So, uh, did anyone like it?

I played Fallout 3...

I played Fallout 3. And I found a few things. If you expect absolute rubbish, it's hard to be disappointed. Fallout FPS is exactly like I expected it. It's not as bad as BoS.

What did I think, you ask?
The game was fun. But it wasn't Fallout. It was set in the Fallout world, but it wasn't Fallout 3 any more than "Streets of SimCity" was a SimCity game. The weapons were fun to use, and the death animations were significantly gory and disquieting, although I do miss the plain rats and their overkill animation of exploding with a "Pop-Squeak".

It wasn't so much that the RPG elements had been downplayed, it was that the storyline sucked. The world was fun enough, although stuff was too close together; a hazard, I suppose, of making a game where you have to manually walk someplace to see it. When stuff is maybe as far away as my auto mechanics, I begin to wonder why are people asking me to go look for it? Get it yer frikkin' self. But the story. Oh the story. Purifying water? Could no-one scavenge a Brita pitcher? It really is that simple. I would assume that sand, charcoal, and cloth still around, so I didn't understand the commotion over the nuclear-powered Water Pik. Ho Hum, let's assume it's important, then, and go forward with the plot. But of course, even though at the end of the game I may or may not have in my employ a radiation-immune mutant, a ghoul (whom the title cards tell us are healed by radiation!), a robot, and a nearly brainwashed slave, I either have to sacrifice myself, or send some nice lady I just met to her doom. Great choices there, Beth, I can either be Jesus of Nazareth or Charles Manson. No middle ground, apparently. And my advanced radiation suit and pounds of potassium iodide tablets (Who doesn't think "Rad-X" when they hear this talked about on TV?) are also apparently useless as well. THE PLOT DEMANDS HUMAN SACRIFICE! Such a petty god it is.

And why can I not use powered armor until the game lets me? This is not in fitting with canon, wherein PA was apparently intuitive enough that anyone who could put it on could use it with reasonable efficiency; and even my NPCs will suit up if given a chance; apparently this is just more railroading. Fuck you, horrible digital DM. Speaking of dungeons, why so much going in to the metro? They are all the same, filled with things to kill, and rarely worth it. The first time I went somewhere via the metro I thought it was cool. The second time I didn't care. By the third time I was sick of it, and became very annoyed with all the "Waist-high picket fences" I kept finding. Rubble I couldn't climb, even with handy Re-bar pieces all over it. Wooden fences I couldn't knock down, even though I had a sledgehammer. Off the top of my head I can't think of a single door in Fallout or Fallout 2 that I couldn't open, yet right off the bat we are handed them in droves. I gave up on the quest to get to the national archives when I realized it was forcing me to use the metro. Fuck the metro.

I appreciate that weapons degradation made repair a useful skill outside of scripted skill checks. I do not appreciate that my weapons go from perfect to broken after a few magazines. Armor I understand -many real-life armors are significantly degraded by only a few bullet hits, and will need the attention of an armorer immediately. But my shotgun going from sugar to shit after 100 shells or so is unforgivable.

Skills... the skills are really king in this game. Repair mandatory as merchants suck at repairing and you will end up with 87 duplicates of common weapons and other than simply chucking them, it is the only way to keep their value, and since most of the time your weapons rely on it, it's quite useful. Speech, small guns, lockpick... Per Jorner, you are still right. These three skills are the best. You will talk to a lot of people... people with poorly written, simple dialog trees, and you want them to do what you tell them. Sometimes you will find people who won't listen to you, and you'll have to kill them. Simple logic says small guns are the best balance of proliferance and efficiency at killing others. And finally, lockpick, because playing a stupid minigame that's absolutely nothing like real lockpicking is fun (This is where the combination of player ability and character ability is at its worst; there is no skill involved in guessing the right place to put the bobby pin, and no matter how high my skill I can still fuck up). No, wait, because a lot of nice stuff is locked up.

