First time out of the vault

Asking other people if you should buy a game will get you nowhere. You'll get a hundred different opinions and none of them are yours.
Rent it.
Rent it.
I'm sure not all of the reviews were bought out, but I can't believe that someone would give Fallout 3 a perfect score if they a) weren't paid to do it, b) actually played the game, or c) weren't entirely ignorant. Fallout 3 is a decent game, but it's far from perfect. There're bugs all over the place, the writing is terrible, and the storyline barely holds together. Not to mention the fact that the level cap severely limits the game's enjoyability, because once you've hit the level cap, what else is there to do? Then there's the horrible merging of FPS and RPG elements. The FPS mechanics are far from good and the RPG elements are barely used.makemeasammich said: 3
Dude, a 93. A 93! And that's based on 84 reviews. Fallout 3 is an amazing game, and I'm not the only one with that opinion. It's won countless game of the year awards. It's sold over 5 million copies. I HIGHLY suggest you get this game.
*I know someone's going to say all of those reviewers were bought out, and if you really believe that, then.....*sigh*
I'd suggest doing some research on game journalism, it's a truly a cesspit (politics, money [rely on publishers to stay afloat basically], legal bribery, no standards, little training [a journalism, english, or game design degree is the rarity rather than the norm], rushed deadlines [results in most games not being played to completion],etc.). Now I'm not saying that there aren't some good journalists out there, simply that most are not and their numerical scores are all but worthless, especially for AAA games with well managed PR. If you have such a game then you've seriously fucked up if you get less than an 80 on Metacritic, it really is quite bad. If you want an idea of how bad game ratings are then just take a look at how Metacritic has to adjust their scale to sort of fit game reviews, scores are ridiculously inflated.makemeasammich said: 3
Dude, a 93. A 93! And that's based on 84 reviews. Fallout 3 is an amazing game, and I'm not the only one with that opinion. It's won countless game of the year awards. It's sold over 5 million copies. I HIGHLY suggest you get this game.
*I know someone's going to say all of those reviewers were bought out, and if you really believe that, then.....*sigh*
makemeasammich said: 3
Dude, a 93. A 93! And that's based on 84 reviews. Fallout 3 is an amazing game, and I'm not the only one with that opinion. It's won countless game of the year awards. It's sold over 5 million copies. I HIGHLY suggest you get this game.
*I know someone's going to say all of those reviewers were bought out, and if you really believe that, then.....*sigh*
zag said:makemeasammich said: 3
Dude, a 93. A 93! And that's based on 84 reviews. Fallout 3 is an amazing game, and I'm not the only one with that opinion. It's won countless game of the year awards. It's sold over 5 million copies. I HIGHLY suggest you get this game.
*I know someone's going to say all of those reviewers were bought out, and if you really believe that, then.....*sigh*
I have to point out that each and every one of those 84 reviews has been posted in the newsforum by Per, and commented on in hilarious levels of detail by various users of the forum, who have pointed out where these reviews were accurate, inaccurate, educated, misinformed, or blatantly lying.
so no, i don't think you're going to get an overall answer on all of them, but if you're interested what is said here about the reviews you may as well start reading the threads. good luck on that.
and OP:
rent it.
I'm happy i did.
Stats and tagged skills matter so little that every character is practically the same, so there's zero replay value. If i had bought it i would have wasted the extra 30 euro, as i stopped playing after 2 weeks.
makemeasammich said:Fallout 3 will provide you with upwards of 100 hours of gameplay for one character, and if you take advantage of the karma system, you'll be able to get a fairly fresh experience each time you start a new game. Call Fallout 3 what you will, but it is an indisputable fact that it gives you your money's worth.
radioactive_penguin said:let me put it simply if you liked S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and thought "wow, now if only somebody would add bullet time and better graphics" then fallout 3 is the game for you
Music has been dumbed down, films have been dumbed down, and games have been dumbed down, but so what? It doesn't mean you can't enjoy them.