Should i buy fallout 3?

The underwear has always bothered me... They'd be better off dividing people up into different cultures, then sub group different races from there. Gives more room for variation and ability to make things more unique.

I say buy it, but go PC. It isn't that horrible of a game and far more enjoyable than most of the other RPGs I've played of late. Sure, the Karma system has been broken since Morrowind but Bethesda is at least on some track of improvement. And yes, mods are a must. I'm using Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition for the first time and it was a good decision; they've combined a bit of mods to give more variation and challenge, due to adding hunger/thirst/ more complicated healing. The downfall is...well, running into anything with a shotgun in tight corridors x.x

It's a good game. Best game? No, far from it. But definitely worth your time.