Some other skills are useful, but there are items that help with that... Some make sense, like a utility jumpsuit upping your repair presumably because it's got tools and places to put little parts so you don't lose them (seriously, try to repair something. See if you don't loose 23 little tiny screws and a spring.), and wearing a negligee will improve my speech a little because people are too busy staring at my female character's rack... or something, but why does wearing a lab coat give me a boost to science? Does it have an HP scientific calculator in the pocket or something? ITEM DESCRIPTIONS would have really helped here... "This well-worn lab coat has no fewer than three calculators in its pockets, a slide rule, and a mechanical pencil. Having these things at hand will no doubt help in any scientific evaluation"... that text that it took me 1 minute to write, would have made the difference between "ZOMG MAGICAL LAB C0At!!!11" and something that makes some semblance of sense.

All in all it was fun. The world was fun to play in. There were some fun things to do, and some genuinely scary places. And the classic Fallout moments, like crashes to the desktop, or the "Apparel" button on my Pip-Boy randomly going blank (too many items bug, oh the times we spent together!), or trying to carry 700 times my maximum carry limit. But a Fallout RPG sequel this was not. It was Fallout FPS, that I made a case for, way back when, and it was about as much fun as I expected it to be, although with a horrible, rushed main story line that's best forgotten. But I await the coming of a true Fallout sequel. We shall see.
PsychicToaster said:
3 has some flaws, but it doesn't make it feel less Fallout-like. Even some of the things that were stupid about Oblivion fit right in here, such as looting everything not nailed down and poking through every box you find for something to eat or barter. The irrelevance of weapon skills, the skill lockouts for the minigames, those are game design issues, not failures to live up to the Fallout setting.

Does that somehow justify anything? FO3 is both a bad FO game, and a pretty mediocre action/RPG game. It has both general problems and Fallout world inconsistencies.

Sure, FO1/2 weren't perfect, and nobody's saying that. However, the opinion that "oh FO1/2 had bugs and other issues, so it's fine for FO3 to have them and still be 10/10" has been discussed too many times here, and proven wrong, which is, it seems like, what you are trying to say.
I'm almost done with it and I don't want it to be over!! Can't wait to see what the expansions bring to the story. ^_^

I've heard a lot of nasty, critical reviews, though...I find it weird that I can find something so fun while others just can't enjoy it.
I'm a huge fan of the old games and I just finished the main quest of Fallout 3. Overall, I find it to be mostly a dissapointment. It didn't live up to the hype that surrounded it for so long. One example would be the ending. The ending was absolutely terrible, unexpected, random, and Bethesda outright lied about it. 200 endings? I would say more like 4 endings. One tiny slide showing a place with no dialogue does not count as an extra ending.

Speaking of which, the slides were disjointed, and Ron Perlman didn't go through all the places that you effected like I expected him too. Instead, all he did was say whether you were a good or bad character and then talked about the outcome of Project Purity. Yes, Bethesda, please don't tell me about what happened to all of the side quests I did in the cities and what happened to those places, please leave me grasping for answers out of nowhere.

The bugs, oh the bugs, there are so many of them. The physics are absolutely atrocious. One room I saw a body randomly flying around and crashing into things and I hadn't even touched it. Then one time a body got stuck in a door and it started flipping out! Things would get stuck inside of the walls like one time I saw a random brahmin's head inside the wall and another time some chains were stuck on the ceiling and were rattling around like crazy.

The dialogue was 'okay'. There were some repeated voice actors but I guess that's to be expected. I did like the way it made use of all of the skills, though. Not just intelligence and speech and perception like the first one but things like science and strength and repair. They did good on that. A lot of the 'intelligent' things weren't intelligent at all, though. They were completely obvious! Well, maybe not to the oblivious, but I guess that's the kind of people who play this game.

The side quests did a very good job at redeaming the main quest. There are plenty of fun, interesting, and unique quests to go on, although near the end there's not much reason to go on them when you're at your level cap. I particularily liked this one town that I ran into where there were like 4 people living there and they seem reallly nice and friendly and invite you over for dinner, but when you steal the guy's key and go down in his basement there's mutilated corpses ready for eating. And then when you talk to the old man in the town and he tells you to run away the guys are there with shotguns asking you why you broke into their basement and that they know where their next meal is coming from. creepy! And after you kill them, the grandpa guy says he'll take care of the kids and explains everything. It was a nice touch in the wasteland.

