Skyrim vs Fallout 4: Who is playing?

Did anyone buy the Skyrim horse balls mod for $99 that was on Steam during the paid mods?

I'm wondering if it was worth the price...
Though I've stopped playing Skyrim long time ago, one of the main reasons i always go back to playing it is the mods, mainly the quest mods. One of the mods i really enjoyed was Undeath, because it grants me the power to transform into an undead Lich. It may not sound like anything special, but here's the thing: my Dragonborn is a winged paladin in golden armour, with a halo and shimmering golden aura, wielding a light sword and a paladin shield.
Why do you not understand what an analogy is?
What you posted isn't an analogy, it's a hypothetical situation. And as I said, those who liked Oblivion but hated Skyrim may well choose to continue modding for Oblivion, whilst those who liked Oblivion and also Skyrim might move to Skyrim - but to many modders the quality of the vanilla game is of distant secondary importance to its moddability, and a game with a large modding community and a lot of technical options will present more appeal to them.
It sold well initially but sales seem to have dropped off very quickly compared to other titles. User ratings are still comparatively middling as well, 80% positive on Steam and 5.4 on Metacritic. Then again raw data on sales is limited unless the company releases it.
Skyrim is easily modded, so I can see why lot's of people mod it, regardless of the game.
To be fair, as boring as Skyrim is, it has SOME qualities. No one can say that everything is shit. To be honest, the first 30 min. of the game, when you escape the first dragon attack, is pretty awesome actually. With this feeling of the open massive world with lots of freedom. The sad part is. It's all just on the surface. The moment you scratch on it. It falls apart. Skyrim has neither depth nor substance, neither as RPG, nor as action game.
To be fair, as boring as Skyrim is, it has SOME qualities. No one can say that everything is shit. To be honest, the first 30 min. of the game, when you escape the first dragon attack, is pretty awesome actually. With this feeling of the open massive world with lots of freedom. The sad part is. It's all just on the surface. The moment you scratch on it. It falls apart. Skyrim has neither depth nor substance, neither as RPG, nor as action game.
Not in itself, but Skyrim is one of those games where "mods will fix it" actually holds true. Download Requiem and tell me with a straight face that it's still a shallow action game. I can tell you that Skyrim with Requiem is the best action RPG there is.
Not in itself, but Skyrim is one of those games where "mods will fix it" actually holds true. Download Requiem and tell me with a straight face that it's still a shallow action game. I can tell you that Skyrim with Requiem is the best action RPG there is.
I just looked it up. It looks pretty cool. However, I wonder if there will ever be such a thing for Fallout 4. I just don't see it happening, but who knows?
Not in itself, but Skyrim is one of those games where "mods will fix it" actually holds true. Download Requiem and tell me with a straight face that it's still a shallow action game. I can tell you that Skyrim with Requiem is the best action RPG there is.
Ever tried to peace together a broken bottle? Or ever tried to rescue a badly painted picture? You could try it. But it will never be as good like it should be.

Thing is, I am not saying requiem and all the other attempts at "fixing" Bethesdas stuff are outright bad. They are doing an amazing job as modders!
It's just that they always are, well ... mods. And it shows. I mean, you can't change Skyrim without beeing ... Skyrim? I hope you know what I mean. I just don't know how to explain it better.
To give an example. They made some pretty cool changes to the gameplay as Vampire. Probably with the idea to add depth. Which is fine. IF that is your sort of thing or if you feel that is all the game needs. But compare how Vampirism was treated for example, in Morrowind, or earlier games. There was not only depth to it, it was actually tied to some groups, each with their own politics. Nothing like the Vampire games, which has some excelent RPGs. But, still miles better than Skyrim. What does Vampirism and Werwolf forms mean, if the world still doesn't react to it acordingly and if the game doesn't give you oportunities to role play it.

But that's not the main point for me anyway. The main issue with Skyrim, namely the boring quests, story and NPCs and emptyness of the world, is always shining trough its facade :/. Skyrim, is simply not a game that was crafted with love. Like let us say Gothic 1,2, or the The Witcher. The main point is, I don't need mods to enjoy Gothic, as how it was meant to be enjoyed, as RPG. Neither with the Witcher. Because they are very strong on their own terms. Skyrim though? Without mods? Barely tolerable ...
Ever tried to peace together a broken bottle? Or ever tried to rescue a badly painted picture? You could try it. But it will never be as good like it should be.

