It Wandered In From the Wastes

I am going to pick mine up today and was wondering if anyone else has picked it up looks really cool and reviews are pretty good. Looks like it could put gta and saints row to shame.
34thcell said:The 2nd one apparently has a very detailed city (lots of explorable interiors), but with attrocious stability and general gameplay.
sea said:I dunno. I've had enough of GTA-likes. Makes me wonder why they even bother with that format and don't just make it a completely linear title. GTA is all about causing chaos in a sandbox environment, and almost every other knock-off completely lacks any sort of sandbox mechanics... so there's no point to any of it.
sea said:Yeah, those are exceptions. But there are a lot of similar games that don't really make good use of their open world environments. Assassin's Creed, Arkham City, Borderlands, in fact, even some of the GTA games themselves. Those are games with linear stories and linear quest progressions, and the open worlds themselves have almost nothing interesting to really find outside of the story content.
fedaykin said:Why would you want to play a PC game with a gamepad?
fedaykin said:Why would you want to play a PC game with a gamepad?
BN said it, you use whatever you like for the genre. It works particularly well in third person games because of the analog stick. Heck, try a modern 3D platformer with just your keyboard.fedaykin said:Why would you want to play a PC game with a gamepad?
fedaykin said:Why would you want to play a PC game with a gamepad?