The wasteland, yes it was nice, but it seemed cramped. Just cause you had to walk everywhere and the towns were so close to each other. I wish they had a system like Fallout 1 and 2 with the world map travel but obviously they decided not to for some reason.

I think they tried to do too much, but It's still worth a try for the cool perks and the fun side quests. Just don't expect a lot of good story or fallout lore, because the ending and main quest are horrendous.
Yellow said:
Yes, Bethesda, please don't tell me about what happened to all of the side quests I did in the cities and what happened to those places, please leave me grasping for answers out of nowhere.

You've actually become attached enough to these people/places to even care? Personally, I couldn't care less for any place or char in F3.
tomcullen said:
I'm almost done with it and I don't want it to be over!! Can't wait to see what the expansions bring to the story. ^_^

I've heard a lot of nasty, critical reviews, though...I find it weird that I can find something so fun while others just can't enjoy it.
Welcome to world. People enjoy all sorts of different things. Some people like Stephen King novels, I think they're shit, but then again I'm a pretentious ass. If you honestly think it's weird people can hate something you like welcome to the world of opinions.

Also I'd like to see your nasty, critical reviews, because I can honestly say I've never seen a single nasty review of Fallout.. Anywhere. As for critical that's what reviews are susposed to be except apparently only movie and literary critics know this. Poorly phrased at best especially if you just meant nasty critical reviews or nasty, overly-critcal reviews.
BarackSays said:
Any fans of the original games find Fallout 3 an enjoyable and genuinely fun sequel? After waiting a decade, I really found it a fine game. In fact, when I first got the game I couldn't believe I was actually holding it in my hands. It was that surreal.

I've posted this in numerous threads but haven't exactly gotten a response. I feel as if I'm the only "Fallout vet" who wasn't really disappointed. I really did have fun with it, and I'm on my 2nd playthrough now.

Am I alone? Am I "crazy"? Am I *insert adjective here*?
You're crazy for bothering to post a thread like this on NMA, perhaps, but not for enjoying the game. I thought it was excellent, personally.
I do like some of the atmosphere that will pop up from time to time in Fallout 3, even if it isn't very Fallout-esque atmosphere. Unfortunately the atmosphere is often ruined by the awful game mechanics, writing, voice acting, setting, and/or music, whichever one of these aspects decides to interrupt my moment of thinking "hey this is sort of enjoyable if I can ignore the rest of--oh goddammit moira shut your face!"
DexterMorgan said:
Yellow said:
Yes, Bethesda, please don't tell me about what happened to all of the side quests I did in the cities and what happened to those places, please leave me grasping for answers out of nowhere.

You've actually become attached enough to these people/places to even care? Personally, I couldn't care less for any place or char in F3.

I cared enough for poor suicidal megaton citisens to end their suffering by means of atomic explosion, just as I completed project
impurity for all wastlanders aflicted by cases of horrible dementia aka betslop scripting and dialogues... BTW It was first RPG I completed as "evil guy" And loved it. :twisted:
Sending all those inbreed creations of Bet into oblivion was most satisfing moment in all game :roll:
As Fallout game I gave it 3/10 and as Stalker clone 6/10 (it was fun exploring for first 20 hours).
^ Hmm, I personally only cared for the quests and shops when blowing up Megaton. Once I found Rivet City and finished all Megaton quests, the city went to heaven.

This is the first game where I found it hard to play a goodie-two-shoes.

Sending all those inbreed creations of Bet into "Oblivion" was most satisfing moment in all game

Fixed :lol:
Fallout 3 got boring once I got a helper.. they kinda suck all the fun out of the game.

"Hey let me kill all these easy opponents. When we run into people with rocket launchers you can reload and tell me where to hide so I won't die."

"Oh! And don't bother with traps, trying to set them or disarm them because well I'm here to make sure you don't have fun with that. Got it? Okay! *runs off to blast some nearby raider while you contemplate selling all your mines, grenades, mesmerizer, and other various gadgets and weapons that now seem pointless*"

"Ooh! A powerful rifle? [spoiler:48695978ce](Lincoln's Repeater)[/spoiler:48695978ce] Rare ammo? Gimme! *blam! Blam! blam! Blam! Blam!* Yeah I sure showed that mole rat didn't I?.. It's a good thing .44 magnum ammo is easy to come by. Go buy me some more!"

