So, uh, did anyone like it?

Dead Guy said:
I played through fallout 2 twice right after I got bored forever with fallout 3. They were my 5th and 6th play throughs I think. I will never play fallout 3 again. There's nothing clunky about the combat, and it's not too slow, if you want to play an RPG. Being that I just played it through twice, I clearly remember the tedium of the temple of trials. I also remember the tedium of every single subway station/abandoned factory/cave etc etc in fallout 3 and the lack of reward in them.

Your comments about your lack of subjectivity are hilarious. Your thoughts about "awesome RP elements" are hilarious. You want a shooter, I want an RPG. Bethesda turned one of the few good RPGs into a shooter, and you want me to clearly see that it's a better game? It's an ok game, though I feel there are lots of better shooters, but if you want to make a shooter don't call it fallout 3 and bury what made fallout great and unique. This has been said a hundred times by now I think.

Bethesda don't make shooters they make FPS/RPGs. BoS is a shooter and I think we can all agree Fallout 3 is better than that. If you want to live in the '90s still and play old video games because you think it makes you '1337' then feel free to do so but don't criticize Bethesda for making a great game out of that story just because it made it popular. You might wanna get your eyes tested because those glasses are _heavily_ rose-tinted.
Re: Best game ever.

jamesmcm said:
Well I dislike turn-based combat (especially when it's the only optin) and also love stealth-based games like Thief so I feel Fallout 3 is a huge improvement.
It boils down to: you like games of a different genre.

jamesmcm said:
I can't see how anyone can deny Fallout 3 is a good game though. Sure some might prefer turn-based combat, etc. but Fallout 3 is still a good game.
I don't see how anyone can not see that Fallout 3 fails as a shooter and as an RPG. But that's just me.

jamesmcm said:
Bethesda don't make shooters they make FPS/RPGs.
You spend most of your time in Fallout 3 shooting stuff in first person. If that is called "FPS/RPG" then I obviously don't like "FPS/RPGs"

jamesmcm said:
If you want to live in the '90s still and play old video games because you think it makes you '1337' then feel free to do so but don't criticize Bethesda for making a great game out of that story just because it made it popular. You might wanna get your eyes tested because those glasses are _heavily_ rose-tinted.
Now that's just biased.
Re: Best game ever.

Buxbaum666 said:
jamesmcm said:
Well I dislike turn-based combat (especially when it's the only optin) and also love stealth-based games like Thief so I feel Fallout 3 is a huge improvement.
It boils down to: you like games of a different genre.

jamesmcm said:
I can't see how anyone can deny Fallout 3 is a good game though. Sure some might prefer turn-based combat, etc. but Fallout 3 is still a good game.
I don't see how anyone can not see that Fallout 3 fails as a shooter and as an RPG. But that's just me.

Well then stop complaining about Fallout 3. It's an FPS/RPG whether you like it or not and Interplay gave them the rights fairly. It happened, no complaining will change that.

You don't like FPS/RPGs? Well then don't play it - but don't sit on forums complaining about it non-stop.

I don't see why people are acting as if Bethesda have done something wrong. Interplay gave them the rights to do this, and IMO the game is great. If you don't think it fits with the series then don't play it - no whinging will make Van Buren any more complete.

It's quite pitiful really.
Re: Best game ever.

jamesmcm said:
Well then stop complaining about Fallout 3. It's an FPS/RPG whether you like it or not and Interplay gave them the rights fairly. It happened, no complaining will change that.

You don't like FPS/RPGs? Well then don't play it - but don't sit on forums complaining about it non-stop.
Ah, the inevitable killer argument, you tell me to stop complaining. Why should I? Why did you start arguing in the first place? I don't remember me telling you to shut up or something. So why do you tell me?

jamesmcm said:
I don't see why people are acting as if Bethesda have done something wrong.
I don't see why people are constantly acting as if they have to defend Bethesda and Fallout 3. You like it? Fine by me. No problem. I don't care. Why don't you accept that people may have different opinions?
Re: Best game ever.

Buxbaum666 said:
jamesmcm said:
Well then stop complaining about Fallout 3. It's an FPS/RPG whether you like it or not and Interplay gave them the rights fairly. It happened, no complaining will change that.

