Shares in a U.K. oil company with interests in the Falklands have slumped

Actually your grasp in our economical situation is quite null, to say the least. We are among the nations with least external debt in the entire world, and because of this we are able to take up on so much more if we need to, even our living standards have become quite pampered, with people complaining mostly of not being able to buy the latests iPhone because of import restrictions, or having to pay a 100% tax (and they pay for it anyways to have it) rather than not being able to pay their rents. If you are so mislead on something like this there is no wonder you have misconceptions in general, you idea of our situation is 15 years off target.
Actually your grasp in our economical situation is quite null, to say the least. We are among the nations with least external debt in the entire world, and because of this we are able to take up on so much more if we need to, even our living standards have become quite pampered, with people complaining mostly of not being able to buy the latests iPhone because of import restrictions, or having to pay a 100% tax (and they pay for it anyways to have it) rather than not being able to pay their rents. If you are so mislead on something like this there is no wonder you have misconceptions in general, you idea of our situation is 15 years off target.
Your grasp on your economic situation is quite null
Its not 15 years off target, you defaulted several times since your depression, and the IMF just forecast you would have another recession.
I guess you know better from reading foreign news than me who actually live here. The only "default" of late was imposed externally, not because we didn't had the money to pay, and even that we solved already, paying many times more than we should had, but still, they won't be able to scam anyone else with the same tricks now after our motion being voted in the UN.

But yeah, keep making imaginary scenarios where you are invulnerable, keep pretending to know more about my country's economy than myself, reality doesn't adapt to your wishes only because you want to, it'll be all the more surprising to you when you don't have the islands anymore, again, most likely without us even having to fire a bullet.
@Hassknecht if you have nothing to contribute apart from mocking the debaters then please don't bother.
This whole debate deserves nothing but mockery.
But sure, I'll keep quiet. Well, except for the sound of popcorn.
he only "default" of late was imposed externally, not because we didn't had the money to pay, and even that we solved already, paying many times more than we should had, but still, they won't be able to scam anyone else with the same tricks now after our motion being voted in the UN.
What about your other 7 defaults?
it'll be all the more surprising to you when you don't have the islands anymore, again, most likely without us even having to fire a bullet.
So we have justified that its impossible for you to take over militarily, so now we are turning to diplomacy?
Its impossible you can get control as long as 98% of the British population living their want to stay with us.
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What other seven defaults? We paid and had money to pay for a long time, we srunked our debt to the point we can ask for money and we are getting it, at good interest rates. What the hell are you talking about?

And no, you have justified nothing, you just mentally masturbated on how powerful your forces are, so all I said originally still stands, 4 typhoons and a few air defenses won't save you. You already pretty much lost the sea territory surrounding the islands, so good luck trying to exploit for oil there, and the UN has ruled ages ago self determination does not apply to the islanders and the negotiations should be done bilaterally by the UK and Argentina, and urged time after time that negotiations take place, and the UK ignoring the UN deosn't gain any simpathy with them, it just shows you as a bully, I wonder why they decided to rule in our favor on the sea shelf so quickly.

It's like you live in your own happy place and reality doesn't affect you in the sligthest. No argument is going to convince you of anything when you just change reality to fit your views, like that masturbatory scenario where your weapons always win because "superiority", do you even realize how futile of an excersise is to assume the outcome of an imaginary battle you don't even have an idea how it will be fought or what weapons will be used? Not to mention that if I actually knew the battle plan I wouldn't be discussing it with you. I just suggested some of many scenarios that you immediately dismissed because reasons, I'm not going to give away a battle plan that could actually work, not that I'm involved in such planning anyway.
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you just mentally masturbated on how powerful your forces are,
Not really, I merely justified that it is unfesable you could take over militarily.
What other seven defaults? We paid and had money to pay for a long time, we srunked our debt to the point we can ask for money and we are getting it, at good interest rates. What the hell are you talking about?
You are in a dream world. It seems you are mentally masturbating to how good your economy is. Successful economies dont default 8 times. Yup, you defaulted 7 times before this last one.
It really does show you have loads of money when you fail to make payments on your bonds.

Argentina has defaulted on its international debt seven times and on its domestic debt five times since its independence in 1816. Since the 2014 default, Argentina has remained cut off from foreign capital markets and is considered a pariah by most investors.
High government spending on social welfare programs, printing of new money and an ailing currency have fuelled one of the world's highest inflation rates. In January, the government was forced to devalue the peso.
If Argentina defaults once again, economists forecast an outflow of dollars that will pile more pressure on dwindling central bank reserves if it cannot extricate itself from the mess swiftly.
I am afraid reality is much harsher to your country than your voodoo trash you are spinning.
Argentina has also long suffered from widespread and endemic corruption.

The economy is stagnant, annual inflation is around 25 percent, and the fiscal deficit could amount to an alarming 6 percent of the country’s GDP this year
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Dude, 1816, you are talking ancient history, when has any of that impeded us from getting weapons? I cannot respond for foreign propaganda that wishes to show our country's recovery by anti-neoliberal policies as a decline because it's uncomfortable that neoliberals are wrong, but if GDP actually still means anything, we are on historic highs, and the debt in historic lows.



And poverty too reached historical lows.


So tell me again, should I listen to you or to hard numbers. Seriously, WTF you think you know about my country, what you get from neoliberal propaganda? You are going to tell me how my country is doing? You're drunk, go to sleep.

