SuAside said:the problem is that he only highlights the good sides. the european system is flawed, but they didn't show any of it.Maphusio said:I don't believe his goal was to say Europe is the Holly Grail, just that its current health care plan and some of its ideals are much better than the US's. That over there it is WE the people, while in America its I, the individual, screw the rest.
I agree that it is flawed. It is however, a far better system than the current health care system in the USA. I can not abide by the horrors of the current health care system. When I conceive what I would do if my child was to come down with a horrible illness and I could not save my child's life because I did not have the funds to do so... How could I live with myself? Not to mention the sheer range that I would feel... I would most likely wind up doing something rather rash.
xdarkyrex said:[PCE said:el_Prez]
How much have you been taxed in your life? Probably not enough to fill up GW's Navigator with premium unleaded.
Give it time.
The point is that I stand by and love the ideals of this country, but god damn have they been twisted from their original meanings.
Maybe it'd do the rest of the Americans some good to stop thinking of "America VS the world" and starting thinking of "America + the world"
Exactly xdarkyrex, compassion over fear. I'm tired of being afraid when I know I don't need to be. Yet the same crap is on TV, im being saturated with "Your neighbor is a terrorist or rapist." "Lock your homes at night to keep the psycho killers at bay." "You had better have a gun with you 24/7, how else are you going to protect yourself?"
I want to live and love. Not experience derivatives of fear... Socialized medical is NOT perfect, in many countries its a huge drain on their resources... It CAN be made to work in the USA and it IS a far cry better than what we have today. With any luck one of the democratic front runners will win the presidency and start working on our problems on our own soil so we can stop living in a constant state of fear. Hopefully that person will actually reflect the will of WE the people rather than the pockets of cooperate interests... If that comes to pass and this compassionate soul is not murdered in cold blood like the rest... I would probably die of joy.
Kharn, you are spot on about why the USA was attacked. I know I will go off topic here but you struck a memory... The day that 9/11 happened I asked everyone I ran into that said, "Lets kill some of those f'ing sand niggers!" if they had seriously asked the question. WHY? ...Why were we attacked? Or WHO stood to gain?
The general consensus seemed to be, "Tha teroris attaqkd alll us bekows we like bein free." -Or something to that extent.
Imagine my complete astonishment and sense of terror when a huge portion the populous in my community and country started shouting things like, "Kill the rag heads!" "God bless America!" "These colors don't run.". With American flags waving about and patriotic (or nationalism) bumper stickers on 2 out of 3 cars... It was more horrifying than when Bush declared war on Iraq. I remember being nearly run out of town for listening to music, in another language... Seriously, this older guy that should have known better leaned in my window, turned off the stereo and said we don't like that kind of crap. When I expressed my outrage he asked me to get out of the car, that he had friends die in the 9/11 attacks... I guess the German and Arabic language sound almost identical to the ignorant ear.