Grin said:
I agree with AskWazzup, if you keep in mind that Lithuania only got their independence in
1990, and was attacked again
one year later, it is obvious that Russia never agreed with letting former SU-states go.
Oh totally! Let's ignore the fact that it's not Russia but the SU acting there, and also ignore how the SU wasn't yet dissolved during the January Events! Let's also ignore how it was Russia, Belarus and Ukraine who signed the Belavezha accords dissolving the SU
and agreeing to keep its existing borders (a unique and - in hindsight - insane decision that caused a lot of the problems of the modern-day CIS). Then let's ignore how Jeltsin had enough trouble keeping the integrity of his own state during the early 90s, and had to make concession upon concession to semi-independent regions like Tatarstan.
Let's ignore all that!
And only then does your argument remotely start to make sense.
Grin said:
In fact, the only reason for the independence of many former SU-states being political pressure, it is clear that if allowed, they'd take back each and every one of those states.
Totally! Russia's just poised and cackling to take over. It's not like they are just now recovering from 20 years of problems of political decentralization and the ensuing political and economic weakness, or that they have a lot more immediate concerns than expansions. Nah, they're big and bad and evil, they must be dying to invade their neighbours!
Or hey, here's an alternative: they're a big state that is unwilling to let the US hold significant influence inside their sphere of influence. Which is...exactly what every other big state in the world is doing right now. How would the US react if Russia made a missile defense shield treaty with Canada and Mexico? How would the US react if Russia starts a new military alliance and quickly signs all Latin American states? Werl? Yet somehow, when Russia is peeved because the US is clearly infringing on their political turf,
they're the bad guys.
Grin said:
Look what happened in Georgia.
Yeah, look how they attacked the country after Georgia started bombing neutral zones and Russian government buildings in autonomous regions in an attempt of "national reunification". So evil.
Wait what?
Good analysis