Dr Fallout
Exactly! Imagine, exploring through the trial, sometimes stopping at settlements and surviving wild animals and freezing cold, lack of food and disease.I smell a gold rush style theme in the Yukon, I like it.
Exactly! Imagine, exploring through the trial, sometimes stopping at settlements and surviving wild animals and freezing cold, lack of food and disease.I smell a gold rush style theme in the Yukon, I like it.
Pirates. Island factions, on the water fishing villages, and a fictitious island barely touched by the fallout full of resources like fresh water and wild crops. I believe that shitty movie waterworld already outlined the design of some on the water fishing villages.
Agreed, Yukon trail for the win! Could even be a mod...After Far Cry 3, I've had enough of first-person shooter combat against pirates with guns on islands and fishing villages for a long time. Even looking at this picture alone, I'm already getting reminded of the game again.
I doubt you could add any story spin to it with Fallout either, what unique plot point could you bring up in a water-based settlement? Food issues? That's done so many times, I don't need to be told everyone is starving again for the eleventh trillion time.
I have never played a Far Cry game so your reason wouldn't apply to me. As for plot points I will concede that written by BGS it would be shooting and supermutant pirates. This DLC will not be written by Bethesda and will be more like "A Fistful of Dollars," factions living in an uneasy peace and the player showing up and getting in the middle of it, it just so happens to have an island setting.After Far Cry 3, I've had enough of first-person shooter combat against pirates with guns on islands and fishing villages for a long time. Even looking at this picture alone, I'm already getting reminded of the game again.
I doubt you could add any story spin to it with Fallout either, what unique plot point could you bring up in a water-based settlement? Food issues? That's done so many times, I don't need to be told everyone is starving again for the eleventh trillion time.
I'd be down for it.No ninja's?
I think an island full of xenophobic paranoid islanders hiding a secret would be a nice start for a DLC...Hey don't judge me.
Depending on the game for me, I could either attempt to be nice to someone like that or kill them for being dicks. If it's a Bethesda Fallout I've learned to kill everything on site because NPCs like Marcy Long make me want to scatter their brains all over the ground.I would kill all of them on first sight.
Most of my roleplaying predominantly consists of attempting to destroy any xenophobic, locked away group that has an unpopular opinion, because fuck different opinions and their attempts to spread them while hating the world for not being how they want it.
Yeah, I know I'm a hypocrite, shoot me anytime.![]()
But that may offend people and be too much for the average Bethesda fanboy to wrap their brain around. Remember this game and its DLC need to be made to please almost every demographic of gamers, expect RPG gamers because their not where the moneys at. Remember the average gamer doesn't want to make tough choices that will haunt them later, have their morals and beliefs questioned and tested nor do they want enemy factions to be humanized. They just want more cannon fodder to test out their new modded weapons at while being told how awesome they are.I'd like to see more tribal DLC's, sort of like Honest Hearts but with themes of xenophobia replacing the religious overtones. That would give a deeper meaning to Fallout 4's methodic combat system, instead of killing faceless raiders you'd be systematically destroying cultures you don't agree with, fill it with references to American settlers destruction of Native culture and you'll have a DLC worthy of New Vegas.
I want a DLC where the main storyline is that it turns out the Institute weren't completely destroyed, and that their remnants are hooning around in a mobile tank base and you have to blow it up. Err, or if you sided with the Institute then it's the Brotherhood instead I guess, maybe they repurposed their crashed blimp into a giant ground-blimp. Or some guy (maybe player's grandfather from cryogenic base on the Moon?) has a kee-razy plan to purge all radioactive material from the Atlantic Ocean, but it turns out that the cure involves drowning a baby, and the player has to make a tough moral choice.
But that may offend people and be too much for the average Bethesda fanboy to wrap their brain around. Remember this game and its DLC need to be made to please almost every demographic of gamers, expect RPG gamers because their not where the moneys at. Remember the average gamer doesn't want to make tough choices that will haunt them later, have their morals and beliefs questioned and tested nor do they want enemy factions to be humanized. They just want more cannon fodder to test out their new modded weapons at while being told how awesome they are.![]()
You'd better have enjoyed it, I lost a lot of brain cells writing that shit.This actually sounds like something Bethesda might consider, no offense.![]()
I want a DLC where the main storyline is that it turns out the Institute weren't completely destroyed, and that their remnants are hooning around in a mobile tank base and you have to blow it up. Err, or if you sided with the Institute then it's the Brotherhood instead I guess, maybe they repurposed their crashed blimp into a giant ground-blimp.
Or some guy (maybe player's grandfather from cryogenic base on the Moon?) has a kee-razy plan to purge all radioactive material from the Atlantic Ocean, but it turns out that the cure involves drowning a baby, and the player has to make a tough moral choice.
Ooh! Or maybe one of the player's commanding officers is an old war ghoul that wants a suit of T999 prototype super power armor which is being kept in a pre-war bunker, but the commander of the bunker was an alien, and to get access to it the player needs to invade a space ship and cut out the captain's eyeballs to use on the retinal scanner. Or I guess if the player is female and not from the military then they get some quest about folding laundry or whatever instead, who cares.
This time I agree. I'd rather we discuss serious dlcs for a shitty RPG.Well, I see this thread has been thoroughly derailed. I should've known nobody could avoid hating on Bethesda.
Granted, they totally deserve it, but it's still derailing.