Slavs were the first Europeans!Do you believe it?

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I believe this thread calls for a ROFLcopter.

Belgium "is a heaven",but like some other European countries,is a rich and powerful country,because they made the whole African contitnent totally miserable.
They(+Americans) have always been with muslims against Slavs(nomore with muslims after 9/11)


Might I point out that Belgium didn't have a hand in a single one of the incidents you mentioned?
Well, perhaps in the Kosovo situation - when they sent Belgian soldiers to help rebuild the country.


There also theories (proven) that even Stonehenge was built by Slavs.

Did you know that Vandals, North Italians, South French, Swedes, Hungarians, Romanians have Slavic genes and many Slavic artifacts were found in their territory.
The leading of these projects are Slovenes and Poles.
I will give you some proofs tomorrow!
It is a great shock for Jebus!
Was ist? ? ? said:
Did you know that Vandals, North Italians, South French, Swedes, Hungarians, Romanians have Slavic genes

Yup, we sure did get our share of pussy throughout history.

Which must be why we're getting screwed over now.
Man, Stonehenge is nothing. Recent reports show us Slavs built the Pyramids at Teotihuacan, Mexico. And The Great Wall. And the Empire State Building. And, by Sviatovid, the Eiffel tower! And many other things.

The leader of this research project is a Pole.
I didn't know you ran a science project, Wooz, I thought you were just an uneducated, jobless suckah like me.
Wooz said:
Man, Stonehenge is nothing. Recent reports show us Slavs built the Pyramids at Teotihuacan, Mexico. And The Great Wall. And the Empire State Building. And, by Sviatovid, the Eiffel tower! And many other things.

The leader of this research project is a Pole.
:lol: :lol:
Jebus said:
I believe this thread calls for a ROFLcopter.

Might I point out that Belgium didn't have a hand in a single one of the incidents you mentioned?
Well, perhaps in the Kosovo situation - when they sent Belgian soldiers to help rebuild the country.


Soldier,to rebuild?Did they send Architects and Engineers to fight?
Was ist? ? ? said:
There also theories (proven) that even Stonehenge was built by Slavs.

Did you know that Vandals, North Italians, South French, Swedes, Hungarians, Romanians have Slavic genes and many Slavic artifacts were found in their territory.
The leading of these projects are Slovenes and Poles.
I will give you some proofs tomorrow!
It is a great shock for Jebus!

Aside from the fact that none of the stuff you just mentioned features in any of that guy's crappy ""research"" projects, this dude is hilarious nontheless. He decoded Linear A! The mystery that has plagued the linguistic and archeological world for decades has been solved!

The Minoans spoke Russian all along!

Was Ist said:
Soldier,to rebuild?Did they send Architects and Engineers to fight?

Belgians never fought there. Ever heard of 'peacekeeping troups'? Like hell Belgians are going to get themselves killed over those foolish Balkan ethnic/religious issues. We grew up long ago.
John Uskglass said:
And just because a nation is/was powerful at a certain time does'nt mean it's an excuse for rampant nationalism.

This thread has become a classic by Johnny-boy accusing someone of rampant nationalism alone.

Wooz said:
Man, Stonehenge is nothing. Recent reports show us Slavs built the Pyramids at Teotihuacan, Mexico. And The Great Wall. And the Empire State Building. And, by Sviatovid, the Eiffel tower! And many other things.

The leader of this research project is a Pole.

Was ist, do you actually realise that this is exactly how you sound to the rest of us? Wait. Let me try to explain it to you...

Anthropology, geneology and other studies like it aren't so-called exact studies. When a scientist tries to bring a theory into the scientific world he will not only have to be able to prove it, he also has to be able to prove that it is impossible to disprove it. Just by proving it one does not automatically prove it is impossible to disprove it, however. It is practically impossible to fully prove something is impossible to disprove, but attempts need to be make, and most of the scientific world is actively trying to disprove older theories. Not even necessarily by supplanting them, but simply by disproving them.

An anthropologists doesn't need to try and disprove his own theory. He can simply prove a theory he fancies in whichever way he wants to. If he wants to name only the things proving it, so be it, if he wants to filter through a language for only the words that prove his theory, that's fine, it'll still be a "proven theory". This places your claims of your statements being proven facts in a rather negative light, but sadly they're more or less killed off by reality.

Anthropology and studies like it under the above situation would be bad enough, but reality tends to worsen them. The way to get your theory accepted in the antropological scientific world is not to actually prove it convincingly, but to actually make a theory that people will like. Populism rather than any form of logic or research rules the day for anthropologists.

This is the reason cultural relativists were always such a powerful wave within anthropology until it was finally broken. As long as it was the ongoing theory, people would support it. This is also the reason why islamo-apologisms is now so strong in continental anthropologisms.

