Faceless creature in green pullover
What Rockstar does doesn't really matter in this instance. If what you said is true about them, then class action lawsuits would be thrown at them for pretty much stealing their money and banning them from their services prior to a full refund too registered games that were purchased by the account holder.
This mentality you share in my opinion is all way too in common with that of which a lot of video game fanboys like to use as an excuse for shitty and unethical practices. Phrases like "Hey don't buy it" or "Who cares?" Sets a precedent that lets other devs know that it is okay to stomp on the consumer and that we will give them extra money for free. Instead let us call them out when they fuck up so that when they fuck up they can be corrected and avoid situations like this from happening again. You do want these companies to continue to be your favorite, yes?
I haven't said the company is my favourite. I even enjoyed the Fallout 4 as a FPS spinoff with crafting elements.
What i see, is you are too eager to shove me in a fanboy shelf, too. Anyways.
We had the precendent with Steam Workshop, also, there was a precendent that forced Rockstar to state officially that they don't intend to fight against mod community - this was caused by a outrage by a perspective of mods being completely monetized and copyrighted.
What you call "situation like this" is something that is being fed to us by their PR, the middle that makes money. There will be always dissent and disappointment like yours - you shall however remain powerless until you can channel your disappointment and make people relate to your disdain - e.g. "i hate the yellowish tint in Glowing Sea!". Get the majority of the playerbase to downvote the game at Steam because of this and the tint will be gone in a week.
But as long as a huge part says "meh, why should it be a huge issue", it will stay.
For my part, i don't feel why the DLCs should be not charged money - and even you can make your statement by not buying it.
It's not that they forced you to buy it. *shrug* Feel free to hate me because of that and godspeed for your noble cause.