I just suggested some of many scenarios that you immediately dismissed because reasons, I'm not going to give away a battle plan that could actually work, not that I'm involved in such planning anyway.
I remember the plans you suggested, and I immediately dismissed them, because they were nonsensical.
So you say you are not gonna give away a battle plan that would work? And what am I gonna do, tell the British Army and we'll all be wise to your cunning scheme!?
I bet you are not gonna give it away because it does not exist.
And poverty too reached historical lows.
can you tell me where the info on that info-graphic came from?
The first graph only goes up to 2011, so its irrelevant to now, and so does the 2nd so I am just gonna ignore both of them. Same with the 3rd one that only goes to 2013. All of these graphs were printed before this year, so they do not represent conditions in your country this year. All before the default.
Gonna say all this again since you just ignored it: Since the 2014 default, Argentina has remained cut off from foreign capital markets and is considered a pariah by most investors.
High government spending on social welfare programs, printing of new money and an ailing currency have fuelled one of the world's highest inflation rates. In January, the government was forced to devalue the peso.
If Argentina defaults once again, economists forecast an outflow of dollars that will pile more pressure on dwindling central bank reserves if it cannot extricate itself from the mess swiftly.
The economy is stagnant, annual inflation is around
25 percent, and the fiscal deficit could amount to an alarming 6 percent of the country’s GDP this year.
The fact you are not listening to the truth and hard numbers is bad. Also, when you see something that you don't like, and that shows your economy is a mess, it automatically becomes neoliberal propaganda?
UN has ruled ages ago self determination does not apply to the islanders and the negotiations should be done bilaterally by the UK and Argentina,
And you expect us to hand them over on a silver platter? Also self determination does apply to the islanders, and it seems you are just making up UN decisions now.
4 typhoons and a few air defenses won't save you.
You just ignored the rest of the rather extensive garrison on the island, and I have already spelled out to you what it is composed of.
You already pretty much lost the sea territory surrounding the islands, so good luck trying to exploit for oil there
We are exploiting for oil there at the moment, and you made some threats, but nothing happened.
I also am not trying to be prepotent, just because I am arguing the case for Britain does not mean I am arrogant or see myself as superior.
Seriously, dude, you are not going to convince anyone by just shoving your oppinions like they're facts while you have no idea what you are talking about.
Pretty sure most of the stuff I said about the military garrison, your navy, and your economic situation was fact.
I evidently have an idea what I am talking about, because I have successfully debunked the idea of an invasion and occupation, and the concept of you taking over diplomatically, since we will never give it up in some kind off bilateral deal.
I have finished arguing with you, I have other things to do, and you are just getting angry, I am pretty sure if I don't stop now it will never end.