You don't like FPS/RPGs? Well then don't play it - but don't sit on forums complaining about it non-stop.
Ah, the inevitable killer argument, you tell me to stop. Why did you start arguing in the first place? I don't remember me telling you to shut up or something. So why do you tell me?

jamesmcm said:
I don't see why people are acting as if Bethesda have done something wrong.
I don't see why people are constantly acting as if they have to defend Bethesda and Fallout 3. You like it? Fine. No problem. I don't care. Why don't you accept that people may have different opinions?

Because every post I ever see on this forum is complaining about Bethesda. I can understand that maybe they think 'the Man has made their game Mainstream' or w/e but really Bethesda did a great job and it's a shame to see so many people hating their success.
Re: Best game ever.

jamesmcm said:
Because every post I ever see on this forum is complaining about Bethesda.
You haven't read many posts on this forum, then.

jamesmcm said:
but really Bethesda did a great job
Do you realize that you are stating your personal opinion as a fact?

jamesmcm said:
and it's a shame to see so many people hating their success.
Nobody hates their success, that's just nonsense. There are plenty of valid reasons to dislike Fallout 3 if you are a fan of the originals. You can read many of them on this forum, I won't do the search for you.
I could give a shit about their success. I don't like the game, ergo I will complain. Now I will use the same ultimate argument you did earlier: If you don't like the opinions of those who post here, don't read them.
Re: Best game ever.

jamesmcm said:
Well then stop complaining about Fallout 3. It's an FPS/RPG whether you like it or not and Interplay gave them the rights fairly. It happened, no complaining will change that.

You don't like FPS/RPGs? Well then don't play it - but don't sit on forums complaining about it non-stop.

I don't see why people are acting as if Bethesda have done something wrong. Interplay gave them the rights to do this, and IMO the game is great. If you don't think it fits with the series then don't play it - no whinging will make Van Buren any more complete.

It's quite pitiful really.

This is just trolling.

"If you don't like it, don't play it and don't complain." When the same argument gets used on you - if you don't like reading complaints, then don't read them and don't complain, and no amount of complaining on your part is going to change anything - then that is to be conveniently ignored. I haven't even been here that long and I've already seen all of your arguments rehashed a dozen times, and often in much more articulate ways. All of your arguments are just catchphrases. It has RPG elements and stealth/action gameplay. It adds to immersion. They can do what they want. Blah blah blah.

Well, I haven't seen anyone else argue that their personal opinions are objective. That's a new one. Then again, that's kind of a variation of the "I'm right, you're wrong argument," just with a lot less effort than most would put into it.

So Bethesda has the rights to Fallout and they can do whatever they want with it, but no one else has the right to speak their minds about it? If others don't get the right to criticize it, then what gives you the right to praise it? Whatever. What I don't get about some of you guys is this - why does it irk you so much that there are people who hate the game as much as they do? I know that plenty of people jizz their pants over Fallout 3. That's fine, I don't care enough about that to go and chastise them for it. I mean, it's obviousy important enough to you for you to register here for the sole purpose of arguing against it. And hell, I've seen some people make sensible arguments in favor of Fallout 3, but a) their arguments consist of more than just catchphrases ripped straight off of a marketing campaign, b) that's not all they talk about, and c) you're not one of them. I think you're just trolling. Have fun.
Re: Best game ever.

Scowl said:
jamesmcm said:
Well then stop complaining about Fallout 3. It's an FPS/RPG whether you like it or not and Interplay gave them the rights fairly. It happened, no complaining will change that.

You don't like FPS/RPGs? Well then don't play it - but don't sit on forums complaining about it non-stop.

I don't see why people are acting as if Bethesda have done something wrong. Interplay gave them the rights to do this, and IMO the game is great. If you don't think it fits with the series then don't play it - no whinging will make Van Buren any more complete.

It's quite pitiful really.

This is just trolling.

"If you don't like it, don't play it and don't complain." When the same argument gets used on you - if you don't like reading complaints, then don't read them and don't complain, and no amount of complaining on your part is going to change anything - then that is to be conveniently ignored. I haven't even been here that long and I've already seen all of your arguments rehashed a dozen times, and often in much more articulate ways. All of your arguments are just catchphrases. It has RPG elements and stealth/action gameplay. It adds to immersion. They can do what they want. Blah blah blah.