Yes, I think the followers suck in this game...

Ah well, either do it Fallout Tactics style or have no followers at all IMO.
tomcullen said:
I've heard a lot of nasty, critical reviews, though...I find it weird that I can find something so fun while others just can't enjoy it.

Just be glad the board's reception to the game is fairly civil overall. Especially compared to the unbelievable amount of hate it got in the months prior to game's release.
I don't think Fallout 3 is a great RPG by any stretch, but I do think it is a nice shell of a game - which is par for the course from Bethesda. If the combat was a solid turn-based system, it could have near infinite potential with the GECK.

I'm hoping to see varied stories and interesting dialogue from the mod community.
Best game ever.

I loved it. It's the best game I have ever played tbh.

Sure, there are some issues like not being able to kill children, not being able to trespass and sleep (should use Fable system here), the combat is a little too fast out of VATS. But overall, it is an absolute masterpiece and I much preferred it to Fallout 2 where switching to and from combat is a slow and painful process, although really they are different kind of games.

I love the way it retains the RPG elements but still has great action/stealth parts too. But then I love FPS/RPG's like System Shock 2, Morrowind, Oblivion, etc.

Also, at least they kept the swearing and gore in - rather than giving in to the conservative pressure. Bethesda have produced a great game and I think it's a real shame some people dislike it just because they are remembering a clunky, slow and dated isometric RPG from the '90s through rose-tinted, selective memory spectacles. As great as Fallout was then - that doesn't mean all sequels must be rubbish.

The main improvements I'd like to see in Fallout 4 (Please Bethesda) is the environments to be fully seamless, more open (i.e. looting houses) and a more thrilling and branched main quest line.

It's a shame Black Isle didn't finish Van Buren in time for it to be released as a spin-off as it had some good features such as more real-time combat and co-operative multiplayer which made me enjoy Arcanum.

EDIT: It's be nice if they'd toned down (or removed) the levelling though as it makes most of the game so easy. [But I play most of my games on easy so I don't find it as irritating as others]
Re: Best game ever.

jamesmcm said:
Bethesda have produced a great game and I think it's a real shame some people dislike it just because they are remembering a clunky, slow and dated isometric RPG from the '90s.

It's hard to take praise for the game seriously when comments like that are added.

I haven't even been on these forums that long, and even I've noticed a pattern with more than a few new members where the first post is a glowing review of Fallout 3 that praises Bethesda (I've honestly never seen so many people who like a game being so quick to praise the developer) and dismisses all criticisms as foolish sentimentality.
Re: Best game ever.

Scowl said:
jamesmcm said:
Bethesda have produced a great game and I think it's a real shame some people dislike it just because they are remembering a clunky, slow and dated isometric RPG from the '90s.

It's hard to take praise for the game seriously when comments like that are added.

I haven't even been on these forums that long, and even I've noticed a pattern with more than a few new members where the first post is a glowing review of Fallout 3 that praises Bethesda (I've honestly never seen so many people who like a game being so quick to praise the developer) and dismisses all criticisms as foolish sentimentality.

What's the problem?

I was being honest - I think the reason people think Fallout 3 is worse than Fallout 2 is because they are selectively remembering the best parts of it rather than the dull tedium like the Temple Of Trials at the start and the general clunky combat.

I think people hate it also because it's good and popular and many people liked the original Fallout because it was indie. I don't have such a biased, subjective view and can see that Fallout 3 is clearly by far a superior game.

Don't misunderstand me though - Fallout 3 still has flaws, not enough NPC's, small cities, could've used Fable's sleeping/trespassing system, could've enabled killing of children etc.

But I love the way it has stealth/action gameplay as well as awesome RP elements. It really adds to the immersion.

