Shadow of the President Prevents Air Travel

Tagaziel said:
What would Russia do anyways? Make trees that become bigger on demand?

They could blow it up and then say it hit a tree?

Public said:
What profits Russia would benefit from killing a Polish president?

I have no idea. I'm not the one saying they did it, I'm asking if anyone thinks that.
Ausdoerrt said:
I wonder how long it is before everyone goes "oh noes the Russians shot it down!" Not that this isn't a possibility... If there's a good-sounding conspiracy theory, I might even believe it. The Russian gov't is ebil, after all :lol:

That's insane. If you have any questions about whether or not your viewpoint is a healthy or paranoid one, the fact that you're even considering this is your answer.

Ylenard said:
-Most of the military commanding staff died along with president, so they could gain temporary advantage in case of military conflict(not that they haven't got one already).

Yes, because whether or not their war with a NATO member is successful completely depends on that smaller nation's military staff.

Ylenard said:
-Most of the opposition in regards to PO(at least most of their counting figures) died, so PO(civic platform) suddenly became the only strong political party in Poland, and they are much more "pro-russia" than PiS is.

And now they'll have elections soon. If the intention is to make pro-Russian parties the most dominant, this would be a hideously stupid way to do it.
Tagaziel said:
maximaz said:
They could blow it up and then say it hit a tree?

No tangible benefits.

That's a completely different issue. I'm just saying that they'd have no problems downing a plane secretly if they wanted to. I don't see why they would or what they could get out of it. I only wondered if there were people who thought this.
there are also people who believe Roswell saw some Alien crash or the Moonlanding beeing a fake. So yeah, I bet some people "think" Russians are responsible for that plane crash. People believe all sorts of stuff even when logic says otherwise.
Crni Vuk said:
there are also people who believe Roswell saw some Alien crash or the Moonlanding beeing a fake. So yeah, I bet some people "think" Russians are responsible for that plane crash. People believe all sorts of stuff even when logic says otherwise.

If this theory is as popular in Poland as the ones you mentioned are in the US, then it's pretty big.
All theories in norway points to the pilot being under preassure from the people aboard and that it caused him to try to hard. Also there was apperantly language barriers.
Hey, El Presidente wants to land now and not be late! This is a goddamn presidential aircraft, land it or else!

But ser, i can't see a bloody thing. And there's no Instrument Landing System on this god forsaken airport!

Shutup and land, pilot.

Ok, here it g-BOOM.

Goddamn politicians always have to have their way.
Also there was apperantly language barriers.

They all have to speak in English through radio. And even if they did speak in russian, poles understand it pretty well. Do not land! is a simple enough command, when repeated.
Tagaziel said:
Propably are, but none are spouting their insanity publicly.

What would Russia do anyways? Make trees that become bigger on demand?

RC jamming.
Chemical fog canisters.
Putin's awesome martial arts techniques.
Any combination of the above.

Really, I am expecting to spring up quite shortly.

You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.

Also, I think that Russians are apt at painting trees to be more green, but experiments to make them enlarge on demand failed miserably in the late 60s.

Plus, the trees might still be uncooperative those 70 years after Stalin weeded out all the cypresses to prevent assassins from hiding behind them.
AskWazzup said:
Brother None said:
Oh hey, look, a Lithuanian who is paranoid about Russia. How...predictable. Poor Lithuania, so innocent sitting next to a pure evil neighbour. It's a miracle they haven't imploded yet.

Sorry, AskWazzup, but if I want a serious analysis of the political balance of the former SU and CIS-states, the last person I'd ask is a Lithuanian. Or a Russian.

How is that paranoid? I have nothing against Russians as people, i'm not saying that they will attack us, but i think it's pretty clear that Russia, as a political unit, has strong interests in having more cotrol over former su states. Even without recent (as in 20 years) events, our history for the last couple of hundered years hasn't been exactly friendly.

How about the analysis of a fellow Dutchmen?

I agree with AskWazzup, if you keep in mind that Lithuania only got their independence in 1990, and was attacked again one year later, it is obvious that Russia never agreed with letting former SU-states go. In fact, the only reason for the independence of many former SU-states being political pressure, it is clear that if allowed, they'd take back each and every one of those states.

They've always kept a grudge. Look what happened in Georgia.
Oh yeah, regarding the war in Georgia - when Kaczynski went there on an airplane, the pilot refused to land becaused the damn airport was under fire, despite Kaczynski demanding him to land. I guess if it wasn't for the pilot's common sense, we'd have our president killed a whole lot earlier. Of course that pilot suffered reprecussion afterwards, by the way.

That being said, Kaczynski just doesn't seem the kind of man that'd die. You know what I mean, his kind tends to last the longest, it's the influential, loved men who die in assassinations\crashes.
Grin said:
I agree with AskWazzup, if you keep in mind that Lithuania only got their independence in 1990, and was attacked again one year later, it is obvious that Russia never agreed with letting former SU-states go.

Oh totally! Let's ignore the fact that it's not Russia but the SU acting there, and also ignore how the SU wasn't yet dissolved during the January Events! Let's also ignore how it was Russia, Belarus and Ukraine who signed the Belavezha accords dissolving the SU and agreeing to keep its existing borders (a unique and - in hindsight - insane decision that caused a lot of the problems of the modern-day CIS). Then let's ignore how Jeltsin had enough trouble keeping the integrity of his own state during the early 90s, and had to make concession upon concession to semi-independent regions like Tatarstan.

Let's ignore all that!

And only then does your argument remotely start to make sense.

Grin said:
In fact, the only reason for the independence of many former SU-states being political pressure, it is clear that if allowed, they'd take back each and every one of those states.

Totally! Russia's just poised and cackling to take over. It's not like they are just now recovering from 20 years of problems of political decentralization and the ensuing political and economic weakness, or that they have a lot more immediate concerns than expansions. Nah, they're big and bad and evil, they must be dying to invade their neighbours!

Or hey, here's an alternative: they're a big state that is unwilling to let the US hold significant influence inside their sphere of influence. Which is...exactly what every other big state in the world is doing right now. How would the US react if Russia made a missile defense shield treaty with Canada and Mexico? How would the US react if Russia starts a new military alliance and quickly signs all Latin American states? Werl? Yet somehow, when Russia is peeved because the US is clearly infringing on their political turf, they're the bad guys.

Grin said:
Look what happened in Georgia.

Yeah, look how they attacked the country after Georgia started bombing neutral zones and Russian government buildings in autonomous regions in an attempt of "national reunification". So evil.

Wait what?

Good analysis :ok:
Brother None said:
Totally! Russia's just poised and cackling to take over. It's not like they are just now recovering from 20 years of problems of political decentralization and the ensuing political and economic weakness, or that they have a lot more immediate concerns than expansions. Nah, they're big and bad and evil, they must be dying to invade their neighbours!

Heh. It's not like Napoleon or Hitler inherited politically stable economic powerhouses, yet somehow they were able to make quite a lot of ruckus across the globe.

That is to say that I do not believe Russia is in fact poised to strike ATM, but it is not uncommon in history of the world for internal unrest to be quelled by channeling the anger at an external foe. See what Stalin did there (not that I believe there is an equally insane leader as him sitting on an equally large pile of war resource right now anywhere near now). Just saying "It could happen here!"

Titanic's (German satire magazine) headline:
Poland without leadership - What is to be Done?

Merkel: "The president, the leadership, the military... all dead!"

Putin: "You get the West and we take the East, just as always?"
That was published in Germany? You guys are dicks! (or you need Breslau and Stettin back really, really bad ;))

Just don't let those pesky Russians past the Vistula. I don't read cyryllic script ;)