And you are seriously starting to annoy me with your prepotence, like you own the truth, when you kow exactly zero. Seriously, dude, you are not going to convince anyone by just shoving your oppinions like they're facts while you have no idea what you are talking about.
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I just suggested some of many scenarios that you immediately dismissed because reasons, I'm not going to give away a battle plan that could actually work, not that I'm involved in such planning anyway.
I remember the plans you suggested, and I immediately dismissed them, because they were nonsensical.
So you say you are not gonna give away a battle plan that would work? And what am I gonna do, tell the British Army and we'll all be wise to your cunning scheme!?
I bet you are not gonna give it away because it does not exist.



And poverty too reached historical lows.
can you tell me where the info on that info-graphic came from?
The first graph only goes up to 2011, so its irrelevant to now, and so does the 2nd so I am just gonna ignore both of them. Same with the 3rd one that only goes to 2013. All of these graphs were printed before this year, so they do not represent conditions in your country this year. All before the default.

Gonna say all this again since you just ignored it: Since the 2014 default, Argentina has remained cut off from foreign capital markets and is considered a pariah by most investors.
High government spending on social welfare programs, printing of new money and an ailing currency have fuelled one of the world's highest inflation rates. In January, the government was forced to devalue the peso.
If Argentina defaults once again, economists forecast an outflow of dollars that will pile more pressure on dwindling central bank reserves if it cannot extricate itself from the mess swiftly.
The economy is stagnant, annual inflation is around 25 percent, and the fiscal deficit could amount to an alarming 6 percent of the country’s GDP this year.
hard numbers
The fact you are not listening to the truth and hard numbers is bad. Also, when you see something that you don't like, and that shows your economy is a mess, it automatically becomes neoliberal propaganda?
UN has ruled ages ago self determination does not apply to the islanders and the negotiations should be done bilaterally by the UK and Argentina,
And you expect us to hand them over on a silver platter? Also self determination does apply to the islanders, and it seems you are just making up UN decisions now.
4 typhoons and a few air defenses won't save you.
You just ignored the rest of the rather extensive garrison on the island, and I have already spelled out to you what it is composed of.
You already pretty much lost the sea territory surrounding the islands, so good luck trying to exploit for oil there
We are exploiting for oil there at the moment, and you made some threats, but nothing happened.

I also am not trying to be prepotent, just because I am arguing the case for Britain does not mean I am arrogant or see myself as superior.
Seriously, dude, you are not going to convince anyone by just shoving your oppinions like they're facts while you have no idea what you are talking about.
Pretty sure most of the stuff I said about the military garrison, your navy, and your economic situation was fact.
I evidently have an idea what I am talking about, because I have successfully debunked the idea of an invasion and occupation, and the concept of you taking over diplomatically, since we will never give it up in some kind off bilateral deal.

I have finished arguing with you, I have other things to do, and you are just getting angry, I am pretty sure if I don't stop now it will never end.
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HA! You'll never know.

I'm not going to give the entire story here for the 100th time, especially when some random guy is going to say it's wrong because he heard diferently some years ago somewhere he doesn't even remembers. But bottom line is the British just went and took them from us by force and expelled our inhabitants while we were busy with creating our own nation and keeping people from taking more pieces of it.

The british invaded Buenos Aires twice and failed, so instead they went and take the most remote territory of our nation just to be a thorn on our side for as much as possible. Demands to return the islands habe been made ever since, but they made deaf ears since back then, not just now. So the 1983 invasion happened because the time was running out, a few more years and we were not going to be able to keep claiming them again. Well guess what, the clock resetted by the few weeks we took them back, so if we didn't get them back at least we bougth ourselves some time, and if they keep makin gdeaf ears another war is going to happen, but there is still time though.

The population is not autoctonous, the islands never had any native population at all, so, according to international law self determination does not apply to the people currently living there, so no, they have no rigth to decide who the islands belong to, anymore than someone who lives in London does.

And now an new UN ruling says the waters they are in are ours, regardless of the UK making deaf ears to every UN ruling since it was created, because, you know, they are the UK and Argentina is a backwards South American nation.

Oh, and about the argument of populating the unpopulated islands, we sent people to South Georgia in 1983 too, the british expelled them too. So it's not as simple, they won't let anyone settle. We have people living in Antartica though.
The British went to war with the Spanish over Buenos Aires, Argentina didn't even exist yet
See. The same bs every tine. Every idiot that comes trough I have to start from the beginning once more. When the UK took the islands argentina did existed.

You want to go over an overcomplicated convoluted explanation of how Argentina for some reason cant buy weapons? Seriously? The only thing lacking is the political desicion, not the money, dont get overcomplicated, it's really simple, and a general revamping is pretty much a fact in the near future.

But what really tires me is some fucking gringo is always tring to teach me about my own history and now even my own country's economy, and all of a fucking sudden I owe them an explanation for thier hypotetical masturbatory fantasies.

Thats why I told you from the very begining I'm not interested in convincing an ignorant gringo of what is hypotitically possible or not.

We are ready to go to war for the islands as many times as we need, trust me, how is irrelevant, especially when I already told you we are not going to go to war TODAY.

I don't know why I even bother to write anymore, since you are just going to ignore all I said anyway and I will have to repeat myself for the 100th time.

Seriously is like you are fucking trolling me. You think I have time to deal with every asshole that thinks he knows my own country better than me?
Actually I have a confession to make, we don't really want the falklands, we just want to save the penguins from the evil human islanders, hoepfully the landmines designed to kill humans but let the penguins live will keep them at bay for now :P
