Fallout 4 stats for Steam
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim stats for Steam
Skyrim was pretty unique for the year it came out in, especially for the AAA industry. Say about it what you will, I still think it's a good game. At no point is it the masterpiece everyone holds it up to be, like a holy child, but it's definitely not shit. This is judging it from a neutral review basis, though. I personally don't prefer medieval fantasy, usually preferring themes sci-fi settings, or contemporary settings, or you know,
the post-apocalypse.
Try telling all of the rabid fanboys that have said that a good game is based on how much money it makes and how many units are sold.
But there's those for every game! Why are we worried and/or mad over these "rabid fanboys" so much? The most loud, ferocious and stupidest of them all barely contributes to the majority. It's not "them" that's driving the series into the ground, it's marketing and misinformation.
The common audience, the gamer who doesn't really look into or care about the gaming industry and only plays FIFA or GTA for a few hours after they return home from work, or from school, whatever. These are the ones that bought into the Fallout 4 hype, and if you think there's anything anyone can do about those people, good luck with that because they probably constitute about 70% or more of all gamers, not even counting the casual gamers.
Even if we manage to change the minds of every single Bethesda forum troop defending the game to its last drop, that's still barely a dent made on the global scale, or as it's commonly known, the big picture. The only way to overturn Bethesda is to simply let Obsidian make a Fallout game and have this major audience like it more. These major audience that I'm speaking of defend neither Bethesda nor Obsidian, the most complex comment on the game they'll probably bother to say is
"well, Fallout 4 was fun" because games are not primary hobbies in their lives.
No, these "rabid fanboys" you speak of are insignificant. They're just loudest and thanks to that, they look like they're convincing Bethesda to make those stupid decisions. But those people will not be able to convince Bethesda to put flying vampire dragons into Fallout 4 DLC. If it happens, it's a coincidental decision Bethesda decided to go through with
on their own.