Shacknews Impressions and Vault Dweller's Guide Scans

Re: Dweller's Survival Guide in PDF

JaW said:
if you are interested anyone I've straightened and converted these scans into one pdf file. You can download this file from our Vault

Thanks alot for the tip ... only I don't understand the language in your site - could you clarify where the "download" thingy is?

Re: Dweller's Survival Guide in PDF

Daimyo said:
JaW said:
if you are interested anyone I've straightened and converted these scans into one pdf file. You can download this file from our Vault

Thanks alot for the tip ... only I don't understand the language in your site - could you clarify where the "download" thingy is?

Isn't it in English? I can see Vault Dweller's Survival Guide pretty clear myself. :lol:
Brother None said:
atr_23 said:
btw all trefoils (radiation signs) are upside down/painted in a wrong way. (btw2 the favicon of this page has the same flaw)

Holy shit, you're right. That's amazingly sloppy.

The favicon doesn't have that flaw, it's meant to be viewing the trefoil from an angle. You'll see all our other trefoils are correct-side-up.

mmh i am not sure the favicon looks wrong to me. i made a small overview about the trefoil depiction :)

Just a quick reply to whoever said Black Isle made rpgs that stood on their own merits.

Go play lionheart.....

Btw, just got the guide off ebay for $4 shipped.
Black Isle didn't make Lionheart, Reflexive Entertainment did. Interplay just published it and slapped the Black Isle name on it.
Well that sucks for BI, though it is curious that all the reviewers didn't realise this and say it was done by black isle.

man that was a horrible game.
Brother None said:

Thanks :)

JaW said:
Isn't it in English? I can see Vault Dweller's Survival Guide pretty clear myself.

Well, I clicked that and then had trouble finding out how to download it.

No worries though - with BN's pointer and the new news post with the complete thing I have what I need :)