Should I Buy Fallout 2?

We can't say whether you'd like it, but most people on a Fallout forum would tell you to get it. Check out the Wikipedia pages on Fallout and Fallout 2, avoid the "Story" segments and make up your own mind.
Naturally, on a Fallout forum, you'll get alot of "yes" responses. I agree with the poster above me that you should pick up the trilogy. I personally think the first game is better.
If you liked the first Fallout, you'll probibly like it. If you liked Fallout 3? You might not like either Fallout 1 or 2 . . . Fallout 2 does have quite a bit more to do, though.
Yes. If you want to waste a significant portion of your life on something good, you should definitely buy Fallout and Fallout 2.
Then purchase Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscure and witness another year of your life magically disappear.

If you think of buying it because you bought Fallout 3, then I would not advice you to buy it. Because unlike FO3, FO2 is about Role Playing and not about the combat (FO3 is obviously about combat). I should warn you that the Fallout 1 & 2 combat is turn based, so if you re new to this kind of game : [youtube][/youtube] (fallout 2 gameplay).

When doing quests, the combat will be a tool to do your quests. In other games quests are the tools and combat will be what it is about (like the new Fallout 3 game for example).

In short: this game is a hardcore RPG game. If you like cool conversation choices, quest choices (you can resolve quests in several ways ... you can use your imagination and create your own style of gameplay). If you re a younger person I would advice you to first play Fallout 2 and then play Fallout 1, because FO2 is a bit more userfriendly (I m talking about stuff like "inventory sharing with your compagnions", "trade", ...).
And remember, Fo2 rewards roleplaying, namely acting consistently according to your character's personality, not "play pretend" so many Oblivion and Fo3 gamers confuse with actual roleplaying.
If you re a younger person ....

Depends, i discovered Fallout when i was 10 years old (14 now) and i love it to this day, so i would say it depends your taste for gaming.
Detroit2peace21 said:
Will it bore me or amaze me? Can I role play? What kind of things should I know about this game

You might love it, hate it, or somewhere in between....

Tell us more about your tastes so we may give you a proper suggestion...

Get it. I too was first introduced to Fallout through Fallout 3, and I love the first games so much more than Fallout 3. And there was a time when I used to hate turn-based, but thanks to Fallout, I love it.

Fallout 1 and 2 are amazing, purchase them now! :D
Fallout 2 is great when you first get into it, so I say yes for that initial experience, however repeated playthroughs will have certain things get on your nerves to an extraordinary degree.
I can't step into New Reno anymore simply because the whole area reeks of sophomoric design to me, which is sad because the quests are so well done, I just tend to notice the retardation of it all too often (I hate the dialog for New Reno as well, Christ).

My last playthrough I didn't even really stop through there if I could help it, the same with San Francisco, I only went in when I needed to. I typically run over Modoc because that is my favorite of all Fallout locations (the atmosphere is perfect) and the quest with the Slags is one of my favorites of all the RPGs I've ever played in my life.
The game's sense of humor is less restrained than it is in the original and therefore it's got much less of a dark tone to it and more of a ridiculous vibe.

I much prefer the original Fallout, it's just choosing between one buggy piece of ass and another buggy piece of ass, fortunately, the first two Fallout games are buggy pieces of ass hollowed out and filled with gold.
And, if you do get Fallout 2 . . . Don't let the first area ruin it for you. The something-or-ther of Trials. *Nudge, nudge* It's a lie. The rest of the game does not partake in its design philosophy.

Though, don't kill anyone there. You'll auto-lose.
I agree with Eyenixon; some locations seem... odd. I personally like the first Fallout the most out of the entire series, but doesn't mean you shouldn't play Fallout 2, its still an awesome game.

Listen to everyone and just get the Fallout Trilogy.
"Ant #1: Gasp! He killed Bob!
Ant #2: Auto-lose! Auto-lose!"

Err. I mean, if you kill a cow, say, in the village . . . You die. If you kill everyone in the village. You die.
iirc, there's also a bug that if you kill a brahman in the second area, you lose.

So, don't go on any cow killing sprees.

Other than that, you can do whatever the hell you want. I love this game.