so is there any good bonus to completing NV in hardcore?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
i did it for a while but it became increasingly frustrating eventually managing water, food, sleep and radiation. is there really any good bonus to doing it?
There's an achievement for beating the game on hardcore the whole time.

I just personally always play on hardcore because I have more fun that way, your mileage may vary, of course.
Just the achievement. If you're playing on a PC, you can use the console to slow down the timescale. That may make hardcore easier.
Not really. An achievement. Personal satisfaction for me though. I turned it on from the start and I've never played with it off. I like the survival elements.
so if it is just an achievement, that isnt much of a bonus. if it unlocked some new weapon or something or a permenant perk for subsequent playthrough's i would do it.

i havent played new vegas in a while, but on console when i originally played it, i thought i remember some of the complete challenges carrying over when you started a new game. i know some of them give you perks and achievements and i was hoping the hardcore mode did something like that.

i know games like mass effect and dragon age origins give you bonus items/features once you have gotten the trophy/achievement. even in later play throughs you get those items once you got the achievement.
The Bonus is beating the game without trainning wheels and having a much more fun and involved experience.

No perks carry over, they are exclusive to each character.
Basically. Playing without Hardcore is pointless. Might as well play Fallout 3. I don't understand the fear of it either. It's super easy regardless.
If you're really finding the hardcore requirements to be too much, up your survival a bit. With good survival you basically just need to eat and drink once per day or so, and sleep every couple of days. I try to maintain a normal and regular sleep cycle for my characters for roleplaying reasons anyway.
that... is good to know, i had low survival in my last game. once i finish this game, i definitely try that.

i cant remember but you didnt have to worry about eating/drinking/sleeping in fallout 1/2 originally right? it was just there to regain health?
that... is good to know, i had low survival in my last game. once i finish this game, i definitely try that.

i cant remember but you didnt have to worry about eating/drinking/sleeping in fallout 1/2 originally right? it was just there to regain health?

Correct. New Vegas is built around that with the Survival mechanic.
With the exception of my first play through it's been Hardcore and Very Hard ever since. I find it's too easy otherwise.
I haven't played on casual mode even once, I turned Hardcore mode on my first run and never looked back.

I was going to do this, but they warn you pretty strongly not to do this right out of the gate. In retrospect my initial playthrough on normal, casual was a mistake as I didn't really love the game to the extent that I do now until playing a few times on very hardcore.
J Sawyers hardcore mod made it a bit more point-ful imho

Vanilla hardcore is more like """hardcore""", you must drink water every... twice a day or so? You can go for days and not eat a bite, and sleeping seems more a matter of personal preference, if you got some tobacco chew you never need to sleep again as long as you live.
J Sawyers hardcore mod made it a bit more point-ful imho

Vanilla hardcore is more like """hardcore""", you must drink water every... twice a day or so? You can go for days and not eat a bite, and sleeping seems more a matter of personal preference, if you got some tobacco chew you never need to sleep again as long as you live.

The problem with doing a "caffeine addict/never sleeping" run is that a couple of the DLCs break the SLP meter and you only fix it by sleeping.