Thing is, I am not saying requiem and all the other attempts at "fixing" Bethesdas stuff are outright bad. They are doing an amazing job as modders!
It's just that they always are, well ... mods. And it shows. I mean, you can't change Skyrim without beeing ... Skyrim? I hope you know what I mean. I just don't know how to explain it better.
To give an example. They made some pretty cool changes to the gameplay as Vampire. Probably with the idea to add depth. Which is fine. IF that is your sort of thing or if you feel that is all the game needs. But compare how Vampirism was treated for example, in Morrowind, or earlier games. There was not only depth to it, it was actually tied to some groups, each with their own politics. Nothing like the Vampire games, which has some excelent RPGs. But, still miles better than Skyrim. What does Vampirism and Werwolf forms mean, if the world still doesn't react to it acordingly and if the game doesn't give you oportunities to role play it.

But that's not the main point for me anyway. The main issue with Skyrim, namely the boring quests, story and NPCs and emptyness of the world, is always shining trough its facade :/. Skyrim, is simply not a game that was crafted with love. Like let us say Gothic 1,2, or the The Witcher. The main point is, I don't need mods to enjoy Gothic, as how it was meant to be enjoyed, as RPG. Neither with the Witcher. Because they are very strong on their own terms. Skyrim though? Without mods? Barely tolerable ...

I would consider myself more of a fan of the modding community than I am of the game so I can't disagree that vanilla Skyrim is shallow and boring, however the analogy of the painting is a little off, Skyrim is more like a canvas for others art, and the price of Skyrim is getting off cheap to enjoy it.
I would consider myself more of a fan of the modding community than I am of the game so I can't disagree that vanilla Skyrim is shallow and boring, however the analogy of the painting is a little off, Skyrim is more like a canvas for others art, and the price of Skyrim is getting off cheap to enjoy it.
Like I said, just my opinion. But I tried most of the really good mods. And I would be lieing if I say they don't improve the game. But even all of those mods, still don't change what Skyrim is at it's core.

I will say this again. The main difference is, that you don't need really mods to enjoy The Witcher or Gothic 2. Those games can stand on their own. Skyrim can't. And it shows. Even with mods. You would probably need more than just one mod to get the game in a position where it is really enjoyable. And what they most of the time do, for me, is to remind me how sloppy Bethesda was in their work. And that's what I mean with the painting. There is no doubt that Skyrim is a "finished" product. And not an empty canvas, that fits more to something like Minecraft.
I agree, to add to that(this is my opinion so it might differ from others) I think installing all of these different mods just to make it "playable" is pretty messy especially when you download so many that you end up with like 10-15GB of that shit just to make the game better. There are games that need no mods as @Crni Vuk has already explained and they can stand on their own without having to heavily modify them.
I agree, to add to that(this is my opinion so it might differ from others) I think installing all of these different mods just to make it "playable" is pretty messy especially when you download so many that you end up with like 10-15GB of that shit just to make the game better. There are games that need no mods as @Crni Vuk has already explained and they can stand on their own without having to heavily modify them.

See, I want a game that can stand on its own AND is open for heavy modifications. New Vegas came pretty close but the crappy Gamebryo engine just keeps setting the bar back.

Something that's good, playable, and enjoyable on its own but as easily moddable as all Bethesda games are.
Well New Vegas is an excelent example though, because I was capable of enjoying the game without mods and have a hell lot of fun. Mods are here just the icing on the cake. Where in skyrim it feels like eating a whole bowl of icing. And nothing else. Sounds awesome. But is it really?
Despite of shitty Gamebryo, NV can at least stand on its own, as what it does, it does well enough. You can't say that about either Skyrim, F3 of F4.
Well you can't have your cake and eat it too, it would be nice to have the best of both worlds but yeah it's not possible without sacrificing other things to get what you want.
New Vegas is a decent example but as much as I don't like to admit it, Skyrim still had better mods which is what I'm sure others would want in addition to having a game like New Vegas. More indepth mods without sacrificing the games's features itself.
Although most really impressive quest mods are for Skyrim, Project Brazil still looks pretty promising. I don't think they have stopped development.