Should i buy fallout 3?


I see this argument a lot. It can be summarised as "Everything has become shit, so start to like the taste of shit." I shouldn't, and won't, settle for shit.

I see this argument a lot. It can be summarised as "I exagerate everything I say to make my point."

Slightly dumbed down != shit

Don't stand for it then, and at the same time get no enjoyment out of any form of entertainment ever again. You won't change the world by bing pissed off about it.

I only get annoyed when I start getting ridiculed for seeing the futility in wishing for the past.
Pf, I give up. If you choose to look down on people who choose to just get on with reality then so be it. While we're having fun, you'll still be angry.
Andy-Spacetrain said:
I only get annoyed when I start getting ridiculed for seeing the futility in wishing for the past.

By your own logic shouldn't you just accept it and learn to like it rather then try and change it?
Andy-Spacetrain said:
Don't stand for it then, and at the same time get no enjoyment out of any form of entertainment ever again. You won't change the world by bing pissed off about it.

Uh ok thanks we'll do that then...

Can you please explain to me why that is a problem to begin with? I enjoy games I enjoy, I don't enjoy games I don't enjoy, I don't try to force my tastes to change because everyone tells me Bethesda is a brilliant designer when I can see they're not.

I have oodles of fun playing games I do enjoy. I don't play games that aren't that great, like Fallout 3, and pretend they're better than they are, though I got enjoyment out of some of its better gameplay elements, not to mention laughing at its ridiculously bad dialogue.

'k. So what's the problem? Do you feel threatened by people not agreeing with you? Is there some rule that everyone has to conform to one massive opinion? Is there some dictum that all games have to be designed by "modern" standards and all gaming fans have to enjoy it? Jeesh. I'm glad I don't live in your world.

Conformity! Conformity! Conformity! How dare we not conform!
By your own logic shouldn't you just accept it and learn to like it rather then try and change it?

Yes, that is what that sentence means.

'k. So what's the problem? Do you feel threatened by people not agreeing with you? Is there some rule that everyone has to conform to one massive opinion? Is there some dictum that all games have to be designed by "modern" standards and all gaming fans have to enjoy it? Jeesh. I'm glad I don't live in your world.

I have no problem with people disagreeing with me, it's when people ridicule me for my opinions because they disagree with me, like you are doing now for example.

People who purposefully avoid "conforming" are as bad as people who "conform" blindly.

You people are exceptional at miss-reading and exagerating. I'm out.
Andy-Spacetrain said:
I have no problem with people disagreeing with me, it's when people ridicule me for my opinions because they disagree with me, like you are doing now for example.

I am? Uh, if you want to see an insult you'll see an insult I guess, but I was just asking a question.

Andy-Spacetrain said:
People who purposefully avoid "conforming" are as bad as people who "conform" blindly.

Yes. Good thing we don't do that, and can logically reason out why Fallout 3 is a bad Fallout game and a mediocre game overall, whereas someone like makemeasammich's arguments boil down to "everyone likes it how can you say everyone is wrong?!"

I don't dislike Fallout 3 because it's popular. I dislike it because it kinda sucks as a Fallout. I couldn't give two cents of a penny about conforming or not. I loved GTA IV, and so did everyone else. So? 's a good game.

Andy-Spacetrain said:
You people are exceptional at miss-reading and exagerating. I'm out.

And you are exceptional at saying "I'm out" and then posting some more. That said, it has occurred to you that you're not making any new arguments, we've heard it all before, and we're just skipping a large part of another pointless debate by boiling it down to what it comes down to, and thus revealing it for the nonsense argument it is?

Lazy? Sure. Unfair? Hell no. If you can explain how your argument boils down to anything more than "you should just conform because it's more fun that way" I'll be impressed.
Unfortunately, if games were only slightly dumbed down they'd be tolerable. Instead they're overly gratifying masturbatory aids.

'Shit', like most adjectives, is subjective. What I consider 'shit' you may consider a beacon of perfection. Neither of us is wrong, but I reserve the right to think whatever I want about you for your opinions.

I don't hate F3 because it's popular. If that were the case I'd have to hate a lot of things I don't. But some things are popular because they're genuinely good, and some things are popular because most people aren't as picky as I. I hate F3 because it's a bad game, to my standards. The problem comes from people telling me my standards belong in a bygone age and I should get with the times. That would be compromising myself. I stand by my ideas of what makes a good (and commensurately, a bad) game, and you nor anyone else will convince me otherwise. Because this is 2009, and I should be reasonably able to expect a game created in this day and age to be better than one made in 1998, in all ways, not just graphics.

I seem to have gone on a little tangent.
I see this argument a lot. It can be summarised as "I exagerate everything I say to make my point."
Don't stand for it then, and at the same time get no enjoyment out of any form of entertainment ever again. You won't change the world by bing pissed off about it.
This would be exaggerating something to make a point, yes? I get plenty of enjoyment out of modern games. When they're not shit.
I really like Fallout 3, there I said it... although I find it odd thats some sort of degrading status on this site given that they're personal opinions that effect no one.

