Ever tried to peace together a broken bottle? Or ever tried to rescue a badly painted picture? You could try it. But it will never be as good like it should be.
Thing is, I am not saying requiem and all the other attempts at "fixing" Bethesdas stuff are outright bad. They are doing an amazing job as modders!
It's just that they always are, well ... mods. And it shows. I mean, you can't change Skyrim without beeing ... Skyrim? I hope you know what I mean. I just don't know how to explain it better.
To give an example. They made some pretty cool changes to the gameplay as Vampire. Probably with the idea to add depth. Which is fine. IF that is your sort of thing or if you feel that is all the game needs. But compare how Vampirism was treated for example, in Morrowind, or earlier games. There was not only depth to it, it was actually tied to some groups, each with their own politics. Nothing like the Vampire games, which has some excelent RPGs. But, still miles better than Skyrim. What does Vampirism and Werwolf forms mean, if the world still doesn't react to it acordingly and if the game doesn't give you oportunities to role play it.
But that's not the main point for me anyway. The main issue with Skyrim, namely the boring quests, story and NPCs and emptyness of the world, is always shining trough its facade :/. Skyrim, is simply not a game that was crafted with love. Like let us say Gothic 1,2, or the The Witcher. The main point is, I don't need mods to enjoy Gothic, as how it was meant to be enjoyed, as RPG. Neither with the Witcher. Because they are very strong on their own terms. Skyrim though? Without mods? Barely tolerable ...