Well, I haven't seen anyone else argue that their personal opinions are objective. That's a new one. Then again, that's kind of a variation of the "I'm right, you're wrong argument," just with a lot less effort than most would put into it.

So Bethesda has the rights to Fallout and they can do whatever they want with it, but no one else has the right to speak their minds about it? If others don't get the right to criticize it, then what gives you the right to praise it? Whatever. What I don't get about some of you guys is this - why does it irk you so much that there are people who hate the game as much as they do? I know that plenty of people jizz their pants over Fallout 3. That's fine, I don't care enough about that to go and chastise them for it. I mean, it's obviousy important enough to you for you to register here for the sole purpose of arguing against it. And hell, I've seen some people make sensible arguments in favor of Fallout 3, but a) their arguments consist of more than just catchphrases ripped straight off of a marketing campaign, b) that's not all they talk about, and c) you're not one of them. I think you're just trolling. Have fun.

Your right Scowl but let the mods decide if he's trolling.

These guys come over to our beloved site and talk their fanboy shit and expect us to take it up the ass. I don't think so. We have just as much right to bitch about the shitty game. I'm getting sick of seeing these guys come over here and bitch and moan.
We don't give a fuck if you like the game.If you hate our attitude towards Fallout 3's unholy stench then go post at Bethesda forums. Otherwise try to read a few more threads before jumping to conclusions.
I've always loved the "if you don't like it, don't play / use / watch " it argument.

ie: If you don't like the fatman in FO3, don't use it.

Seems to me, simply ignoring terrible game design choices, or large gaps in cannon isn't a real solution.

Same goes for opinions here. if somebody likes FO3, good for you. Most of the users here at NMA don't like FO3, and that's OK too.

I saw a movie once where only one set of opinions were allowed, and all dissenting opinion was simply squashed. I had trouble following it though, as it was in German... I think the title was "Triumph of the Will."
rcorporon said:
I've always loved the "if you don't like it, don't play / use / watch " it argument.

ie: If you don't like the fatman in FO3, don't use it.

Seems to me, simply ignoring terrible game design choices, or large gaps in cannon isn't a real solution.

Same goes for opinions here. if somebody likes FO3, good for you. Most of the users here at NMA don't like FO3, and that's OK too.

I saw a movie once where only one set of opinions were allowed, and all dissenting opinion was simply squashed. I had trouble following it though, as it was in German... I think the title was "Triumph of the Will."
Triumph of the Will was a spectacular film. I kid not.
Re: Best game ever.

jamesmcm said:
I loved it. It's the best game I have ever played tbh.
Let me guess: you haven't played the previous Fallout RPGs (and no, getting them in anticipation of Fallout 3 and not going beyond the Temple of Trials/cave of rats doesn't count) :wink:

Anyway, well... if this is the best game you've played, good for you, I gess. I don't envy the gaming experience it implies you have, though.

jamesmcm said:
But overall, it is an absolute masterpiece and I much preferred it to Fallout 2 where switching to and from combat is a slow and painful process,
And I, on the contrary, say that is Fallout 2 what is an absolute masterpiece and that I much prefer it to Fallout 3 where dealing with combat is a slow-minded and painful process.
Now, who wins? :D

jamesmcm said:
although really they are different kind of games.
It's good to see that you are able to discern such a basic fact. The only remaining question is whether you are also able to discern that no one kind of game is inherently better than other.

jamesmcm said:
Bethesda have produced a great game
"Opinions are like assholes, Dan - everyone's got 'em an they all stink. Goodbye"
-The Chosen One to "Dangerous" Dan McGrew.

