I have soooo many fo 3 / nv characters and they all have atleast a couple signature weapons and also almost always a very unique outfit.
So I'll just list a couple of the ones I find myself using the most out of each category.
- My very favorite signature weapon is the [Hunting Shotgun] from new Vegas with all modifications on it,
(IMO, it's better than the unique version "Dinner Bell")
Thanks to all the different kinds of Ammo types (like slugs & coin shots) the weapon always is effective on both long and short range targets.
Also it has a pretty cool sound to go with it's regular badass shotgun appearance

(It easily blows the head off of a pack with Irradiated Deathclaws from the divide)
Silenced 12.7 mm pistol for sneaky tactical assassinations, very high critical damage, can basically blow telhe brains out of an ncr troopers head straight into the face of his other ncr buddy next to him without being noticed at all.. The AI is stupid yes but, it's still sneaky and funny.
I quite fancy most revolvers in NV as well, mostly because of all the cowboy themes that the game packed with.
Energy wep:
[Multi-plas rifle], always gets the job done.
[Gauss rifle]s for sniping.
Also loves the Unique Laser Pistol in FO3
[Securetrons Gaze] that fires scattering Laser beams, equal effectiveness in close Quarters to a shotgun.
[Grenade Launcher] the 1 with the Pump Action.
+ some extra high explosive ammo to go with it.
Very nice!
Carrying some extra C4 & Mines is always good and classy if u ask me.
Can always be used to create piles, huge piles, then luring followers or enemies into it, can keep me busy preparing and exited for upcoming result for atleast an hour or two, depending in the size of it.
Can also be very good tactic at lower levels if you run into some big shit that's too strong for you to go toe to toe with.
Mostly uses some blade or some throwing axes or knives.
For stealth situations. And some times just for fun.
[Love & Hate], some unique spiked brass knuckles in NV looted off some Viper Gang Leader.
Gotta admit thou,
some of the unique / customized Power / Ballistic fists are really fun sometimes.
U know when u can make enemies explode with one simple (or a few) Falcon Pawnch(es).
(flying bodies & limbs in games, especially RPGs makes me lol)
If I missed some category it's because I haven't played the game in a while but I just might do it quite soon now since I started to remember a lot of great times I had with these games
Most of the ranged weapons I've listed has proven to be highly effective & reliable in almost any given situation involving combat or violence.