Sleeping Dogs


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I am going to pick mine up today and was wondering if anyone else has picked it up looks really cool and reviews are pretty good. Looks like it could put gta and saints row to shame.
From the videos I've seen of it so far there's going to be a lot of follow quest marker and press button to do things quicktime stuff.
It's True Crime 3 without the name. The 2nd one apparently has a very detailed city (lots of explorable interiors), but with attrocious stability and general gameplay. The main feature of the first was that not retrying after failing would give you bonus cutscenes and levels ("I just got beat up by a bunch of strippers"). The story could also head off in a completely different direction at two points.
34thcell said:
The 2nd one apparently has a very detailed city (lots of explorable interiors), but with attrocious stability and general gameplay.

I wouldn't say the city was very detailed. Much like the first game, it was very generic, you pretty much had a large city which was copy-pasted several times. It's big, but empty.

Gameplay was indeed horrible. I did like the random cop calls, but they got boring too soon because it was pretty much the same interior, with enemies placed in the same positions and with the same guns. Plus you had this search mechanic, where you'd need to find drugs/weapons on people or in their trunks, and thus ridding a certain part of the city from crime. Yeah. You can go around and search every little fuck on the street, rinse and repeat.

The physics were boring as hell, and not realistic. Game had lots of potential (GTA, but playing as a cop), but unluckily this potential was wasted.
I've been hearing good things. TotalBiscuit's WTF is, in particular. It looks like it runs and plays great on PC, and is a kind of hybrid of Grand Theft Auto in open-city play, Assassin's Creed in free-running and fighting, and even a little bullettime added in. Looks like it could be great, indeed. I didn't play the True Crimes but it doesn't sound like this title repeats the mistakes they made.

I didn't preorder it tho. I rarely do. Want to hear more opinions before I decide on getting it.
Just out of interest if anyone has pre-ordered it on Steam but doesn't play TF2... you can see here I'm going with this. :V
Sleeping Dogs (low violence version) @ Steam store with the current 10% discount 44,99 Euro.

Pre-Ordering a uncut boxed copy from Austria 29,99 Euro.
Got it and it is awesome the mash up of Assassins Creed, GTA, Need for Speed, Batman AC, works really well together it is on the short side but the story and all is done really well and they will be doing dlc for the next 6 months. I feel like I am playing modern day Bruce Lee and the slow motion stuff is an awesome addition too.
yeah but, this has a cock fighting mini game. Now now, I'm no advocate for real cock fighting, I never would want to rub cocks together IRL, but virtual cock fighting, sign me up!
sea said:
I dunno. I've had enough of GTA-likes. Makes me wonder why they even bother with that format and don't just make it a completely linear title. GTA is all about causing chaos in a sandbox environment, and almost every other knock-off completely lacks any sort of sandbox mechanics... so there's no point to any of it.

None of what you just said makes any sense. Have you actually played any GTA spinoffs, like Saints Row? I mean sure, your criticism could apply to, I dunno, LA Noire, but Saints Row, Just Cause or Driver? Haha, no.
sea said:
Yeah, those are exceptions. But there are a lot of similar games that don't really make good use of their open world environments. Assassin's Creed, Arkham City, Borderlands, in fact, even some of the GTA games themselves. Those are games with linear stories and linear quest progressions, and the open worlds themselves have almost nothing interesting to really find outside of the story content.

Yes? It's different styles. That's a good thing, different styles within a genre. I don't feel like every open-world game has to run the same way, and Assassin's Creed and Arkham City are conceptualized very differently from GTA (especially the Arkham games). Particularly, they tend to use their open world structure and big landscapes during missions, rather than separately from. That doesn't mean the big open world is pointless or padding, it just means it is utilized differently. The only GTA that does this as well is GTA IV (counting the main releases, I dunno about the mobile releases).

Borderlands is a hack'n'slash FPS. Different genre.

GTA, Just Cause, Saints Row, Driver, Bully and Sleeping Dogs all utilize their open-world structure to offer sandbox gameplay to a greater or lesser extent, depending on how much you feel like playing them as open-worlds. I assume Red Dead Redemption and Prototype do the same, though I never played them. Assassin's Creed, Mafia and LA Noire do not. Not an overwhelming balance against sandbox gameplay.
I have no problem playing it with a controller(even if the Batman Arkham City KB/M controls worked, it felt better with a gamepad), I'm just wondering whether the performance on an average system is good or not. Having TotalBiscuit with his beast computer isn't a good guide for that. :P
fedaykin said:
Why would you want to play a PC game with a gamepad?

Why not? Back when I first played on a personal computer (an Atari system), I had a mouse and keyboard, but also a joystick, gamepad and driving wheel. You use whatever is best for the game at hand. I'll never play RTSs or shooters with anything other than mouse and keyboard, but something like the Arkham games or Assassin's Creed? Why not. In fact, the analog input of the stick system is better for some genres than using WASD/key buttons, particularly for racing games.

First I've heard of keyboard/mouse problems, by the way. Sounds patchable.
fedaykin said:
Why would you want to play a PC game with a gamepad?
BN said it, you use whatever you like for the genre. It works particularly well in third person games because of the analog stick. Heck, try a modern 3D platformer with just your keyboard.

Even better considering a GTA-styled game like this probably has support for the trigger on a gamepad, allowing to simulate the acceleration pedal of the vehicle. TB mentioned in his video that some missions require you to follow certain cars, which with a keyboard, you're constantly tapping the accelerator on and off.

It's nothing new really, we've had PC joypads and accessories forever, at least now the Xbox 360 one is the standard and pretty much guarantees it will work easily with this game.