So...Bethesda's Closed Beta testing the Creation Kit.

What Rockstar does doesn't really matter in this instance. If what you said is true about them, then class action lawsuits would be thrown at them for pretty much stealing their money and banning them from their services prior to a full refund too registered games that were purchased by the account holder.

This mentality you share in my opinion is all way too in common with that of which a lot of video game fanboys like to use as an excuse for shitty and unethical practices. Phrases like "Hey don't buy it" or "Who cares?" Sets a precedent that lets other devs know that it is okay to stomp on the consumer and that we will give them extra money for free. Instead let us call them out when they fuck up so that when they fuck up they can be corrected and avoid situations like this from happening again. You do want these companies to continue to be your favorite, yes?

I haven't said the company is my favourite. I even enjoyed the Fallout 4 as a FPS spinoff with crafting elements.
What i see, is you are too eager to shove me in a fanboy shelf, too. Anyways.
We had the precendent with Steam Workshop, also, there was a precendent that forced Rockstar to state officially that they don't intend to fight against mod community - this was caused by a outrage by a perspective of mods being completely monetized and copyrighted.

What you call "situation like this" is something that is being fed to us by their PR, the middle that makes money. There will be always dissent and disappointment like yours - you shall however remain powerless until you can channel your disappointment and make people relate to your disdain - e.g. "i hate the yellowish tint in Glowing Sea!". Get the majority of the playerbase to downvote the game at Steam because of this and the tint will be gone in a week.
But as long as a huge part says "meh, why should it be a huge issue", it will stay.
For my part, i don't feel why the DLCs should be not charged money - and even you can make your statement by not buying it.
It's not that they forced you to buy it. *shrug* Feel free to hate me because of that and godspeed for your noble cause.
Well they're taking advantage of their "loyal" paying customers by pulling a fast one on them at the last minute. Where we see bullshit they see profit.[/QUOTE]

and where they see profit, Bethesda fanboys see "Great content"
Well they're taking advantage of their "loyal" paying customers by pulling a fast one on them at the last minute. Where we see bullshit they see profit.

and where they see profit, Bethesda fanboys see "Great content"[/QUOTE]

Sometimes the expectations differ from the results, but so far, i give you the credit, as Bethesda called the "GRAB IT WHILE IT'S HOT!" stunt.

Aren't we straying from the topic? How did the beta participants experienced the beta of the G.E.C.K.?
What can we expect from the new G.E.C.K.?
I figured as much. Complaining always take place.
I signed up for the beta, maybe we see some vehicle physics and better implementation of custom animations.
I...doubt it but my response to that is...
I was thinking, how the hell are mod makers going to test their mods for consoles if they cant just run them on the console without uploading them to BGS' website. Seems like it's going to be a pain to make content for a closed platform like that.
I was thinking, how the hell are mod makers going to test their mods for consoles if they cant just run them on the console without uploading them to BGS' website. Seems like it's going to be a pain to make content for a closed platform like that.
The real question is how will mods that need use of the script extender work on consoles. Yeah forget texture mods too, what about mod conflicts? There's a reason mods have been PC only up to this point, this isn't just some plug and play shit.
The real question is how will mods that need use of the script extender work on consoles. Yeah forget texture mods too, what about mod conflicts? There's a reason mods have been PC only up to this point, this isn't just some plug and play shit.
$5- weapon/armor skins
$2.99- dogmeat is a cat
$10- Synth companion pack
Seems like the fiasco might of just been a test to test the waters to see what kind of reaction they would get then making adjustments to their plan in an attempt to "perfect" it. Seems like they're biting off more than they can chew, it'll hopefully be the breaking point as to whether they'll stop the bullshit or just keep trying but knowing them "Bethesda, Bethesda never learns" it seems. Seems like all this money has given Todd and company a big enough hardon to become greedy as hell leading to the current situation.
I don't think the first was a test run, sure it may have seemed like it with the shoddy implementation last minute, but it seems like that was supposed to be the beginning and the end of it. Then Valve pulled the plug on the paid modding and Bethesda had to cover their ass once they were exposed. This next time will be the end and they won't pull the plug like last time because there is no one to stand in their way.
I don't get 'why' Bethesda would want to suddenly turn villainously greedy though.
I mean, look'it:
Development and marketing budget: $85 Million
Profit: $1,390,000,000
They made 16x more profit than what they put into the game's development and marketing.
I just don't get it. Isn't that enough? Isn't getting 16 times the amount of money you put into the game back in profit enough?

And that's 'just' for Skyrim.
They got enough money to theoretically produce 16 Skyrim's. And 4 years later here's Fallout 5, most likely raking in even more money.

If that's not enough then again I have to ask; Where the fuck does all of the money go to when it comes to Bethesda? What, does Toddie Boi need to go into surgery and have his colon opened up so that the doctor can coat his shit with gold so it'll be prettier when it comes out of him or something? Seriously. 16 times profit! How the fuck can you get that kind of money and still go "....We need more."?
I don't get 'why' Bethesda would want to suddenly turn villainously greedy though.
I mean, look'it:
Development and marketing budget: $85 Million
Profit: $1,390,000,000
They made 16x more profit than what they put into the game's development and marketing.
I just don't get it. Isn't that enough? Isn't getting 16 times the amount of money you put into the game back in profit enough?

And that's 'just' for Skyrim.
They got enough money to theoretically produce 16 Skyrim's. And 4 years later here's Fallout 5, most likely raking in even more money.

If that's not enough then again I have to ask; Where the fuck does all of the money go to when it comes to Bethesda? What, does Toddie Boi need to go into surgery and have his colon opened up so that the doctor can coat his shit with gold so it'll be prettier when it comes out of him or something? Seriously. 16 times profit! How the fuck can you get that kind of money and still go "....We need more."?
Isn't that enough?
Enough is never enough, you should know that. Greed is a powerful thing, drives me to do things they shouldn't but do anyways. They claim it's to "support" the mod authors but with the pitiful 25% of what they sold it for, that isn't supporting. Though many mod authors seem to be perfectly ok with 25% because that is 25% more than what they had already.
I get it, i get it. :D
If i don't start bashing on Bethesda soon, i'm going to have a bad time.

What about G.E.C.K., now? Do you expect it a something totally expected from Bethesda? Paid version, paid addons, restricted access and selfglorifying every week?
I expect paid mods with DRM that have to be aproved by beth before use.
It is extremely plausible - for consoles.
Probably a paid version of Mod Installer or something dumbed down like Rockstar Content Creator - snappable Vault elements for babby's first Vault (buy more unlockable vault elements with neon tiger textures)
As paid DLC for paid mod installation.
With monthly subscription.

To be fair, Bethesda at least put documentation on G.E.C.K., while R* locked and obfuscated the game code, so modders could not access the game files - everything runs through scripts hooked to audio drivers and every new update breaks it anew.
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I get it, i get it. :D
If i don't start bashing on Bethesda soon, i'm going to have a bad time.
You'll find a lot of us here enjoy many BGS titles from Arena to Skyrim. What we don't like is the continued dumbing down of their product, consistent alienation of older fans with each new title or their poor handling of a beloved IP.