So you do think (well, you actually state) that Bethesda has produced a great game. Well, I think just the contrary. Again: who is right? :roll:

jamesmcm said:
and I think it's a real shame some people dislike it
Is it really a shame for you that not all people agree with your point of view and see the things as you do? Seriously?... :shock:
Welcome to the 'freedom of thinking' world. You'll have a somewhat hard time around here, I guess.

jamesmcm said:
just because they are remembering a clunky, slow and dated isometric RPG from the '90s through rose-tinted, selective memory spectacles.
Have you ever stopped and consider that maybe, JUST maybe, it is that they actually love Fallout 2 better than a clunky, slow-minded and graphically-dated first-person shooter with minigames from Bethesda that some see through hype-tinted, memoryless spectacles? 8-)

jamesmcm said:
As great as Fallout was then - that doesn't mean all sequels must be rubbish.
Now this sentence makes no sense. If you consider Fallout great, how is that any sequel true to it would be rubbish? :shock:... No, I won't ask you if you're aware of the ridiculousness of the blatant contradiction in your words; by reading plenty of your post, I'm positively sure you aren't.

And no; a Fallout sequel doesn't have to be rubbish. It simply has to be a true Fallout game, that is: a game of the same kind of the previous titles. If Bethesda thinks that the kind of game Fallout is is rubbish, then don't pretend to be making a sequel to it.

jamesmcm said:
It's a shame Black Isle didn't finish Van Buren in time for it to be released as a spin-off
Uh... What? :shock:
Van Buren an Spinoff... and a shooter with minigames a Fallout sequel?... :shock:
Are we living in Bizarro World? :lol:

jamesmcm said:
I was being honest - I think the reason people think Fallout 3 is worse than Fallout 2 is because they are selectively remembering the best parts of it rather than the dull tedium like the Temple Of Trials at the start
Are you serious?... :shock:
Are you really suggesting that we should remember a long and great gaming experience for a part that is less than the 0'001% of the game, which you even can beat in less than a minute, and that it is the contrary what is "being selective"?
Are you really aware the nonsense you've just said? I'm starting to wonder if you really want to be taken seriously :lol:

jamesmcm said:
and the general clunky combat.
Do I really need to bring the "Chosen One to Dan McGrew" quote again?... :roll:

jamesmcm said:
I think people hate it also because it's good and popular and many people liked the original Fallout because it was indie.
People hate Fallout 3 for being popular? :shock: ... Fallout, indie? :shock: ...
My friend, if you have proven something today, it is that you suffer a severe case of disinformation.
I would tell you that getting informed about what you want to talk about is a good way to prevent being ridiculous... but I somehow suspect that this advice would fall in deaf ears.

jamesmcm said:
I don't have such a biased, subjective view and can see that Fallout 3 is clearly by far a superior game.
:shock: ...... :rofl: :clap:
If your previous quote "As great as Fallout was then - that doesn't mean all sequels must be rubbish." was the king of the blatant contradictions, this one must be the god :lol:
Seriously, if you were really aware of the levels of hypocrisy and cynicism reached with that sentence, you'd never even consider conceiving it in your mind.
It is obvious that trying to explain you that it is precisely your bias and subjetive view what makes you proclaim Fallout 3 as a far a superior game over previous Fallouts is useless.

jamesmcm said:
But I love the way it has stealth/action gameplay as well as awesome RP elements. It really adds to the immersion.
"Awesome RP elements"... :|
I'd like you to tell me what are those Role-Play elements from Fallout 3 you are talking about. You won't be referring to the worthless stats and skills (which have been proven to be meaningless in comparison to player's skills), the quest compass (a paradigm of hand-holding) or the BUTTS... err VATS (aka bullet-time for dummies), will you?

jamesmcm said:
Well then stop complaining about Fallout 3 (...) You don't like FPS/RPGs? Well then don't play it - but don't sit on forums complaining about it non-stop.
And why, if I may ask, should we do what you order us to do instead of keep doing what we want? Because we are hurting your feeling?... :lol:
Poor boy; the only I can do for you in this regard is to feel sorry for you.

jamesmcm said:
I don't see why people are acting as if Bethesda have done something wrong
Uh... if that's really the case, then I suggest you to pick up one or two bobbleheads for the PE stat, seriously. Bethesda assured they were making a sequel to Fallout; instead, they ended up making a totally different kind of game from the previos ones. No matter how much you like it: as a sequel, they did it wrong.

