Skywind. will this worth?


Vault Senior Citizen

It's skyrim's mod to remake morrowind.
Graphically, it looks really great.
but UI and dialog system makes me disappointed....
I think real good part of Morrowind came from it's unique dialog system which can contain lots of informations.
but it wasn't in skywind...
so I doubt this will worth.
with skyrim's shitty auto journal and quest marker, it will be just another skyrim with Morrowind's skin...
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well, I have seen a hell lot of "ambitious" projects based either on Morrowind, Oblivion and now Skyrim.

The problem? They all look great. They sound awesome. And they are interesting. On paper. I have yet to see any real mod based on a bethesda game that was more then just a random new house mod or rather smaller changes to the gameplay. Such projects are simply very huge. It takes a lot of time to make those, particularly if you get stuff from the community. It takes even more time bug testing it, doing the changes etc. And then? Suddenly the next Elder Scrolls games is out, and people dont feel interested in the project anymore, because there is a new engine to work with, more or less.

I am not saying it isnt a great project. And it seems they are already quite far. But I want to see how its finished. I mean there are for sure more demos and trailers out there then finished projects ... and that for a reason.
If you want to play Morrowind, why not simply... play Morrowind? I don't understand this sort of stuff.
Morrowind does look kinda terrible, and the mechanics have aged horribly. The combat feels clunky, magic is anoying to use and it just feels old in a bad way. While mods like Overhaul can fix parts of the graphics, the mechanics will be turn many people away, despite Morrowind being a very engaging game with really nice designs and stories.
Having all of Morrowind's good parts merged with the meaty combat and nice graphics of Skyrim would be very nice, but it's a very ambitious project. And it probably won't keep the good parts of Morrowind besides the aesthetics.

Also, woo1108, to start off fixing your english, here's how your post should be, because your writing starts to give me cancer:

Skywind: Will this be worth it?

It's a Skyrim mod to remake Morrowind.
Graphically, it looks really great, but the UI and dialogue system disappoint me.
I think one of Morrowind's strengths was its unique dialogue system which contained lots of informations,
but it seems it's not in Skywind.
So I doubt this will be worth it.
With Skyim's shitty auto-journal and quest markers it will just be Skyrim with a Morrowind skin...

And your signature:

I'm quite inexperienced at English, so if I'm wrong at grammar, punctuation or spelling, would you mind pointing it out to me? I'd be very grateful.
Problem - morrowind world and asthetics were created with the limitations in mind. That's why i never understood why people wanted to lift the fog and enjoy all those... limited vistas. I personally don't like these mods, as they are just making the game different, not necessarily better.
The early release version that I've played a few months ago was pretty cool, but was showing that there is still *a lot* work that needs to be done before you can call this really playable. Upgrading all of the landscape visuals is just one of the many things. The dialog system was pretty horrible (even though I think that keyword lists can work in the game), because the lists became extremely long and I had no idea what exactly most of it meaned. :>

I am not worried about the rest of the interface. It's ok-ish with mods and I don't necessarily need Morrowinds interface back (it wasn't that good either).
Also, woo1108, to start off fixing your english, here's how your post should be, because your writing starts to give me cancer:\
thanks for fixing grammer. I should study more about usage of "a" and "the".

I am not worried about the rest of the interface. It's ok-ish with mods and I don't necessarily need Morrowinds interface back (it wasn't that good either).
I know it wasn't good. but at least, it can provide far more information than Skyrim. and it will be tired to hear all the dialogs of Morrowind
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Nah. OpenMW is the better project. Skywind is all the problems of Skyrim. Also, the art team is... very liberal with the art direction. Not to say they aren't talented, but I don't think they should shift stuff around in such a way.

Problem - morrowind world and asthetics were created with the limitations in mind.

Morrowind is ugly as sin, especially for the time it was made. Games made two years earlier have a bigger color palette, less fog, and better modeling and animations.
Problem - morrowind world and asthetics were created with the limitations in mind.

Morrowind is ugly as sin, especially for the time it was made. Games made two years earlier have a bigger color palette, less fog, and better modeling and animations.

Changes nothing about what i said. The fog was not meant to be lifted because of that. And i remember when it came out - it wasn't the best looking game, but it was definetly not ugly for its time. Avarage maybe, we are talking about 2002.
I remember that Morrowind was praised a lot for its graphics back when it was released. Especially the water was best looking. The only negative thing I remember from reviews right now was the dead game world, where really nothing of much interest was going on.
Morrowind's graphic is great.
it looks ugly now because graphic technology have been progressed a lot.
without aspect of technology and appraise design only , I think Morrowind's graphic is awesome.
I am on a Morrowind Playthrough right now and find the game beautiful. The art direction is great and this is all what counts. Lifting the fog makes the island look horrible, since you realise it's not that big sprawling adventure island and everything is very close together.

