Morrowind does look kinda terrible, and the mechanics have aged horribly. The combat feels clunky, magic is anoying to use and it just feels old in a bad way. While mods like Overhaul can fix parts of the graphics, the mechanics will be turn many people away, despite Morrowind being a very engaging game with really nice designs and stories.
Having all of Morrowind's good parts merged with the meaty combat and nice graphics of Skyrim would be very nice, but it's a very ambitious project. And it probably won't keep the good parts of Morrowind besides the aesthetics.
Also, woo1108, to start off fixing your english, here's how your post should be, because your writing starts to give me cancer:
Skywind: Will this be worth it?
It's a Skyrim mod to remake Morrowind.
Graphically, it looks really great, but the UI and dialogue system disappoint me.
I think one of Morrowind's strengths was its unique dialogue system which contained lots of informations,
but it seems it's not in Skywind.
So I doubt this will be worth it.
With Skyim's shitty auto-journal and quest markers it will just be Skyrim with a Morrowind skin...
And your signature:
I'm quite inexperienced at English, so if I'm wrong at grammar, punctuation or spelling, would you mind pointing it out to me? I'd be very grateful.