jamesmcm said:
no whinging will make Van Buren any more complete.
And no whining will make us stop pointing out Fallout3's blatant flaws and stupidity. Sorry :wink:

jamesmcm said:
Well I dislike turn-based combat (especially when it's the only optin) and also love stealth-based games like Thief so I feel Fallout 3 is a huge improvement.
And finally, this sentence sums up your whole argument: "I like Fallout 3 better than the previous ones, therefore it is objectively a better game and all who disagree with me is being biased and subjective".
You've not only show us that you're generally uninformed about the discussion theme, but also that you are unaware of the difference between an argument and an opinion. You really should be aware that this, in addition to your blatant contradictions, the general tone of your posts and the fact that you seem to be pissed off by other people's different opinion doesn't help you if you really want to be taken seriously.
You're really just bouncing, opposite to opposite. You wouldn't have cited him 20 times if there wasn't some weight to his side of the argument.

Everybody should just devote their energies to modding, be it expansions to 1 and 2 OR 3.
rcorporon said:
I've always loved the "if you don't like it, don't play / use / watch " it argument.

ie: If you don't like the fatman in FO3, don't use it.

Seems to me, simply ignoring terrible game design choices, or large gaps in cannon isn't a real solution.
Yeah I like how people act like other people waiting for a new series game with new technology and all the possible benefits that can bring when done right suddenly is null if you don't think the game does justice the the franchise name. I guess the ultimate solution for people dissatisfied with contemporary games is to just play old versions for infinity till they die (why didn't I market that genius notion?) Don't like latest in the series of (insert movie game here)? Simply play the old ones FOREVER and BE QUIET!!! Gee I don't much like Unreal 3 based on the consolified demo I tried I guess I should just play the original forever and shut my pie hole....A brilliant non solution 'solution'.
Re: Best game ever.

TorontRayne said:
These guys come over to our beloved site and talk their fanboy shit and expect us to take it up the ass. I don't think so. We have just as much right to bitch about the shitty game. I'm getting sick of seeing these guys come over here and bitch and moan.
We don't give a fuck if you like the game.If you hate our attitude towards Fallout 3's unholy stench then go post at Bethesda forums. Otherwise try to read a few more threads before jumping to conclusions.

Amen. I went to the Bethesda forums before I joined here to put forward reasoned arguments why Fallout 3 is flawed(to put it mildly). I tried to express it in a way that wouldn't be excessively inflammatory, yet got mugged within a few moments by the fanbots, getting a whole heap of abuse.

They don't like us going there and giving reasoned critique yet have no qualms about complaining when we here don't like their 'Fallout 3 is the greatest game of all time' rubbish on all threads.
In terms of this being an FPSRPG, it's not a good one. Play Deus Ex and tell me this is a good execution of an FPSRPG. Just try and tell me. It isn't, it fails on both levels massively. It doesn't have any of the things that make good FPS games deep, and it doesn't have any decent RPG elements in it. Fallout 3 is a terrible FPS RPG, because it decided to try and take out most of the RPG and didn't replace it with any good FPS.
Re: Best game ever.

Commiered said:
TorontRayne said:
These guys come over to our beloved site and talk their fanboy shit and expect us to take it up the ass. I don't think so. We have just as much right to bitch about the shitty game. I'm getting sick of seeing these guys come over here and bitch and moan.
We don't give a fuck if you like the game.If you hate our attitude towards Fallout 3's unholy stench then go post at Bethesda forums. Otherwise try to read a few more threads before jumping to conclusions.

Amen. I went to the Bethesda forums before I joined here to put forward reasoned arguments why Fallout 3 is flawed(to put it mildly). I tried to express it in a way that wouldn't be excessively inflammatory, yet got mugged within a few moments by the fanbots, getting a whole heap of abuse.

They don't like us going there and giving reasoned critique yet have no qualms about complaining when we here don't like their 'Fallout 3 is the greatest game of all time' rubbish on all threads.
Well most of them like fallout 3 for what it is. Not for what it should be. I dont blame anyone. But its really funny to read some comments ... yeah. Cross side trolling is not allowed, but I noticed that quite a lot somewhat get ... disillusioned when it comes to the quality of the game like the writting, the ending or gameplay and to how Bethesda is making games. And I as well cant see why some are so frenetic over the coming DLC as like it would now suddenly change the Fallout 3 we have now from the mediocre writing to some game with super awesome extremly deep dialogues now ...