In some ways, the combat in the original Morrowind is also better. Don't get me wrong, I too like the more visceral/direct combat system that skyrim has, but when it means dumbing down a lot of stats in the process, then hell no. I am also really curious how the team of this total conversion is going about implementing all those missing skills and mechanics from Morrowind into the Skyrim engine. Spellmaker etc.
Once again, I find it pretty silly to remake such a game, when the team behind it seems to be talented enough to actually create something new. I just don't see the point of these "remakes".
Couldn't agree more, Surf. All of this criticism for the original morrowind. Makes my blood almost boil. I started playing Morrowind for the first time this year, and I think it's fantastic. The combat is good, not annoying. It has good mechanics. The graphics are bad yes, but only in a technical, modern perspective. The artstyle is still very well designed. And the graphics work in tandem with it. Sure it's blocky. But not ugly. Only if you're spoiled with modern graphics. And heck, I was. But I could look past it. Once my dark souls addiction subsides, I'll get back to it. :)

Btw, Skywind a shit. OpenMW 4lyfe.
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I remember that Morrowind was praised a lot for its graphics back when it was released. Especially the water was best looking. The only negative thing I remember from reviews right now was the dead game world, where really nothing of much interest was going on.

and the broken quests ... oh hell did I hate those. Morrowind had a hell lot of complexity as far as the factions goes and the quests behind them, like with the thiefs guild and such. But it happend a few times that a quest was ... so bugged that you had no chance to finish it.
It tought i may create a thread, but maybe it is too much for this question.

Is Morrowind a worthy RPG on itself ?
I mean, many people consider Skyrim/Oblivian awfull compared to Morrowind, but it doesn't necessary means that Morrowind is great on itself compared to Fo1-Fo2-BG1-BG2-Arcanum-Torment-The Witcher and other games.

Are the writting wonderfull, the morality grey, the C&C extended, the plots mature etc ?

I got Arena/Daggerfall since they are abandonware, but Morrowind cost some money.
Is it worthy of paying a few caps ? Or even if it is better than Oblivion/Skyrim/Fo3, it could still be a disapointement compared to greater games ?

I saw so much comparisons videos that it got me curious of what a good Beth game could be...
Morrowind is quite engaging I'd say. The story is pretty neat, the quests have some variation, and you have quite a bit of freedom to solve them.
You can also completely fuck up your main quest, making the game impossible or at least really, really hard to beat, but you can still roam the game and do other stuff.
I certainly recommend getting the game, it's cheap and really good. It does have its bad sides, of course. The mechanics are clunky as fuck, the graphics are dated and the dialogue system isn't all that great. It works, though, and in my opinion it is a really good RPG.
I saw so much comparisons videos that it got me curious of what a good Beth game could be...
Actually, they had been made good games before oblivion.

Morrowind is good RPG.
dialog system itself is flawed but it has certain good points.
graphics are outdated but it's world and item designs are great.
If I should choose one point of Morrowind, I can say it's informations.
while other poor RPGs gives you tons of critical informations without sweat,
in Morrowind, you have to find informations you need.
I dont know how much Role playing is in Morrowind, you should not expect something like Fallout here as far as the writing goes and the effects of the quests. But the world is pretty unique and there are actually factions in the game, quite a lot of them to be honest and its impossible to join every faction because some factions are simply set against each other, I will never understand why Bethesda gave that concept up, in both Oblivion and even Skyrim you can be the "super hero" of every guild/faction, the few that are there, doesnt make much sense in opinion but oh well.

So you can spend a lot of time doing those faction quests in Morrowind and the main quest is not even that bad and its sometimes quite a lot of work to reach the top of some faction. Its impressive as far as that goes. You can do a lot in Morrowind and on top of that you can explore the world. I guess the downside to that is that Morrowind will feel sometimes rather like a single player MMO. But if you played Oblivion its probably worth it to try Morrowind just to see how much "quality" Bethesda has lost here.
Morrowind's graphic is great.
it looks ugly now because graphic technology have been progressed a lot.
without aspect of technology and appraise design only , I think Morrowind's graphic is awesome.

I agree with this. So long after, I still really appreciate Morrowind's graphics.

I uninstalled Skyrim. It was that bothersome for me to play, and I could never get past this goth-attraction they made it into "everything is dark and gritty, everyone's goth with dark eyeliner" it sells, I know it sells, but I'm not a consumer whore, so count me out -.-

I'm replaying Oblivion now, which is gorgeous compared to Skyrim (hey, it actually has COLORS!) and I am going to re-install Morrowind here at a later point, with the "Tamriel Rebuilt" mod.