This factor is fairly innocent, though. What you have to deal with is much worse. Nationalism was dropped as a state policy through most of "civilized" Europe after WW II, a process that didn't reach into the Soviet regions. With nationalism as a popular state apparatus, anthros have a bigger focus on it

The net result is that an anthropologist has a bigger chance of having his theory seen as "proven" and accepted by the local anthropological world because the world-view of your anthropological world is in fact nationalist. Where anthropological views in the West are skewed by concepts like cultural relativity or islamo-apologisms, yours is badly skewed by nationalism.

Our views are not, though. No serious anthropological institution outside Bulgaria is likely to accept your theory. Amusingly enough not because the proof is insufficient (if the same amount of proof was delivered to a paper about islamic positive influences on Russia, it'd be praised all around), but because the proof is focused on something that has no popular support here, your nationalism.

Jebus said:
Belgians never fought there. Ever heard of 'peacekeeping troups'? Like hell Belgians are going to get themselves killed over those foolish Balkan ethnic/religious issues. We grew up long ago.
When you were growing up,we were living in the shadow of the crescent.There are religious differences,because of our guests,who stopped our development and islamised many Balkan people.

Kharn,give me your phone number,I will call you in some years,when scientist proove that theory to the world :!: It is a new one,I was aware of it just yesterday,it is a shock for everyone,who hears it,but trust me-in a few/several years it will be totally prooved.
It is like the Darwin theory-noone trusted in the beginning.
Was ist? ? ? said:
Kharn,give me your phone number,I will call you in some years,when scientist proove that theory to the world :!: It is a new one,I was aware of it just yesterday,it is a shock for everyone,who hears it,but trust me-in a few/several years it will be totally prooved.

somehow I'd bet I'd notice if it weren't for you screaming about it, as most of the world really couldn't give a shit less.

I can accept vaguely that a theory might surface that the Thracians were Slavic, though I doubt it, but I don't think that'll be very relevant as the Thracians were not the first civilized people in Europe, nor...well...very relevant...

In fact I almost forgot that that was what this thread was about. From your tone I thought we were talking about some kind of wild Bulgarian superiority theory. Go figure.
Sovz said:
CCR said:
Wooz said:
nationalist-craving fascist
Lord Powerslave said:
uber-nationalistic cr@p
KQX said:
Jebus said:
Bulgar nationalists
KQX said:
nationalistic propaganda in Serbia
KQX said:
Bulgarian nationalists
John Uskglass said:
rampant nationalism
Jebus said:
Kharn said:
rampant nationalism...Nationalism was dropped.... with nationalism as fact nationalist....skewed by nationalism....your nationalism.
:shock: :lol: WTF?
1-Do you make any difference between patriot,chauvinist,nationalist and nazi(faschist)
2-Before WW2 there weren't any terms like nationalists,nazis,chauvinists,.......(or-there were,but not in their usage/conception today)

BTW :arrow: Sorry-only in Russian
Was ist? ? ? said:
:shock: :lol: WTF?
1-Do you make any difference between patriot,chauvinist,nationalist and nazi(faschist)

2-Before WW2 there weren't any terms like nationalists,nazis,chauvinists,.......(or-there were,but not in their usage/conception today)

Since you just said "nazi(faschist)" as if nazis and fascists are the same thing, I think you're the one having problems keeping definitions apart...

Here's a definition of nationalism:
na·tion·al·ism Audio pronunciation of "nationalism" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nsh-n-lzm, nshn-)

1. Devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation.
2. The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals.
3. Aspirations for national independence in a country under foreign domination.

Like I tried explaining to you, the concept nationalism in its modern usage stems from Europe surrounding and following the time of Napoleon. Strong nationalism is what surrounded a lot of the conflicts around Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, with the former and the latter struggling to be freed. Nationalism was seen as a dangerous concept after WW II, because of ways the nazis used it. The fact that the Balkans didn't get into real trouble with it until it was used as strong state or ethnic propaganda after the fall of communism has nothing to do with our views of it. As Jebus said, we grew up.

The existence of the term is not that relevant there, what they had is what we now call nationalism. Or even chauvinism.

Patriotism is something else entirely and doesn't have the historical connotations. As such it's not relevant when talking about "theories" like your own. Patriotism is simple love of your country, when it goes so far that you have to manipulate facts to make your country look better, it's more rampant nationalism than patriotism

Chauvinist is pretty much rampant and militant nationalism. Chauvinism is nationalism as expressed in WWI, WWII and the Balkan wars.

Nazism is a political philosophy. So is fascism. They're not the same. Nazism is the specific fascism of Nazi Germany. Fascism itself is much more well-spread.

Now I'm a patient man, but even you're stretching it now. Did that post of yours actually have any point. Yes, YOU'RE A NATIONALIST, dammit. Get over it. Your views are skewed in favour of your country. Or, if not your country, your "race" or whatever. Please stop trying to deny this, then maybe we can work on your being blinded by this nationalism
I can all it Americanism, will that be OK?

But yeah, I'll grant you they are different, just as the histories behind them are different. But also European integration is slowly wearing nationalisms down, as they're not PC.
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