Should i buy fallout 3?

A game based on combat grinding works, but only if the combat is good. A part of the problem is that its really hard to die, it takes some effort(walk onto a mine while under heavy fire and low level). Enemies goes down like flies, and turning up the difficult only makes them sturdier(which ruins the bloody point of a slider, they do not become better at killing you).
F3 is a good game for a FPS grinder who likes medicore RPG, or have not attempted the genere before.

A note is that you could speech-grind your way up to quite high levels in the originals, which was quite unique in contrast to some other games.
zag said:
makemeasammich said:
Fallout 3 will provide you with upwards of 100 hours of gameplay for one character, and if you take advantage of the karma system, you'll be able to get a fairly fresh experience each time you start a new game. Call Fallout 3 what you will, but it is an indisputable fact that it gives you your money's worth.

Oh yes the karma system, forgot to mention that one. Steal Y pieces of junk and you're on the Dark Side. Give X times water to the town beggar and you're a Knight in Shiny Armor again.

I just want to comment on this.

This is exacly why I ain't buying the game and probably won't in the future neither. There various ways to play the game but they are all quite braindead. And the way "karma" is done is also quite lame. In essence the whole karma system in F1/F2 is BS aswell but there it had much less of an impact. It's all about what you do and how it affects people who have seen it/may feel the effects of that particular thing.

In the long run the karma thing should only be there for the really big quests or the endgame quests. In which karma played the smallest role in F3 out of three games.

This while as everyone have pointed out nearly every quest in Fallout 1 and 2 had interesting decision, logic and puzzle elements while very few had them in Fallout 3. The whole nuke megaton thing was a joke. The way a random guy tells a random guy in a bar that he is looking for someone to nuke a town is actually funny.

And what a pitty that is since this would've been a perfect sort of "end-game" quest for an "end-game" town in which if you have had a really bad reputation (I.e. karma) he would've asked you right away otherwise told you to sodd off.
If you're going to buy it, you should buy the PC version of it (if you have the PC to run it) because you have access to a great modding community that can fix some of the large and glaring flaws of Fallout 3. However, if you only have a PS3 or 360, then just rent it for 5 days.
Go buy it for PC. Or aquire for PC by... other methods. Regardless, avoid the console varients, as you will be missing out on the best part of fallout 3:
Sadly fallout 3 nexus doesnt have anything that can cure the stupidity of the game.
Little Lamplight. Mechanizer and AntAgonizer. Burke and Megaton nuke. The main plot. There isnt anything in the world that could cure what i call "The Todd effect".
also quite a lot of the mods on nexus are at the moment still what I would consider a "alpha" stage. Meaning the one that really ad something to the game work not always like intended or give the game a even more "unifinished look" if you know what I mean.

Many of the "mods" are also the same objects just with different colour. I mean how much one can call it a gameplay effect to just wear a pink power armor with helo kitty symbols on it ?

Its still just rather small things that get released for now and not something ground breaking with a real finished character as at the moment most people work alone on their things.

I just wait to see if there will be a "mod-team" somewhere in the future that wants to change a lot on on the game and depending on what they want to achieve I "might" even buy the game at some point. Eventually. I dont know it. From the time I played the game (it was not my game) It was a huge dissapointment. Particuiilarly since the main quest was over in a click. Well almost.
Patton89 said:
Sadly fallout 3 nexus doesnt have anything that can cure the stupidity of the game.
Little Lamplight. Mechanizer and AntAgonizer. Burke and Megaton nuke. The main plot. There isnt anything in the world that could cure what i call "The Todd effect".

But the Mechanizer and AntAgonizer ARE recognized as stupidity even by the creators and the NPCs.
Heck, even Three Dog says this.

At least they have been honest on this. :roll:

BTW, why do you think they made children immortal in the game?
They knew it that the first thing an average half-brain person will do is send Little Lamplight into oblivion.
And I'm not talking about THAT game...

Common, at least something the people who hate or love the game agrees: LL must die! :lol: :P

[ ]'s
I guess the real question is this, If you liked Obivion and fallout series, you sould like Fallout 3, if you don't like Obivion, but liked fallout series, then you going to be disapointed in Fallout 3, if you do like Obivion, and not fallout series, your going to find it weak.

I found it to be decent, it is fun at lower levels, but less so once you get to teh higher levels, and the main storyline is just ok.
Despite the fact that it's the Oblivion engine, it's a unique game.

If you like RPG's, and Sandbox (aka open style) gameplay, you should definitely try the game.

If you like the idea of creating your own type of character and using guns instead of traditional swords/magic, you should try the game.

If you like games that offer a lot a playtime, try it.
If you like decade old games more than modern ones and are going to go into the game with the mindset that nothing can ever top Fallout 1 and 2, don't bother.
the only reason why Lidle Lamplight has to die, is cause its so badly done. This Pan-Esque "only kidz rule here" setting is pretty ridiculous for a post apoclyptic setting where people are fighting for survival. Particularly next to the hideout of supermutants. I mean if not the Supermutants would have walked already to their position for a fast snack, how comes that no slaver ever got the idea to just step in and get some free labors ?

Lamplight would have been a lot better done if it would have been part of a slaver camp, like a "kidz town"made by parentless childrens inside a slaver community ruled by some bandits, hence why the only location in Fallout 3 I liked was that Slaver Town, it feelt like it was the only somewhat "realistic" town in the whole world and setting of Fallout 3. Sadly it didnt played a more important role in the world nor did they ever explained who bought slaves.
But the Mechanizer and AntAgonizer ARE recognized as stupidity even by the creators and the NPCs.
Heck, even Three Dog says this.

then why the hell put them in the game anyway?, it doesnt make sence and destroys the fallout setting

BTW, why do you think they made children immortal in the game?
They knew it that the first thing an average half-brain person will do is send Little Lamplight into oblivion.
And I'm not talking about THAT game...

Common, at least something the people who hate or love the game agrees: LL must die!

:rofl: lol good one
BR4ZIL said:
then why the hell put them in the game anyway?, it doesnt make sence and destroys the fallout setting

A lot of people thought that Vault City and New Reno destroyed the post apocalyptic setting as well. It makes me wonder, especially when I think of New Reno, how New Vegas will come out.

Is anyone going to try New Vegas here anyways? Since it's not actually being developed by Bethesda..
Necropolis said:
Is anyone going to try New Vegas here anyways? Since it's not actually being developed by Bethesda..

Yeah, most of us tried FO3 as well. NV is developed by members of the Fo1 team, so it might actually be good.
Sadly it didnt played a more important role in the world nor did they ever explained who bought slaves.

They did. The Pitt raiders buy the slaves from Paradise Falls slavers.
Ausir said:
Sadly it didnt played a more important role in the world nor did they ever explained who bought slaves.

They did. The Pitt raiders buy the slaves from Paradise Falls slavers.
Yes later, with the DLC. Still doesnt change that in Vanilla Fallout 3 you never get any explanation.

But at least they did explained it later with the DLC.
yes it only costs like twenty dollars original, and even less on amazon

its a good game despite all of the haters and interplay die hards

dont think of it as a FALLOUT 3 but as an oblivion 2, as bethesda fixes their shitty leveling system and finally realizes that they forgot to put any children npcs in their games
Fallout 3 ?! Oh yeah it r a good game great graphix and atmosphere man!!!
oh and teh immersion!!

It's known that the raiders all over the world in FO3 built the one and only one size fits all underwear factory.


My opinion? Use mods. Lots of.