Now I played the first 2 Fallout games prior to 3 and like many here I was disappointed to learn it wouldn't continue the franchise in the same way we would of hoped (IE gameplay the major factor). Now of course while I can understand those dread towards 3 as a result from this, I played Fallout 3 without the expectations of a new original Fallout game, as a result I enjoyed it, not perfect but then again no game is.

What I find most strange however is not the long standing members on this forum, while I may not agree on some things many have said, they have sound and rational reasons and opinions towards Fallout 3 just as I and others would have towards other games (EG not fond of Halo). Whats strange is some people who come in here and act hostile towards other members for their views... well its simple, if you really like Fallout 3 (just 3) then theres no point coming here, there are plenty of forums with more of a liking...
the issue I personaly just have is that its at least for me a bit hard to see Fallout 3 as "just" another game when its market as true sequel of some sort. I also had enough issues with the game when I had the chance to play even when I tried to forget the fact that its based on Fallout. Some things regarding the story and content are sloppy done, hands down thats a fact. And particularly for a RPG that should not happen like the bad parts in the main and side quests that most just describe as "mediocre/bad" dialogue.

So even by not looking at Fallout 3 as Fallout game its not a game I personaly could promote as "good" RPG in its own rights.
Crni Vuk said:
the issue I personaly just have is that its at least for me a bit hard to see Fallout 3 as "just" another game when its market as true sequel of some sort. I also had enough issues with the game when I had the chance to play even when I tried to forget the fact that its based on Fallout. Some things regarding the story and content are sloppy done, hands down thats a fact. And particularly for a RPG that should not happen like the bad parts in the main and side quests that most just describe as "mediocre/bad" dialogue.

So even by not looking at Fallout 3 as Fallout game its not a game I personaly could promote as "good" RPG in its own rights.

Hence my point about that being your opinion and other people not understanding that.
Andy-Spacetrain said:
I could point out everything I like about Fallout 3, but I've no doubt you, and many other people on here would flame me for it. Insult me, ridicule me, etc, like what has happened to so many people on here, so I don't really see the point in specifying every good point (in my opinion) so that you can attempt to disregard each one.
Nice try at the appeal to fear, the red herring even managed to get the argument going off in your desired direction somewhat but as it is a baseless assertion, let's get back to the topic at hand.

Where, why, and how is Fallout 3 good?
makemeasammich said: 3

Dude, a 93. A 93! And that's based on 84 reviews. Fallout 3 is an amazing game, and I'm not the only one with that opinion. It's won countless game of the year awards. It's sold over 5 million copies. I HIGHLY suggest you get this game.

*I know someone's going to say all of those reviewers were bought out, and if you really believe that, then.....*sigh*

type, search mount and blade, and then compere their score with the user score(users who regularly frequent gamespot).
lomopingseph said:
Ask anywhere but here.

Why? So that he asks somewhere that is even more biased, but instead of being told how bad Fallout 3 is, he can be told how abso-fucking-lutely amazing it is, and how it's the best game ever, and how Bethesda can be compared to fucking Shakespeare or da Vinci, or their lovechild? NMA will actually give a more balanced view on the game, because it's one of the only fansites out there that will actually point out the flaws in the game, instead of pretending they're not there.

I've seen numerous posts on here that have said that F3 is an enjoyable game in its own right, but it has flaws, and it shouldn't really belong in the Fallout universe, or at least not as a direct sequel. I've seen posts like that on other forums, but they're usually flamed into oblivion, or simply deleted (as is the case on the Bethesda forums, where criticism of any kind is outlawed).
makemeasammich said: 3

Dude, a 93. A 93! And that's based on 84 reviews. Fallout 3 is an amazing game, and I'm not the only one with that opinion. It's won countless game of the year awards. It's sold over 5 million copies. I HIGHLY suggest you get this game.

*I know someone's going to say all of those reviewers were bought out, and if you really believe that, then.....*sigh*
all of those reviewers were bought out, and if you really believe that, then you're not retarded.

It sucks bad
I don't imagine all them were bought out, as much as it's true the games journalism gig is a messy business. But high scores and huge sales do not necessarily make a game good in the eyes of all individuals.

The problem seems to lie with a serious case of groupthink. Obviously, if something has high scores and hundreds of people buy it, then all people, everywhere, share that belief. That's simply not true.

If you can find some way to try the game out before committing to buying, I suggest you do. I miss the days of everything having a demo. Now they don't.
I think the mainstream reviews are more in line with how most would feel about the game than the general opinion of this forum.
IMHO, FO3 is a fun game for someone who likes ARPGs and MMOs for the grinding element. If you like to kill the same enemies over and over, to collect more loot to sell to buy better equip and kill more enemies with it then FO3 is the game for you. Otherwise, rent it for a few days, play for about 15hrs and return it, cause it seriously loses any charm whatsoever after that.