate civi body count.
Civilian death is a sad but necessary part of war.
FeelTheRads said:
How Old Testament (or should I say JEWISH) of you.
I just like the saying.
fedaykin said:
Isn't it funny how the rocket attacks on Israel cause a little damage and kill one or two people once in a while, and each time the Israeli army retaliates, killing hundreds of people, including terrorists, policemen and civilians? A hundred dead Palestinians for each dead Israeli is a pretty effective tactic. And then they say "we're just trying to protect ourselves from the terrorists". Yeah, right.
“Israel wants to bring about a situation where Hamas understands that it is not worthwhile to fire rockets at Israel, that Israel carries a heavy stick,”
While I know Hamas will never cease rocket attacks I do think the good Generals message is very clear. Israel carries a very heavy stick.
fedaykin said:
It's hilarious whenever a bible-thumping retard uses that quote. Because what the bible actually says about it is the complete opposite of what christian extremists mean
Jesus preached non-violence (or, at most, proportional retaliation), christian extremists conveniently ignore that fact, because it does not fit with their ends.
Uh, ok? Good thing I am not affiliated with any religious groups or bible thumpers eh? As I said before I just enjoy the saying.
Blakut said:
As you can observe, the troll started a fire but avoids discussion, leaving us arguing amongst ourselves.
Sorry bro, Some people have to sleep and attend family holiday functions.
zag said:
no, i dont think so. nobody with a real life gets such joy out of things like that.
Geesh why all the harsh talk?
For the life of me I never understand why people have to get so worked up when someone else expresses a different view. We can all have a nice civil discussion.
For what it is worth, I appreciate everyone's opinion here even if they are on the other side of the political fence.
**** Sorry if I missed anyone, that was a lot to come back to and I am about to go out to dinner. I will read over it all again when I get back and respond if something slipped by me.