Shacknews Impressions and Vault Dweller's Guide Scans

Dweller's Survival Guide in PDF

if you are interested anyone I've straightened and converted these scans into one pdf file. You can download this file from our Vault
Ausir said:
It is intended for the player I.E. YOU. It's a marketing item. It doesn't exist ingame.
But it's written from the in-universe perspective.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but I don't live in a vault, the player character does (this is still supposed to be a RPG right?).
Bethesa continues to suffer from this particular malaise of LARPification.

The other thing is the bludgeon like nature of the content.
Where's the "hide under your desk kids and everything will be OK kids" innocence of actuall cold-war content like Duck and Cover?
To the contrary, they lay out exactly what mutated creatures you'll meet and your probable descent into a cannibal.
Real fucking subtle.
They missed the mark on this.
Can someone explain this "LARP" shit to me..

Seems like everytime someone brings up acting in character someone pulls "Larping" out of their ass.. yeah I know what larping is in the real world but please enlighten me where the line is playing "in character" and whatever the fuck you people like to call "larping"?
Xenophile said:
Can someone explain this "LARP" shit to me..

Seems like everytime someone brings up acting in character someone pulls "Larping" out of their ass.. yeah I know what larping is in the real world but please enlighten me where the line is playing "in character" and whatever the fuck you people like to call "larping"?

LARPing is short for the concept that a role-playing game is about pretending to be someone to the exclusion of everything else, that "playing a role" does not mean some detachment from your character but means fully pretending to be him. This is generally seen as the goal of modern FP/TPoTS FPS/Action-RPGs.

This is related to LARPing rather than RPGing in the fact that LARPing is about dress-up and literally pretending to be some fantasy figure, while RPGing is about making a character and depending on a combination of his/her abilities and your commands to make it through the adventure. Look at it this way: most pen and paper players will refer to their character (when not playing) as "he" or "she".

The reason people always wrinkle their nose when talking about LARPing philosophy in game design is stupid shit like this.

Primarily, I don't have a problem with it if people want to play RPGs like that, but it does annoy me to no end that the idea caught on that this is the basic philosophy of RPGs, that all RPGs should be about visual immersion and pretending to be the PC. That's shit. Go for some diversity, people.
survival guide

Actually it wasn't really written in 2077 in fact the Overseer of vault 101 had them made up about 40 years earlyer when there was a group who wanted to go outside. He reported these mumblings to Fault 0 and they sent him an encrited file with this survival guide made to look like it was made in 2077.

(not being sarcastic just saying that it is ONE way to explain it. And Yes the Height chart did bother me when I saw it. Loved the wastland cup though)
What crap? The Oblivion Roleplaying page? It's funny, isn't it?

They cleaned it up a bit. It used to be even funnier, especially "roleplaying riding a horse" shit was hilarious.

It's a wiki page so no one person made it up.
Oh brother, thats what you get when people have to much time on their hands.

I wonder if they came up with all this stuff while actually playing Oblivion.

Gamer "Man this is dull but I don't want to acknowledge that this game is actually a bad purchase, especially not after being so positive on it on the forums. I know! I'll make up some real life elements and actions and play these into the game to expand the gameplay."
You do know lots of people had fun playing Oblivion? Spent just as much time as Morrowind on it. With mods too, obviously.
Now I know where the stupid idea of pretending that exploding cars/killing teddy bears/anything stupid isn't included in game came from.
What is stupid????

Jim Cojones said:
Now I know where the stupid idea of pretending that exploding cars/killing teddy bears/anything stupid isn't included in game came from.

I think Exploding cars are shiny. Killing teddy bears are funny (if there not over done. Meaning most have rotted away so they are hard to come by) And I have no idea what you mean by something stupid. Allot of people have different opinions on that subject.

I like the Rock-it-Launcher I find it....whimsical....I love the new look to the powerfist. I'll want to play with the railroad gun first before I make any comments. Lunchbox mine rules. Not to sure about the Fatman however.

I like Robco Robots (think Robby the robot from Forbidden Planet or similar to "Robot" from Lost in Space. These were Popular "robots" in the Late 50s and 60s television. I think these guys add more of that 50's retro style.

What I find annoying is the same song played over and over on the demos. Could have said stupid but its not really. I'v just heard it to many times now so have now become annoyed by it.
God that is some funny stuff there on that wiki page.

What strikes me as particularly ironic is the fact that most of these 'RPG' ways of playing the game are roundabouts and excuses for people who don't like certain of the gameplay elements Bethesda added/removed.

The entire section about fast travel gives options about how fast travel actually would have been a lot more interesting, bribing mages, hiring people to get you somewhere, using boats as a means of transport. But no, they didn't put all that stuff in there. No, even a wiki page tells me I'm supposed to imagine it. They should have probably added a line above each paragraph "what to do when you didn't like [gameplay element]" instead of calling it 'RPG'ing.

Same with the compass, the houses, eating, horses and so on. They're all roundabout ways to fix the stupid handholding that entered the game in every corner. Hell, Oblivion played this way almost feels like it'd fit the Fallout-universe. Why? Well, it's damaged, broken down, held together by bandaids and tape and been improved on by anybody but the original creator. But when you're in the wastelands of gaming nowadays your choices are limited enough to make Oblivion attractive. Just like you'd use a standard BB-gun to fight off mutants if it'd be the only thing you got.
Edmond Dantès said:
The entire section about fast travel gives options about how fast travel actually would have been a lot more interesting, bribing mages, hiring people to get you somewhere, using boats as a means of transport. But no, they didn't put all that stuff in there. No, even a wiki page tells me I'm supposed to imagine it. They should have probably added a line above each paragraph "what to do when you didn't like [gameplay element]" instead of calling it 'RPG'ing.

Could never understand why that wasn't in Oblivion. I mean it was in Morrowind. Mage guilds, strider transport and boats all made an appearance and Oblivion could of easily used a similar system.
thefalloutfan said:
You do know lots of people had fun playing Oblivion? Spent just as much time as Morrowind on it. With mods too, obviously.

This random comment bought to you by... Super Duper Mart.

Anyways, I find it funny, as mentioned above, that most of these "improved realism" bits are just ways of ignoring the shitty design elements of Oblivion.

ie: If you don't like the quest compass, PRETEND IT ISN'T THERE!

As BN has said, I'll remember that next time I watch a movie I don't like. When there are parts that I don't like, I'll close my eyes and block my ears, and that should improve my general feeling about the movie as a whole.
btw all trefoils (radiation signs) are upside down/painted in a wrong way. (btw2 the favicon of this page has the same flaw)
atr_23 said:
btw all trefoils (radiation signs) are upside down/painted in a wrong way. (btw2 the favicon of this page has the same flaw)

Holy shit, you're right. That's amazingly sloppy.

The favicon doesn't have that flaw, it's meant to be viewing the trefoil from an angle. You'll see all our other trefoils are correct-side-up.