1-I am not hypernationalist(in fact you haven't seen a real nationalist)But nationalist is not an insult.Jebus said:Here are some books:
Marilyn Jager Adams: Beginning to Read
Richard J. Evans: What is History?
Benedict Anderson: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism
Prof. Dr. Jebus Gobson: Why Wass Ist? ? ? sucks.
For your convenience, I have copied that entire last work in full:
Why "Was Ist? ? ?" sucks
A doctorate dissertion by Jebus Gobson
1. Was Ist? ? ? is a hypernationalist
2. Was Ist? ? ? is stupid
3. Was Ist? ? ? is a fag
4. Was Ist? ? ? is Bulgarian.
Copyright Prof. Dr. Jebus Gobson, 2005
2-I am more intelligent than you!
3-oooh,he is so cute

4-If "Bulgarian" means "a stupid man" you are a racist.
Wow-he is unique :arrow: A professor,a doctor,a gay,a moron and a racist :arrow: 5 in 1-Jebus Gobson.
BTW-Only gays use the word "fag"
(ahahaha-is your real name Jebus)