Shacknews Impressions and Vault Dweller's Guide Scans


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Shacknews has put up their impressions of Fallout 3 walkthrough after PAX:
<blockquote>The hulking armor-clad humanoids were accompanied by a blubbering beast called a Centaur, which slowly slimed its way toward me. After using the slow-motion VATS system to blow off its slimey head, I was momentarily victorious--until I noticed a Super Mutant holding a minigun in the background, lumbering out of a ruined church.

Later on, heading way out into the wasteland, I encountered a slaver town called Paradise Falls. I got a little angry with the town guard after being denied entry. He said I didn't seem enough like a slaver. I called him an asshole, and then called him out to fight. He said that sounded more like a slaver, and gave me a quest to enslave a few notable people from other towns to earn my entrance.

Heading far into civilization, I ran into a National Guard Depot, a giant "Enlist Today" sign above it. Outside, numerous robots guarded the doors, all very reminiscent of Fallout 1 and 2 machines. The "Robobrain" was like an irate version of the Lost in Space robot, all tube-like arms and powered by a human brain encased in liquid. Shooting the brain was the quickest way to kill it.</blockquote>
And, what's more interesting, they put up the scans of the Vault Dweller's Survival guide, Bethesda have been giving out. There is some interesting information. For example, there is a height comparison table for different creatures and objects. There are some relatively new creatures, as well as the already known ones. Also, there are the pictures of guns and many other stuff.


Now we have all the pictures mirrored in our gallery (thanks Tannhauser). They are also available at Shacknews.

Many thanks to Jiggly McNerdington and Anani Masu.
"Figure 2.2c Make eye contact when talking to others." is definitely my favorite bit from the guide.

Also confirmation of player slaving.
This feels much different that the type of material Bethesda produces naturally. I suspect that they hired a small artistic studio to put this guide together. If I'm right, I wonder who exactly it was that did this, because they did a good job, all things considered.

Anyway, here is the entire guide hosted on NMA:

:) love the way the guide give silly advices like the eye cover stuff, its like those old manuals that told the kids to duck and cover in case of a nuclear blast, good stuff.
that is brilliant! id love to know what company did this. looks like some promotional work you might find in the "page" or some other media-related magazine. excellent!
Anani Masu said:
Ack, poor decision to put all the pictures in the news article horizontally. It's at least 6000 pixels wide.

Yep. It's hard to read :|

On the other hand I like that too. But notice on the page #23 how the supermutant doesn't fit to the picture;) Is it me, or do you have similar feelings?
Looking at the new videos, I'd say- no.

There's a Coke machine (with a FLICKERING DISPLAY) apparently plugged into nothing, OUTSIDE, with sodas still in it, in the first of the new demo videos.

It's just another one of those things that doesn't make sense- like the single-person fallout shelters- that are in the game.

As a Fallout game, damn this thing fails.

As a generic PA shooter.... I dunno, it might be fun. If I can ignore the "cursing makes me f**king adult!" attitude and the various idiocies- like how the FIRST PERSON YOU COME ACROSS, at least according to the new demo, KNOWS you're from "that Vault over there" and yet... Megaton, the Enclave and the BoS haven't tried to open the Vault. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

... In any case, yes, I will be playing the game. I don't know if I'll like it... I probably won't (and not primarily because it messes with the Fallout lore in so many horrible ways; instead because I'm really not a fan of FP roguelikes) but I will give it as fair a shake as possible.

But I definitely won't be buying it. Well, not unless it shatters my expectations. In which case, I'll GLADLY eat my words.
Funny, though the language differs significantly from the FO1 VDSG... still, it might be just Vault 101's extreme isolation experiment that hanged the form of the booklet.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Funny, though the language differs significantly from the FO1 VDSG...

Hey, they had to use a different set of writers, can't expect them to completely imitate FO1's VDSG.

I think it's wonderfully done, I love the illustrations. Reminds me a bit of Andrew Loomis' style, I like that.

Any way to find out who made it?

FeelTheRads said:
Just noticed, is the missile launcher actually loaded with two missiles?

As far as I can see, it might not be loaded at all.
I love #4.
The Mushroom Cloud and the flames around the Vault Boy, while he's relaxing with Board Shorts and Sunglasses on a Lawn Chain? Awesome. I'm making it my Wallpaper.

Anyway, this really does remind me of the original manuals for FO1/FO2. Hopefully the manual of the game is as good as this.
great stuff. i'm surprised there's mention of cannibalism

mirelurk king - is that something from oblivion?
I can has too pleez?

If anyone has one of these guides and is feeling a little entrepreneurial, I'd be more than happy to help them out!