I can see how people say Oblivion was a bit of a disappointment compared to Morrowind - but not with Fallout 2 and 3. I would really like to see all those who complain about Fallout 3 being too action-based to try and play Fallout again - it really is too slow. TBH, I think people are hating it because they chose to hate it when they realised it'd become popular - to those people: Grow up.
Re: Best game ever.

jamesmcm said:
I was being honest - I think the reason people think Fallout 3 is worse than Fallout 2 is because they are selectively remembering the best parts of it rather than the dull tedium like the Temple Of Trials at the start and the general clunky combat.
Nobody denies the flaws in the original games. There was no Temple of Trials in Fallout 1. "Clunky" combat is a matter of opinion. I think the combat in Fallout 3 is very clunky. The vault-tutorial is very boring once you replay the game. And I don't think you can skip through it as fast as the temple in Fallout 2.
Think about it, are tutorials and the speed of combat really the defining features of the games in question?

jamesmcm said:
I think people hate it also because it's good and popular and many people liked the original Fallout because it was indie.
Uhm... what?

jamesmcm said:
I don't have such a biased, subjective view and can see that Fallout 3 is clearly by far a superior game.
Personal views in general tend to be biased and subjective. You are biased towards Fallout 3. Nothing wrong with that, your opinion.

jamesmcm said:
I can see how people say Oblivion was a bit of a disappointment compared to Morrowind - but not with Fallout 2 and 3.
That depends on what disappointment means to you. If you never liked the idea of turn-based combat, deep dialogue, dark humour and character specialization, then Fallout 3 is probably not a disappointment.

jamesmcm said:
I would really like to see all those who complain about Fallout 3 being too action-based to try and play Fallout again - it really is too slow.
This argument doesn't make any sense. How would someone who complains about Fallout 3 being too action-based think of Fallout's combat as "too slow"? Many people around here replay Fallout on a regular basis.
Re: Best game ever.

Buxbaum666 said:
jamesmcm said:
I was being honest - I think the reason people think Fallout 3 is worse than Fallout 2 is because they are selectively remembering the best parts of it rather than the dull tedium like the Temple Of Trials at the start and the general clunky combat.
Nobody denies the flaws in the original games. There was no Temple of Trials in Fallout 1. "Clunky" combat is a matter of opinion. I think the combat in Fallout 3 is very clunky. The vault-tutorial is very boring once you replay the game. And I don't think you can skip through it as fast as the temple in Fallout 2.
Think about it, are tutorials and the speed of combat really the defining features of the games in question?

jamesmcm said:
I think people hate it also because it's good and popular and many people liked the original Fallout because it was indie.
Uhm... what?

jamesmcm said:
I don't have such a biased, subjective view and can see that Fallout 3 is clearly by far a superior game.
Personal views in general tend to be biased and subjective. You are biased towards Fallout 3. Nothing wrong with that, your opinion.

jamesmcm said:
I can see how people say Oblivion was a bit of a disappointment compared to Morrowind - but not with Fallout 2 and 3.
That depends on what disappointment means to you. If you never liked the idea of turn-based combat, deep dialogue, dark humour and character specialization, then Fallout 3 is probably not a disappointment.

jamesmcm said:
I would really like to see all those who complain about Fallout 3 being too action-based to try and play Fallout again - it really is too slow.
This argument doesn't make any sense. How would someone who complains about Fallout 3 being too action-based think of Fallout's combat as "too slow"? Many people around here replay Fallout on a regular basis.

Well I dislike turn-based combat (especially when it's the only optin) and also love stealth-based games like Thief so I feel Fallout 3 is a huge improvement. I can't see how anyone can deny Fallout 3 is a good game though. Sure some might prefer turn-based combat, etc. but Fallout 3 is still a good game.
I played through fallout 2 twice right after I got bored forever with fallout 3. They were my 5th and 6th play throughs I think. I will never play fallout 3 again. There's nothing clunky about the combat, and it's not too slow, if you want to play an RPG. Being that I just played it through twice, I clearly remember the tedium of the temple of trials. I also remember the tedium of every single subway station/abandoned factory/cave etc etc in fallout 3 and the lack of reward in them.

Your comments about your lack of subjectivity are hilarious. Your thoughts about "awesome RP elements" are hilarious. You want a shooter, I want an RPG. Bethesda turned one of the few good RPGs into a shooter, and you want me to clearly see that it's a better game? It's an ok game, though I feel there are lots of better shooters, but if you want to make a shooter don't call it fallout 3 and bury what made fallout great and unique. This has been said a hundred times by now I think.